Chapter 11 - Adam

Raven's first mission quickly turned into a disaster. The team was split up, and she was by herself, trying to stay hidden from the powerhouse that was now hunting them. What had started out as a chance to prove herself had quickly turned into a game of survival, and she wasn't liking her chances.

Batman had sent the team to an abandoned shipping yard in Jump City because of some magical interference that had caused some of the buildings nearby power to go out, and it was supposed to be strictly recon. Let's just say, it didn't stay that way for long.

Raven tried using the mind link to see if anyone had eyes on their target.

"Does anybody see him?"

"No, currently trying not to see him!" Voiced Wally, who knew who she was talking about.

"I see him, and I want a rematch." Huffed Superboy.

"SB, that's a bad idea! This guy has gone against Supes and won! That strength combined with magic is a tough combo to go against for any Kryptonian. We need to call the League!"

"Come out, little heroes! Anyone who stands in the way of me and making sure that Khandaq is safe is an enemy of mine!"

Wally of course couldn't keep his mouth shut, "Um, how exactly are we keeping you from doing that? It just seems like you want to kill us man!"

Black Adam smirked, zeroing in on Kid Flash's voice. Faster than even Wally could react, Adam was behind the shipping crate he was hiding behind. KF yelped, trying to speed away, but Adam was faster and caught him by the neck.

"I see the League now sends children to do their bidding. Pathetic and Barbaric." The next instant though, Adam's face was met with Superboy's fist, causing him to drop Wally, who coughed and sped off.

Black Adam glared at the clone in annoyance. "Back for another beating? You Kryptonians never learn." Superboy snarled and launched himself at the man in a blind rage.

Meanwhile, now that Adam was occupied Robin was trying to find the person Adam was meeting with: Dr. Crane.

When they had arrived, they saw Adam and Scarecrow conversing, but after their cover was blown, almost immediately, Scarecrow vanished.

"Does anybody have eyes on the doctor?"

"A little busy here! Oof!"

"I see him, he is currently trying to escape in a white van. Me and Kaldur are pursuing," Voiced M'gann.

Robin had to bite back a curse, if he was already in the van and driving, he would have to focus his attention on Adam. Problem was, he wasn't sure how to take down the beast of a man. He made his way over to where Superboy and now Raven, were doing combat. Superboy was not having a good time, even with Raven's assistance. Every time he punched the significantly larger man, his punches seemed to just bounce off of him. Raven was trying her best to restrain him with tendrils of shadows, but he kept

breaking through them as if they weren't even there.

"Wally! Can you help Meg and Kaldur to pursue Scarecrow?"

"On it." Robin sighed, this was getting out of hand. He picked up his communicator to call the league when a bolt of lightning hit him square in the chest, throwing him back into a wall, dazing him. As he struggled to get up, Raven formed a dome of darkness around Adam, in an attempt to subdue him. Superboy, on the otherside of the wall, was panting heavily. Raven sent all of her concentration towards keeping the dome intact, as it was starting to crack with all of Black Adam's ferocious strikes.

Raven gritted her teeth, "Robin! Hurry up and call the League, I can't hold him much longer!" Robin finally snapped to his senses and picked up his communicator once more, "Robin to Batman, we need reinforcements! It's Black Adam and Scarecrow, and we cannot subdue Adam. Requesting League assistance at the abandoned ship yard in Jump City!"

"Solid copy Robin, we are en route. If the situation is dire, retreat for now. We will be there shortly, Batman out." Robin breathed a premature sigh of relief. "Reinforcements are on the way! We just got to keep hi-" At that moment Adam broke through Raven's construct. He looked at the young heroes before chuckling softly.

"I must admit, your commitment is admirable. A shame the same cannot be said for your battle prowess." With that, he attacked Superboy again, only this time Superboy was too exhausted to do anything except take the blows. As Adam landed a blow to the young clones head, blood started to trickle down his nose. Raven, seeing the situation that SB was in, continuously threw balls of dark magic at the man. After nearly beating the clone into unconsciousness, he stopped his attack and turned to Raven. Her attacks only seemed to make him annoyed, which she didn't understand at all. That was potent dark magic, he should be flying back into a wall or something! Adam smiled before launching himself at the pale girl.

