Chapter 13 - Vote


Percy and Diana were sitting over a cliff staring out at the ocean, just talking and enjoying each other's company. His training with Wonder Woman a little over the past month had paid off tremendously, his heritage helping him to take everything and quickly improve exponentially. His transitions from sword to trident and back mid combat were almost flawless, and he and Diana were now pretty much evenly matched in terms of battle prowess now.

"Perseus, tomorrow I have to go to the Watchtower for a league meeting. That and a Christmas party." He was pulled out of his thoughts as she said this and looked up at her, nodding. "So you won't be here then? Alright, that's cool."

She smiled and looked back at him, "We are deciding on new members to join the League, and I want to recommend you, if you are alright with it?"

To say his jaw dropped would be an understatement, it was now fully detached. "Wait, are you serious? You'd do that for me?" "Of course, you are every bit a hero in your own right, and the League would greatly benefit from your presence. I also feel like training with other members of the league would benefit you, give you a chance to see some of the abilities of the inhabitants of this world as compared to yours."

Percy stood up, grinning wildly, "Diana, that would be awesome! No offense to you or anything, but I'm getting kind of cooped up on this island, and since I've been out of hell I still haven't had a proper pizza or another burger. I miss the food of the gods!" She laughed, before Percy got a frown on his face.

Looking at him, she could instantly tell something was bothering him. "What is it?" He looked back towards the ocean with his shoulders slumped, "Isn't Aquaman part of the League? What would he say about that?"

"Arthur? The day I got here I took care of it. Someone in the League owed me a favor, this would be a first impression of sorts." Confusion was clearly easy to see in his face, because she just gave a mischievous smirk and shrugged. "Don't worry about it too much right now, in time, it'll come to you I'm sure. After you meet my colleague, of course."

Rolling his eyes at her antics, he turned around and placed his hand on his own shadow, sending a pulse of his power through the shadows. Standing up and stepping back, he waited the two seconds it took for his dog and cat to appear, Mrs O'Leary clearly excited to see him. Small Bob, of course, just jumped on Percy's shoulder and made himself at home. He turned back to Diana and saw she had a smile on her face at the sight of his pets. He still remembered the look on her face the first day he summoned them. It was priceless.

As he was thinking this, Mrs. O'Leary ran over to Diana and she started petting her, his dog's tongue out and tail wagging as she did so. He chuckled, "Sometimes, I think she likes you more than me."

"Of course she does, she's a smart dog. She clearly acknowledges the Alpha." Percy scoffed, turning his head to face Small Bob. "At least I know that you'll never betray me, Small Bob." Said cat purred in agreement.

"Dogs are clearly superior, don't you think Perseus?"

"Oh no, no no nope. You can't do that to me!"

"Dogs or cats?"



Both animals, being quite intelligent, were both staring expectantly at the young God. He however had one trump card up his sleeve. He had a thought, and now was his chance. "Diana, I still haven't mastered any part of my domains, and we haven't met with the Olympians of this world yet. Is that going to be a problem, because I remember you saying something about it being dangerous for me to not know my abilities yet.

She frowned, and continued to pet his dog. He had successfully changed the subject. It's the little victories that count.

"I have been thinking about it. You have tremendously improved even farther than your previous capabilities, and you're very powerful. I see the League as a great place for you, and you as a great asset to the League. On top of that, however, there are other powerful beings that roam this planet. Training with them will give you a greater insight to the types of powers on this world, as well as the different ways people utilize those powers."

Nodding, he responded, "Yeah, that makes sense. But what about the Olympians, though? I still need to meet with them, as much as I don't want to." The last part he muttered, but she still heard it. She didn't acknowledge it though.

"It's very hard to get an audience with the gods of this world. Sometimes they can speak through my mother, or they visit me. But we sent a message and are just waiting for a response. Until then, why not put your other talents to good use?"

"Huh, I guess that's true. Any idea where I would stay if they were to say yes?"

"I would say the Watchtower, but seeing as you're not one to be cooped up, maybe you can pick a city you would like to patrol. The League would cover living expenses, of course. But more on that if they accept you."

"Am I supposed to go with you tomorrow then?" "If you would want too, then sure. I would love to bring you to the Watchtower."

