Chapter 15 - Android
Percy looked around the little two bedroom apartment that Diana had brought him too. He had to admit, it was nice, two bedrooms, one bath, a living room and a kitchen. He turned to Diana and shrugged, "This place is nice, but it's kind of empty."
"Well, yeah, right now. The League will pay for and furnish it, along with giving you an allowance and a bank account, which in fact we have to go set up today."
"Oh, nice. So basically the Justice League is a job?"
"Yes and no. Most of the League have jobs outside of the hero business, along with their own lives to live. You can choose to do that too if you want. I actually recommend it, it won't be too good for you to just sit around here all day waiting to be needed in a crisis."
"I just don't know what I want to do. For nearly all of my life, all I've known is battle, war, training, survival and escape. It'll be hard to get a regular job. Even on this new world, I've just been training. What could I possibly do, Diana?"
She stayed silent while she thought about it. "Honestly Perseus, that's not for me to say. This is your life that you get to live, a second chance from the pit. No one else decides what you should do, or what you can or can't do."
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"When am I not," she retorted, smiling slyly.
Percy just rolled his eyes and looked around. "At least I'll have Small Bob and Mrs. O'Leary here to keep me company."
Diana nodded, "Very true, those two are very good companions. Oh, I almost forgot. Here you go." She pulled out a phone from her pocket and handed it over to him. He just took it out of her hand and stared at it.
"Never really had one of these before."
"It's a custom one, made for Leaguers. If the League is needed, an alert will pop up with a status report and location. Also, if you need too, press the button on the top and it will send out the alert that we are needed with your location. Also take this," she then handed him a communicator you put in your ear.
"Sometimes, it's easier to reach up and talk directly. You won't even notice it after awhile and it's quite durable."
"Woah, I feel like James Bond with all these gadgets!" He joked, but Diana just looked at him blankly. "Er, never mind. Let's go to the Bank then now?"
"Yeah, good idea." They turned to leave when Diana heard Oliver Queens voice in her ear, Percy had yet to put his in.
"Calling all available Leaguers! Me, Canary and Flash are in battle with an Android and request assistance! We are just outside Star City, I repeat, need assistance!"
Diana smirked and turned to Percy. "Todays your lucky day, Perseus. The League needs us."
"What's the problem?"
"We'll see when we get there, but all Arrow told us what's that it was an Android. But it's time to go."
"Well dang, alright let's go. This should be fun."
They both rushed downstairs and before Percy could react, Diana picked him up and flew them to the nearest teleporter. "Hey! A little warning next time?"
"Hey, I'm picking you up," she jokingly replied.
Percy threw his hands into the air and shook his head. "There's no winning with you, is there?"
"Nope, now get into the teleporter and say Star City!"
"Geez, okay okay." They had arrived at an alleyway and Percy already knew from previous experiences that it had to be the random old phone booth. He opened the door and walked in. "Perseus, Star City."
The phone booth filled with a golden light and the next thing he knew, he was standing in yet another alley way. A few seconds later Diana appeared.
"Oliver said they were on the outskirts of town, we should go now." Again, without warning she picked him up and flew over the city, looking for any place they could be. "Seriously?" Percy grumbled, but he seriously doubted that would have any actual effect on him. She tended to do things on purpose to annoy him, like continually call him Perseus even though he had asked her multiple times to call him Percy. He eventually gave up.
"Over there!" She started flying towards a smoke cloud that had appeared on the northern outskirts of the city. Within a few seconds, they landed behind a tree where Green Arrow was firing arrows at a very tall grey humanoid robot. The robot was doing hand to hand combat with Black Canary and blocking insanely fast attacks from the flash.
A second later more reinforcements arrived in the form of Captain Atom, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern Hal Jordan.
"Hey, the Calvary is all here. This robo Butthole somehow has the same powers as Dinah and Barry, and it's not looking to well for us right now."
"Well, let's get right to it then!" Hal exclaimed, not waiting for Green Arrow to finish his explanation. Oliver rolled his eyes as Hal Jordan flew above him, created a giant hammer and swung at the Android. The Android went flying into some trees and created a crater when he hit the ground.
Hal turned around and grinned cockily, "Well, that was eas-" A green beam of light cam out of nowhere and hit him from the back, sending Green Lantern Flying.
Green Arrow shrugged and turned to the rest of the team. "Yeah, so that theory has been proven now. This thing copies powers. Any ideas?"
"Give it everything we got, how durable can an Android be?" Superman responded.
20 minutes later
Turns out, very durable. Within a minute, the Android had basically copied every Leaguer there's powers. And Percy was getting pissed. It hadn't yet copied his yet, but he was starting to think that it was because he hadn't actually used them in the fight yet.
"I'm going to kill this robot," he growled as Superman went flying. Diana charged with her sword still drawn, and Percy followed suit behind her. The Android formed a sword out of Green Lantern's light and started doing combat with the two, perfectly dodging and parrying their blows whilst returning some of his own. This was really starting to piss him off.
