Chapter 22 - Pirates Marathon


Batman sat at the computer in the Watchtower, his cowl down as he was the only one on duty today. He was expecting Clark to come later, but they already knew each other. Everyone in the inner Sanctum knew his identity, and only those trusted out of it.

He was going over some files from the day before, apparently their new addition to the team, Perseus, had an eventful day yesterday. Reports of a supposed demon showed up, scaring off the locals. Luckily for the League, however, the new hero seemed to have it under control. Being able to hold his own was a good thing, especially since this time he had no help. Bruce made a mental note to check in with him, partly to see if he was accommodating to being a hero of a city by himself alright, but mostly to see if he could gather any more intel on the kid as well. He had said some strange things that got him thinking when he joined the team, and Bruce was determined to figure out who this guy really was.

The Zeta Tube lit up behind him, announcing the arrival of Superman. Bruce spun around in his chair to greet him as Clark walked over to the computer to join him.


"Hey Bruce, how's it been going? Anything interesting happen?" Bruce turned back around to the computer and pulled up a video from a traffic camera that had caught the incident in Manhattan.

"Apparently, a demon showed up in Manhattan yesterday, Perseus seemed to handle it well and dispelled it back to Hell, it seems."

Clark watched parts of the fight unfold before the video ended with a bright flash of light. "A demon attacked in broad daylight? I thought they usually attacked at night?"

"You shouldnt stereotype demons, Clark. Me and Constantine have dealt with the Occult before, sometimes during the day." Batman pulled up a picture of John, which listed his current whereabouts as 'Unknown.'

"Still," Clark continued, "what was a demon doing in Manhattan? Could a cult have summoned it? Or do you think it just got loose and started rampaging?"

Bruce replayed the video on the monitor. "From this video it looks like Perseus was having a conversation with it."

"It kind of looks like he was egging him on, actually."

Bruce saw where Percy was talking to the demon before he smiled and lunged, killing it.

"Wait, stop it right there!" Bruce did and Clark studied the freeze frame in front of him. "See that? Percy had bent down and told him something in his ear, and the demon smiled before disappearing. What do you think that's about?"

Bruce studied the picture before putting his cowl on. "I think," he turned off the monitor and faced Superman, "that I have to visit John Constantine later. I don't think Perseus is who he says he is."

"He actually hasn't said who he is, though."

"That's the point."


Batman sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Look, Clark. I don't trust him-"

"I know."

"- but at the moment I need to go check on the team. Cover my shift until I get back."

"Sure, I guess. Nothing else happened?"

"No, there was a small object that landed in the Atlantic about 700 miles from New York, but considering its trajectory and the fact it didn't do anything except crash, it's not high on my priority list. I already contacted Arthur to have some of his guys check it out and report back."

Superman sighed, "Well alright then. Don't take to long, I have a date with Louis tonight that I don't want to miss."

"Sure. I'll be back." Bruce walked to the Zeta tubes and they whirled to life, and in the next instant, he was in the cave.

Mt. Justice

Several hours earlier

Raven was meditating in her room when she heard a commotion outside. Looking at her clock, she saw that it wasn't even 8 AM yet, which surprised her because it was a weekend and everyone but Superboy slept in. She debated going back to her meditation when she heard a loud CRASH coming from the training area.


"Language, Conner."

"Right. Sorry Miss Canary, just didn't expect to be thrown like that."

Raven sighed and threw herself back on the bed, seriously wishing she could just go back to sleep. But she knew she wouldn't be able to with Superboy training, he tended to be very loud and vocal. And gods even know why he was up training at this moment anyways. Rolling her eyes, she put on a purple hoodie and floated to her door.

"I need coffee," she muttered as she opened her door and floated into the hallway. A sleepy Megan also floated out of her room, looking at Raven before yawning.

"Why so early? It's Saturday!" Raven just shrugged.

"Coffee? I'm about to go make me some."

Stretching, she nodded sleepily and followed Raven into the kitchen and sat on a stool, where her head promptly hit the table with exhaustion. Raven stifled a laugh, which caused her to groan and turn her head so she could see her.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you're just very dramatic, that's all."