"Yeah me too, considering you still haven't told me where it is," he pouted. "That's because I want to see the look on your face when you see it," she responded, an annoying grin on her face. Percy groaned.

"Whatever, it can't be that impressive anyways. Onto other matters though, can we just say that I'm your cousin from this world and not some other one, or the fact I've been to Hell? I feel like that would be kind of a negative on trying to join a team of good guys and all. You know, they might think I'm crazy."

"I was planning to say all that. Everyone is entitled to their secrets, little cousin. Besides, I still don't know all of yours, and you don't know all of mine. Everyone has things they wish to keep to themselves."

"True enough. Though if for some reason I do end up opening up, it'd be to you for sure. You being one of the only demigods alive, well you would probably be the only one to get it."

"In time, whatever you do end up telling me, I will listen without judgement."

"That's all I ask, Diana."

"Of course. Now go get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of ourselves tomorrow, and we have to make you look presentable. Also, you have to get up early."

"Wait, how early?!"

"Um, 6?"

"You're kidding, right?"

"Nope. Have to get you nice clothes, so we're going to go shopping, and we're going to be the first ones there tomorrow. Also, you do want some mortal food, right?"

His shoulders slumped and he groaned loudly. "You really do know how to get a guy to neglect his beauty rest. That should be considered black mail!"

She laughed, shrugging. "What can I say, I'm good at what I do."

"Yeah, yeah, sure you are."

"Indeed cousin. Now go to bed! You're keeping me up now," she joked. He smiled at her before mist traveling to his room. "Damn, wish I could basically teleport," she muttered after he left, his pets also disappearing back into the shadows before also flying off to her room to get some rest as well.

Perseus appeared in his room and flopped on his bed, excited about the next days plans. 'I might get a chance at testing myself at this world's strongest and best. That's actually cool!' He thought to himself as he kicked off his boots and passed out. Little did he know, his dreams were about to ruin his mood considerably.


Percy had just arrived at Camp Half-Blood after defeating the Giants, along with the rest of the seven. This is where Gaia was rising at, and gods help him this is where she was going to fall. He looked over to his side and saw Annabeth next to him, her Drakon bone sword in hand, a fierce look of determination on her face. She was the very definition of beautiful in his eyes, and to him no one else could compare.

She looked over and smiled at him, "You just going to stand there or help me fight, Seaweed Brain?"

Grinning, he raised his sword in response and charged the enemies surrounding the camp, Greek and Roman Demigods alike banding together towards a common goal. It was a beautiful and deadly sight. Together, they charged at the enemy.

Suddenly, from under everyone's feet came a rumble and a shadow swept across the ground. All fighting seemed to cease as the dirt started to swirl at their feet. "Foolish demigods. My kin may have failed to kill you, but your efforts are still futile." The dirt on the crest of the hill started to take the form of a woman, and when it was complete, here eyes opened to reveal pale, white glossy eyes, with no emotion behind them whatsoever. "I

have awakened."

"Oh schist," Percy muttered, while everyone around them resumed fighting their opponents and the seven charged at Gaia. As they got closer though, She raised a hand and flicked her wrist, sending spikes of hardened earth from the ground up. As the seven reacted with superhuman reflexes, they all seemingly dodged, and Percy was about to continue his way towards the Primordial when a scream reached his ears. He froze. Turning around to see that one of the seven wasn't fast enough. One of them couldn't dodge the spires of hardened earth fast enough. And it was her. His love.

His lifeline. His Wisegirl.

She was on her knees, a hardened spike of earth impaled her from behind and went all the way through, blood dripping from the wound at an astonishing rate. "ANNABETH!" He rushed to her side, dropping his sword and pulling out some nectar and pouring some on her wound, the spike still impaled in her body.

"Percy-" "Annabeth we'll save you." He said gently, his eyes on the verge of tears. He turned his head to the battlefield and screamed, "I need a medic!" Will solace heard him and came rushing over, gasping when he saw one of the strongest demigods he knew impaled and dying.

"We got to get her off the spike to let the Nectar try and close it!" Will sounded panicked, and Percy was shaking almost uncontrollably. He nodded however, and as the preceded to slowly take her off the spire, Annabeth was losing consciousness. They got her off and laid her on the ground gently. Will took some nectar, poured it in the wound and stared singing a song of healing magic. Percy kept a grip tight on her hand, never letting go as he stroked her face with his other hand, tears in his eyes.