Raven barely had enough time to make a shield construct before Adam reached her. She tried to fly away while maintaining it, but the mystic broke through and grabbed her by the throat as he did Wally only moments before. Robin tried throwing exploding bird-a-rangs at the man, but if he felt anything he didn't show it. Black Adam brought Raven closer for inspection as she struggled to breathe against his hard grip. "Interesting..." He shook his head before letting go of her. "Do not mistake my mercy for surrender, young hero. You seem to be very powerful, but something is holding you back from releasing all that rage building up underneath. Perhaps it has something to do

with your Father?"

Raven was gasping for breath, Robin now beside her. When Adam spoke those words, though, Raven froze, causing Robin to look up. "What are you talking about, Adam?"

The man merely chuckled before he started to fly away. "In due time, young hero. Soon you will see what I mean. For now though, I think I will be taking my leave."

"Aw, leaving so soon? But we only just got here." Black Adam whirled around to see half of the Justice League assembled behind him. The Flash, who had spoken, had a smirk on his face.


"Now Adam, care to tell us what you are doing so far away from your home country?" Superman asked. Black Adam knew he was screwed. If it was just the Kryptonian, he may have been able to stand a chance, but with even just half of the League here, he was going to be in for the fight of his life.

"It is none of your concern of the affairs of Kahndaq!"

Superman shook his head in fake sympathy, "Shame. I was really trying to get into politics,"

"I have diplomatic immunity you fools!"

Batman shook his head, "Not when you have been declared persona non grata," before Superman looked at him and blasted him with his heat vision.

As Black Adam flew back into some shipping containers, the Flash and Martian Manhunter wasted no time in blitzing the man. Adam let loose an ungodly snarl from the crates and flew out to meet his attackers head on. He dodged the Flash and went to tackle the green Martian.

"SHAZAM!" Jon barely had time to phase through the attack as it hit Adam, causing him to revert back into his mortal self. For a second, everyone was stunned at how quickly the fight seemed to have ended before Adam spoke the magical word again, causing him to revert back into his godly enhanced self. Most of the Leaguers groaned, but Supes wasted no time charging him head on.

As the two powerful beings fist's met in a clash of speed and power, a shockwave was emitted, throwing most of the Leaguers back. Superman attempted to grapple with the man as the two flew up into the atmosphere. Green Lantern flew along side them, creating a powerful sniper construct before taking aim and firing the light based weapon. The effect was immediately felt by Adam, but he couldn't let that stop him as he was dodging laser vision and punches from the Man of Steel mid-flight.

GL, a little ticked, yelled at Superman to move out of the way before creating another light based construct, this time a Jet which exploded on impact.

As Adam went sprawling out of the air, Superman went in for the final shot, only for his punch to be caught by the not-so-dazed man.

"Got you!"

"Think again," using his laser eyes to send the man the rest of the way to the ground.

As the fight continued overhead, on the ground Batman, the Flash, and Green Arrow all gathered the young heroes for a quick summary of what happened. After explaining that Scarecrow and Black Adam were in the middle of something before they showed up Batman held up a hand to stop Robin who was in the middle of his quick explanation.

"Where is Scarecrow and the others?"

"We sent them after Crane after he tried escaping in a van. We were to preoccupied with the fight to help in the pursuit."

As they continued talking, Raven and Superboy were not paying attention, as they were watching the fight that was taking place. Superman and Manhunter had both sent the enemy crashing into the ground once more, creating a huge crater. For some reason though, Adam continued to get up and continue fighting. As they were watching, they didn't notice the other three heroes arrive with a bound and gagged Dr. Crane.

"Woah, so that's what all the noise was. Gotta say, I'm impressed he's still standing."

Batman looked back to see what was going on and smirked, "Not for long."

Sure enough, Manhunter had shapeshifted into a huge python like creature and started constricting Adam, right before Superman landed a knockout blow to Black Adam's dome. The man went limp as he drifted into unconsciousness.

Supes flew to the young heroes, who were watching in awe at the power that was just displayed. It was rare that they got to see Superman get to let loose. Honestly, it was almost scary how much power the Man of Steel seemed to posses, and every time he just seemed to get stronger and stronger.

"We'll take it from here, you guys made the right call calling us, Black Adam is an A-Tier opponent. Good work guy's." Superboy's eye's lit up with the Kryptonian's praise, if only for a moment, before noticing that Superman seemed to be making an effort not to meet the clones gaze. His good mood was gone as quickly as it came.