She groaned, "It's not my fault, training yesterday was miserable. 6 hours straight? Yeah, no thanks. I need sleep."

"You're usually so chirpy no matter what."

"I'm allowed grumpy days then, Raven. Coffee done?"

Raven actually laughed and got two mugs down from the cabinets. Conner and Black Canary walked in as she was pouring and also took a seat. "Can you pour me one too," Conner asked.

"Sure. Cream or sugar?"

"No thanks, just black please."

"I'll also take some, if you don't mind. But with a little cream and sugar. It's a cheat day." She winked at Raven and she smiled and poured the glasses, putting 3 spoonfuls of each in Dinah's glass before serving them their coffee.

"It looks like you're finally warming up to this place Raven. Superboy over here should take some lessons."


"I'm just messing around Conner. Good training session by the way."

"Thank you for taking the time to train me on a Saturday, I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, that's great that you're taking your training seriously now Conner, but did it really have to be so early in the morning?" Megan asked, now sipping her coffee, trying to fully wake up.

Raven noticed Conner blush when he started to apologize, "Meg, I'm sorry. I just really, really want to get better. And seeing as I don't sleep much, I figured it would be a great time to get some extra training in. I'm sorry if I woke you up.

M'gann put down her coffee and looked at him and frowned. "Conner, I'm not actually serious. I'm happy that you're taking training more seriously and that you're striving to get better. I'm just poking fun."

"Oh I get it. Wally's rubbing off on you!" Raven exclaimed, grinning like a dummy. Now it was Miss Martian's turn to turn red. "N-no! That's not true! Tell her Conner!"

But Conner, Dinah, and Raven were to busy laughing.

"Aw man, am I really?" Dinah took a sip of her coffee before shaking her head. "I don't think so, Miss M. They're just having some fun too. You're still the teams sweet one."

"The sweet one?"

Dinahs phone rang before she could answer. She took it out and answered it, excusing herself from the table and walking to the corner of the training room. Megan just turned to Raven. "Am I really the sweet one?"

"Um, yes?" Raven asked, not sure if she was going to get offended or not.

"Oh, is that a bad thing?" She asked.

"Of course not M'gann! It's an important part of this team!" Conner practically yelled, trying to make her feel better.

"Does that make you the moody one?" Raven inquired in jest.

"Actually, I think that title goes to you."


At this point they were all laughing and having a great time before Dinah came back into the kitchen. "That was Green Arrow, I have to go now. I'll be back to train you on Monday. Unless the Bat has a mission for you guys, enjoy your weekend."

"Alright, thank you again for the training!"

"Anytime, I'm just glad to see you're taking it seriously and have that spark to get better." Conner smiled as she then walked to the Zeta tube and teleported out.

Turning back to the other two present residents of the cave, he asked, "So, the rest of the team coming today?"

"Yeah, they should be." Raven looked at the time and saw that about an hour had passed. "Maybe in a couple hours."

"Who's coming in a couple hours?" All three members in the kitchen nearly jumped out of their seats as they turned around to see a sleepy Artemis, who walked to the cupboard and pulled out some Frosted Flakes and a bowl, before walking to the fridge to grab some milk.

"Wow, I forgot you lived here Artemis," Raven said, surprised that she slept through Conners training.

"It's not my fault you guys wake up early."

"You didn't hear Conner training this morning? Him and Black Canary were quite loud," Miss M asked.

Artemis just shrugged. "I sleep with headphones on full blast if I don't have to be up for anything. My new headphones my Uncle bought last all night on a charge. I only woke up when they died."

"Well that explains it. They were super loud, I wouldn't be surprised if that turned out to be another one of his powers."

"You know what? I feel attacked this morning," Conner joked. The four of the cracked up before Artemis spoke up again.

"By the way, who's coming?"

"Oh! The team is stopping by later today." Megan exclaimed.

"Oh cool. To do what exactly? Do we have a mission?"

"Nah, not that I know of. Though I learned Batman has a tendency to give us them at random. It's like he knows when we're all here, it's weird."