"Wise girl you'll make it you hear me? You will make it." Annabeth shook her head and met his gaze. "Promise me something Seaweed Brain. I'm not going to make it and we both know it. Swear on the Styx you'll move on."

"Don't say stuff like that! You'll survive even if I have to drag Apollo's ass down here myself!"


"Annabeth no!"

"Swear it. Please."

Percy cried and propped her up a little to wrap his arms around her, her blood staining his shirt. "I don't want you to leave me, Wise Girl. I can't lose you." He whispered softly. He could tell her breath was shaky, and deep down he knew she only had seconds left before she died. "Please-" she barely breathed out, trying her damnest to stay alive long enough for him to promise. He pulled out of the hug and gently cupped her face, lightly kissing her on the lips then looking her in the eyes. "I swear on the Styx, Wise Girl," he whispered softly. The tears from his eyes flowing constantly as he tried his best and failed to look strong for her.

She smiled faintly at him and closed her eyes. "I love you, Seaweed Brain."

"I love you too Wise Girl," he whispered back. This time however, she didn't respond. "Annabeth?" Nothing. Annabeth? Wise Girl? You can't leave me! I take it back! Annabeth come back!" No response.

It was at this moment, he felt something inside of him shatter. This was worse than the time he turned Ahklys own poison against her. This time, he suspected he would never be the same. He didn't know how he was supposed to move on. He didn't know what to do. No, that wasn't true. He knew exactly what he was supposed to do. He gently laid her down, then he stood up, oblivious to almost everything on the battlefield.

He turned around to see where the remaining five of the seven were trying there hardest to kill Gaia, but they weren't enough. She was merely toying with them. His sorrow turned into unbridled rage.

The ground beneath him started shaking while storm clouds started forming over head. Lightning struck, thunder rolled, and it started raining. As he started walking towards the Primordial, the winds started sweeping up around him, creating a hurricane unlike any he had ever created before.

The waves of the beach started to roll violently, and lightning started to flicker off his body. He wasn't in control, this was all due to his emotions, his sorrow and primal rage fueling his powers to levels never before seen in a demigod.

"GAIA! You took her away from me, and I swear on the Styx that you and every single being who sided with you, be it God, Titan, mortal or monster, will pay!"

The evil Queen of Earth flicked her wrist and the five fighting her were hit with a wall of dirt, all flying back. "You cannot kill me sea spawn, you were just another tool, another pawn in my plans to rise. And now, you'll die along with your lover."

She seemed oblivious to all the destruction that Percy was causing around her, and the fact that dirt around her body was flying off of her and into his hurricane. Percy reached into his pocket, Riptide already appearing and he withdrew it and uncapped it, the bronze sword springing back to life. "I think it's time for you to die now," and with that he lunged at her, the winds and earthquake he was causing aiding him in speed as he cleared the twenty feet separating them in under a second. He plunged his sword into her chest driving her backwards.

"Fool! You can't hope to beat me! I am a Primordial!" She tried creating spikes and walls of earth, anything to slow the Son of Poseidon's onslaught as he slashed, kicked, and punched the evil deity towards the ocean. She couldn't form anything however, as the earthquake he was creating somehow seemed to overpower her own.

"Die." Was all he simply said as he raised his hand and a wave of water engulfed the screaming woman of dirt, dragging her into the ocean. The water churned, making it so she couldn't reform. He also entered the water, reaching out with his senses and feeling every piece of dirt that was Gaia that was floating around. He willed the water to form currents and spread them rapidly all throughout the ocean, causing her essence to be spread out so far and wide she couldn't ever hope to form a consciousness ever again. After, he shot out of the water and landed far from the beach, facing the water very unsatisfied.

"She deserved more. Her death wasn't nearly as painful as it should have been!" He screamed to no one in particular, not noticing that everyone was surrounding him, and the ground was still shaking and the storm still raging. Flashes of light appeared behind him and a hand appeared on his shoulder.