The Dark Knight nodded, "Had you guy's not called the League, Adam would have escaped. You guys did in fact do good work here tonight. We'll treat your wounds and tomorrow we will have the mission report." Kaldur nodded, knowing that mission report's were his responsibility. Though if the young Atlantean was being honest, he really didn't contribute much to the fight. Batman then sent them to get cleaned up and treated before turning to help the League transport Black Adam.

After Green Arrow and the Flash treated the wounded, they all went back to the bioship in silence. Well, most of them. While the others continued on ahead, Robin pulled Raven aside. "What was he talking about?"

She tried to play dumb, "Who?" but Robin wasn't buying it. "You know what I'm talking about. Black Adam mentioned something about repressed power and rage, before mentioning your Father. Who was he?"

This is what Raven was afraid of when she joined the team. She didn't want people to know of her true heritage, and the consequences that came with her existence. "Can we not do this right now? The other's are waiting for us." Robin seemed to ponder this for a moment.

"As soon as we get back to the cave then."

"Can it be privately?" He nodded and she breathed a small sigh of relief. She figured she would tell him at least part of the truth, but definitely not the whole truth.

They made their way back to the bioship in silence and boarded. Without a word, M'Gann directed the ship to go home.

The ride back was uneventful. As soon as they landed though, Robin made his way to Raven's room, obviously wanting to discuss it at the exact moment they landed. Raven felt her heart start pounding, she was nervous as to what her teammate would think. She didn't even want to tell him to begin with, but he was pretty adamant about finding out. She made her way to her room and opened the door, Robin following her in. She closed and locked it, taking a deep breath and turning around.

"Well? Spill."

Raven was hesitant, "Are you sure about this?" The younger teen nodded his head, clearly eager to find out about Raven's mysterious origins.

She gestured towards the bed, "You may want to sit down for this."

"That bad?"

"I just don't want to scare you. I don't want you to think any differently of me. I already know I don't exactly fit in around here, and I know I'm not a people person. I've been trying to get better, but knowing what I am makes it hard. I'm always wondering what will happen if someone finds out, how they will view me. I don't want anything to change, you know?"

He nodded and made his way over to the bed. As he sat down, she started explaining. "I'm not from this dimension. I'm from a place called Azarath."

"I know this part, Batman already told me. Said something about it being gone now, right?"

She nodded. "It was destroyed, by my Father and his kind." This took Robin by surprise, "Your Father had a part in your home planet's destruction? How?"

"It's more like a dimension, but yes. And because my dad is a demon, making me a demidemon. The armies from the realm my father dwells in attacked my home dimension when they found out I was born, and they laid it to waste. My dad was a really powerful demon, respected among his brethren. It disgusts me. I never want to be like that, to show my demon side to anyone. I want to be the person I was raised on Azarath to be. So there you have it, I'm a demon. Happy now?" Raven almost broke down but managed to hold it together, if only barely.

Robin stayed silent for a minute, trying to detect any lie in his teammates voice. After not finding any, he stood up. "Raven, you didn't have to hide this from us. We're your friends you know. The rest of the team wouldn't look at you any different. Heck, we have a Martian and a freaking clone on the team. Who cares you are part demon? You want to help people, and in my book that's all that matters."

Raven let out a breathe of relief. He now knew a part of the truth, maybe not the whole truth, but that didn't really matter to Raven at the moment.

"But what did Adam mean when he said you had so much power just lurking inside, waiting to be released?"

Raven shook her head, "Honestly, I have no idea. I was hitting him with everything I had and it barely phased him."

Robin seemed to think about this for a moment before nodding, "Alright then. I'll drop the subject for now. Just remember that you can tell us anything because we're your friends. I won't tell anyone what you told me, it's not my place to say. Just know that we'll all stick beside you, got that?"

At this Raven smiled and nodded, the smile which Robin returned before walking out of her room. On the way out, he passed a very confused looking Wally as he was passing by, but Robin just shrugged and kept walking. Wally looked at Raven one more time before giving up whatever train of thought he was thinking and just walking away as well. Raven went over to the door and closed it, leaning against it after.

'Maybe, just maybe, I can trust them with my past. But not yet.'