He blocked a swipe at his stomach and went in for a thrust, but mid thrust willed his sword to become a trident. He grinned as he saw the sword going through the Android, then frowned as he didn't stop and fell right through him.
Superman and Manhunter each came in to deliver a strike as Wonder Woman leaped out of the way, only for the Android to phase through the martians fist and grab Clark's, stopping him cold and proceeding to throw him over his shoulder hard.
"How in Hades name are we supposed to beat this thing?" Percy yelled as Captain Atom blasted him with energy blasts. The Android just absorbed the blast and used Superman's laser vision to send him tumbling out of the air.
"That's it!" Percy growled, stomping his foot in the ground and channeling his earthquake powers to knock the Android off balance. In hindsight, bad idea, because two seconds later the Android just took off into flight.
"Holy Hera! Are things always like this?!"
"Yes and no," Diana replied flying down next to him. "The enemy usually doesn't copy our powers."
"Think it can copy divine powers?"
"Worth a shot."
"Good." With that, Percy started concentrating on the atmosphere around him, and the clouds above him responded. It started raining, and lightning started to strike as thunder rolled. Percy willed his trident into his right hand, and flicked his wrist for his other sword in his left. Lightning started to flicker all over his body, and all along his two weapons. The air around them started to churn, and Percy willed a hurricane to form, the largest he had ever willed before in his life.
Diana was in awe of the power he was displaying, and didn't notice him start talking to her. "Diana, on my signal, throw me." She looked at him and nodded, grabbing his wrist and shoulder and waiting for his signal.
Above, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern and Captain Atom were in focused combat with the Android. Captain Atom fired blast of energy as Superman went in for a devastating punch to the Androids face, only for it to dodge the punch and the blast, and point his fist at Lantern who was firing a huge machine gun at the Android. Said android then created a missile and fired it at Hal, making him have to dodge away from the blast. Manhunter tried to form his body into a large serpent like creature and wrap around the foe, but he just fazed right through it. Superman was getting angry, along with everyone else.
"Any ideas?" He yelled out over the storm. Captain Atom's response was to try and go in for another punch to the face, but he was stopped with a quick jab to the gut.
"Diana! Now!" Wasting no time, Diana spun around for momentum and released Percy in the direction of the Android. As Percy flew threw the air, he turned back and threw his lightning flickering trident at the enemy. The Android turned around at the last second and his left leg was impaled. Reaching down to take it out, he left his left arm exposed and as Percy approached, he swung his other sword, Retribution, and took off his left arm. "Now!"
Without missing a beat, Green Lantern, Captain Atom, and Manhunter each grabbed an appendage and pulled whilst Superman went for the head, all four Leaguers pulling and detaching their body parts they had attached too.
Percy had used the water molecules in the air to stop his fall, and the Android came crashing down to earth. Percy tried to slow his breathing as he slowly descended towards the ground, along with the other Leaguers, who were all also breathing heavily.
"Contact Batman, he needs to arrange transport for this thing," Superman huffed. Diana nodded and walked away to contact Bruce.
"That took way too long! Almost 4 hours? God I'm tired!" Hal Jordan exclaimed, promptly sitting down. Green Arrow followed suit.
Dinah turned towards Superman, "I have to get to the cave, the team has training scheduled for today."
"You sure? We just fought this thing for hours, I'm sure you could reschedule."
"It's fine, Clark. The team needs it anyways."
Clark nodded, "If you say so Dinah." She thanked him for understanding and turned to walk away. Then Clark went up to Percy. "Sup Supes," Percy greeted.
"So, that storm was you? Impressive."
"Needed something new to try. Plus, I don't think he got a chance to analyze it. At least, I hope not."
Superman nodded. "In any case, Batman should be arranging for someplace for this thing to go. Hold that thought." Diana walked up to the both of them.
"Batman says they should go to two different locations, and he is arranging for the team to guard the two transport vehicles. Other Leaguers will guard the decoys. That way, it'll be more believable that someone will attack something we're guarding instead of them. Stewart is in his way to help take the pieces to the drop off."
Percy raised his hand. "You do realize you don't have to do that, right?"
"Yeah, I know. Just a question. Why can't the lanterns take it the whole way there in the first place?"
"The longer we have it in our possession, the more likely someone will come take it, that's why we have to risk as must exposure with it as possible." John Stewart suddenly flew up next to them, answering Percy's question.
"If you say so," he shrugged and looked at Diana.
"So, now what?"
"Now? We go to the bank."
His shoulders slumped, "Seriously Diana? Now?"
"Of course! Well," she looked him up and down, "After a shower first."
"Great, this ought to be fun."
Diana just rolled her eyes and laughed, "You'll get used to it. Now, let's go."