"Son! You killed her! Stop this storm and earthquake, it's over, you've won. We've won." He turned around and saw his father, Poseidon, along with all the other Olympians and campers around him, staring at him in shock. The storm suddenly ceased and the ground stopped shaking. He then felt the immense exhaustion hit him as the last thing he muttered was "Annabeth..." before he passed out.


Percy woke up caked in sweat and gasping, reliving the memory from his past. Unknown to him, he wasn't the only person who had seen that memory that night.

"Perseus? Are you alright?" Diana's voice could be heard from the other side of his room door. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down before he answered.

"Ye-yeah, I uh, just have to shower now and stuff." Me mentally cursed himself, that was lame. He did need to shower and get ready though, today was the day he would get to meet the rest of the League.

"If you say so, I just heard you yelling in your sleep and got worried, that's all."

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for checking on me though."

"You're welcome. Now, hurry up and get ready we have to go soon."

Percy got out of bed and walked to the showers, grabbing his stuff on the way out. When he opened the door, Diana was already gone, but he didn't really think about it too much though. He just headed towards the shower room, feeling as if the only thing that could really calm him down and clear his mind was to have water surrounding him.

He entered the showers, undressed, and turned the water on. As soon as it made co tact with his skin, he instantly felt better. 'Get a hold of yourself man, it was so long ago.' He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of the water as it also energized him.

Soon enough, his mind was clear and he managed to calm down. He turned the water off and got out and got dressed.

As he walked out, Diana was there, waiting impatiently for him and not really caring about his personal space at the moment. "You ready now? It's 7:45 and we have to go."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ready, let's go Miss Impatient."

"I have a request, if you will. Think you could mist travel both of us to DC?"

He thought about it for a moment, before shrugging. "I've never taken another person before, but it shouldn't be that difficult. Though, you might want to close your eyes because it may feel a little weird."

"What, you think I won't be able to handle it?" She scoffed.

He smirked, "If you say so." He put his hand on her shoulder, "You ready?" She nodded, "Let's go."

Smirking, he focused on DC and willed his body to turn into water molecules along with Diana's. It was a little harder than he thought, but before he knew it he no longer had a physical form and felt his presence in front of the capital building. Willing their bodies to turn back, he let go of Diana and stepped back, and just in time too. As soon as they appeared she fell to her knees, gagging and throwing up. After dispelling whatever it was she ate for breakfast, she stood up shakily, and didn't meet Percy's eyes.

"Uh, I'll close my eyes next time." Laughing, he patted her on the back to help her calm down a little. "I tried to tell ya." She glared at him as he was grinning like a goofball. "Let's just get this over with," she grumbled, taking his hand and dragging him over to the mall, him laughing in the way over.

She took him to the National Mall, and he finally realized she wasn't dressed in her armor. She was dressed in a black pantsuit, her hair braided all the way down her back. He had to admit, she really looked good, just her now puke stained breath ruined the image. He laughed at that thought.

He lost track of time as they visited the different stores in the mall, and when they were finally done it was almost 1 in the afternoon. He was dressed in beige khakis, a blue polo shirt and black dress shoes. Diana tried to get him to go to a hair stylist, but that's the one thing he fought her tooth and nail on.

Granted his hair was messy, but when she showed him what she wanted to do, slick it back, he finally set his foot down. He would not have a mullet. He already felt ridiculous all dressed up.

As they walked out, she led him into a dark alley and he looked at her skeptically. "So, any reason for the random sketchy back ways you're taking me on?"

She smiled and entered a white van from the back, motioning for him to get in. 'I'm going to regret this,' he thought as he followed her into the back.

As he was looking all sketchy, a golden light engulfed him and he immediately closed his eyes out of habit. They both appeared in a white room immediately and he opened his eyes. "Welcome to the Watchtower," Diana said as she gestured with her arms around the building.

The place was quite large, and as he looked around he say that they were in a main room with computers around and hallways leading off into corridors. "Okay, this is kind of cool," he admitted before turning around and looking at the glass wall-like windows, stumbling back as he did.

He pointed at the windows and looked at Diana, "We're in space?!" She laughed and nodded, "I told you you'd be impressed." He just stared dumbfounded out the window, the earth below them. He was way too higher than he's ever been before, and even saying that was understatement. He was in freaking space! He looked back at her, "How-?" He couldn't even form a question, because he knew he had them, but had no idea what to ask or say.

She walked up to him and patted him in the back, "Do you need to close your eyes?" She asked jokingly. He glared at her, before rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, this is pretty cool. One would even say, out of this world," he grinned at her only for her to end up smacking the back of his head. "What am I going to do with you?" She muttered before gesturing him towards the hallway to follow her. He just grinned more and followed her.

She led him to a large training room. There were punching bags, weights, and a platform for combat simulations, and in the platform was a blonde woman wearing a leather jacket, a black V-Neck, fish stockings and a yellow eye mask. He almost did a double take, sure she was older, but with her blond hair and grey eyes, she almost reminded of his Wise Girl, had she gotten a chance to actually age. But after looking more closely, she could see slight differences. Her facial structure was a little different, her eyes were slightly further apart, little things. He breathed a small sigh of relief, but it still was a little jarring.

Off to the side of the blonde woman fighting simulated opponents, was a man in a green costume, hood down and a green eye mask. He was also a blonde. Diana finally spoke up, "Green Arrow, Black Canary, can I introduce you to someone?" The two clad individuals looked over at them, and Black Canary jumped off the platform and Green Arrow walked up to them along side with her. It wasn't hard to figure out who was who with names like that.

"Hey Diana, who's this?" The guy in green asked as they got to them. Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, this is Perseus, my cousin. Perseus, this is Dinah and Oliver."

The guy stuck out his hand to Percy, "Green arrow, nice to meet you Perseus." Percy shook his hand and smiled, "Please, just Percy. She just like annoying me," his head gesturing over towards Diana. Both of the females present laughed and Oliver grinned. "Oh she does now does she? So she big scary Amazon does have a sense of humor." Diana just chuckled and Diana smiled at Percy. "It's nice to meet you Percy. May I ask though, Diana why is he here exactly?"

Diana just shrugged at looked at them both. "I want him to join the League." They both stared at her in shock. "Okay, he may be your cousin, but he's just a kid Diana! He can't join the League, Batman is going to have a hay day."

"I'm not a kid," Percy spoke up, glaring at Green Arrow causing him to flinch back just slightly. Dinah raised an eyebrow at her husband, but didn't say anything. "Okay, sure you're not a kid. But convincing Batman of that is going to take a hell of a lot. Shouldn't the team be a better fit for now?"

Diana shook her head. "No. He personally trained with me, and I don't think it will. He belongs in the League and I'll convince Batman of that. He would benefit more from here than there anyways."

"If you think so, we'll back you up, won't we Ollie?" She turned to Oliver, and he just shrugged. "Sure, why not. If you guys say so." He agreed, not wanting to anger the two heroines in front of him. "Good." Dinah turned back to Percy. "I hope that you know what your getting yourself into, Percy. This is no walk in the park. You'll be expected to put your life before others, and our responsibilities are some of the most important in the whole world."

Percy looked at her seriously, "Trust me, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into. This is what I want, and I'm more than willing to throw myself into harms way for someone." Dinah shrugged, looking at Diana. I'll support you if you say he is capable. I think we should go to the meeting now, he can stay here in the training room if he wants."

"Fine by me," he replied.

"Don't break anything," Diana joked, and he just smirked. She smiled and turned to leave before he called out to them.

"Uh, can someone show me how to use the fancy training thingy?"

After being shown how, he set the difficulty on the hardest mode and enemies appeared. He got out his sword, the others already gone, and he started attacking the never ending waves of endless simulated enemies.

1 Hour Later - Conference Room

"So we all agree then that Aqualad should wait a few years till he joins then?" Superman asked, and everyone's hands went up.

Batman stood up and spoke, "Alright, now that that's done-" "Actually, there is one more I petition for to join," Diana spoke up. Batman raised an eyebrow.

"Donna isn't old enough yet."

"Not Donna. Someone else."

Batman was truly perplexed by this revelation. Who could she possibly want to join the League if not Donna? "Who?"

"My cousin, Perseus."

"I've never even heard of him, how are we supposed to vote if we don't know who he is or what he can do?"

She pointed to the computer monitor at the end of the table. "He's in the training room as we speak."

"You brought him to the Watchtower?"

"Of course. Pull up the feed of the training room." Batman grunted but did so. As the live feed started streaming, there was Percy, still training on the simulation in the hardest difficulty. Holographic humanoids were surrounding the young god, and they could pack a pretty hard physical punch. He had is sword out, and he was hacking and slashing in an almost hypnotic dance. Whenever a robot went down from a strike, another appeared but that didn't seem to hinder him.

One of the Holograms had a bo staff, and as He lunged at Percy with it, he raised his sword to block, the sword turning into a trident before it reached the peak of the block. Without missing a beat, he blocked with the now trident in his hands and swung the blunt end at the offending hologram. He twirled the trident in his hands and lunged at another, impaling it in the leg as he dodged a strike from yet another, ducking and swinging the blunted end against its head.

As the League continued to watch the young man dodge, strike and parry, Diana brought their attention back to her. "I vouch for my cousin. He would be a valuable asset to the League and he would greatly benefit from it as well."

"Does he have any powers or is he just a skilled swordsman?" The Flash spoke up.

She nodded, "He can control water, storms, earth a little bit, little bit of lightning, uninhabited other things."

Batman didn't look convinced. "If you have a protégé, shouldn't the team be a good place for him? Why the League right off the bat?" The flash chuckled at the pun along with Green Arrow, but Bruce didn't seem to catch it.

"He has experience, lots of it. More than you think, actually. The team wouldn't benefit him as much as the League. He has a really good grasp on his current powers, and he is powerful. I stand by him to join the League."

"As do I," Black Canary spoke up. Green Arrow took this as his cue to chime in also with his vote. Batman narrowed his eyes. "All three of you vouch for him?"

"Actually, I also vouch for the boy." Martian Manhunter spoke up, shocking everyone. "I know what he is capable of, and I think the League is a good fit for him as well."

"He looks familiar," Hal Jordan muttered. Aquaman, who was next to him was frowning. He kept thinking he had seen the boy before but couldn't remember anything. It was like the information should've been there but wasn't.

"You as well, Manhunter?"

"Yes, he has my vote."

"Now hold on a minute, just how old is he?"

Superman asked, clearly not okay with a kid joining the league. "The League is no place for children!"

Shazam shifted in his seat a little bit at that comment, but did t say anything, and no one else seemed to notice.

At the question, Diana frowned. "Physically, he can't age anymore, he stopped at 18. But he is far older. Like I said, he's my cousin and he is like me in a sense."

"Where has he been all this time?" Batman inquired.

"Recently, in Themyscira with me. Before that, is his own business. He wants to share on his own time."

"If Diana vouches for him, I will also vouch for him," Hawkwoman said while pointing at the screen. "I know a warrior when I see one, and I can tell that this man is a warrior."

"I as well," Hawkman chimed in.

"He seems to know what he's doing," John Stewart piped in.

"Diana, me and you along with the inner circle are going to have a talk after this. But it's time to vote."

"My vote is no. Superman?"










"Martian Manhunter?"


"Black Canary?"


"Green Arrow?"








"Captain Atom?"






Batman looked around, stunned by the voting. "What about Red Tornado and Cyborg ?"

"They aren't here, and we have been voting without them for over the past hour." Diana pointed out. Batman scowled, but didn't try and fight it.

"Alright then, the vote is 8-7. Perseus is now apart of the Justice League," Batman announced, not looking very happy. "That concludes this meeting, the Christmas party is now about to start then. Diana, would you and the others stay behind?" She nodded as the rest filed out. Superman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman and Hal Jordan all stayed behind.

"Alright Diana, time to spill."

Training Room - 30 Minutes Later

Diana walked in to see Percy now on the bench taking a break from his holographic onslaught. She walked over to the bench and sat next to him.

He looked at her and grinned, "That thing is so cool, I could see myself there for hours if they had programmable enemies."

She smiled at him before responding. "They actually do, I'll show you how to do it later if you want."

"Seriously? Hades yeah that would be great! Can we do it now?"

"Unfortunately no," she replied shaking her head.

There's a party you have to go to now. League members only."

His head snapped up at her in shock, "Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Smiling, she stood up and offered him her hand. "Welcome to the Justice League, Perseus."