"There's probably cameras and sensors everywhere. It is Batman, after all."

"I mean, I guess."

In the distance, they heard the sound of the bay door opening and closing , and after a few seconds Red Tornado flew into the room, landing by the table.

"Dinah has left, I presume?"

"Yeah, when did you?"

"Early this morning. I had some, personal, stuff I needed to attend to."

The four teenagers just looked at each other in confusion.

"Was there a threat that happened that you had to take care of?" Conner asked.

"No, this was strictly for Personal Reasons. Now if you have no further questions, I will be in my apartment."

Red Tornado didn't even wait for them to answer and just immediately flew up to his apartment, the circular door opening, allowing him access before immediately closing again. Raven looked at the other three at the table.

"Since when does a android have personal things to do?"

"Maybe he needed an oil change?" Artemis joked, while everyone else just groaned.


"You've been here a week and already you're the one taking after Wally!" Miss M joked.

"Hey! There's no way I'm like him!"

"Well-" before Superboy could finish his sentence the Zeta tube whirled to life once more, announcing the arrival of Wally, Robin and Kaldur.

"Speak of the devil," Artemis muttered and Miss M giggled at her misfortune.

"I thought you guys weren't coming for a few more hours?" Raven asked Wally as he sped straight to the fridge. After zooming through the snacks, he turned back to everyone at the kitchen table, arms full of snacks and kicked the door shut behind him. For just a split second, Raven could have swore she felt a very familiar presence from the speedster, but it was gone just as quickly, so she dismissed it.

"Eh, we were bored," was all he replied before speeding off to the living room to eat, not even taking a chance to flirt with anyone at the table. Raven, Artemis, and Megan all shared a glance.

"Did you-?"

"Yeah, what the-"

"There's no way that's our Kid Flash, right?"

"No way, it can't be," Conner chimed in. He got up and followed Wally to the living room. He saw Robin and Kaldur there sitting with him, deep in conversation."

"I don't know what to do man. It started happening out of nowhere!"

"What did?" Conner came and sat down next to them, whatever was bugging Wally seemed like it was important. Wally and friends looked at Conner and motioned him to get a little closer.

"Hey man, don't tell anyone. But something wonky is happening with my powers." Conner cocked an eyebrow, but motioned for him to continue. "I was going to go see Flash about it, but I was afraid I wouldn't make it over there and I'm too scared to call. I have no idea what's happening or how to control it.

"So what's going on?" Wally took a deep breath, and looked over his shoulder to make sure that the girls had stayed in the kitchen. He didn't want them knowing yet, not until he had a chance to properly talk with Barry about it.

"So, you know how my powers work, right?"

"Vaguely. Something about the Speed Force and it being extra dimensional energy that the Flash created, right?"

"Yeah. And I replicated the experiment that gave the Flash his powers. So I can tap into the Speed Force too now."

"Alright. Did something happen?"

Wally faked a laugh. "Did something happen? Yeah, I guess you could say something like that. The Flash has talked about being able to travel through the Speed Force, because it's a different dimension that he created. He can actually go into it since he's way faster and has a deep connection to it. Hence the reason that he can break the Light Barrier sometimes. Me though? Right now I can only tap into it, and when he's using it, I could feel it. Whenever there's a speedster using the Speed Force, I can feel it. The Flash can't, but I can."

"Why can't he feel it?"

"I don't know, neither does he."

"Maybe since he's the one who created it, he doesn't need to feel it. You just recreated his experiment, maybe since there was already a Speed Force, instead of making another one you got an extra ability in the form of sensing it." Robin scratched his head before continuing, "but that doesn't explain what's been happening to you though."

"What exactly has been happening?" Conner cut in.

Wally checked behind him again before turning around and taking a deep breath. "Look, it's hard to explain. I feel someone else using the Speed Force, and it feels like it's slowly stealing my speed. Not only that, if I run over a mile, something forcibly pulls me into the Speed Force and it immediately spits me out somewhere else at random. The three times it's happened I've been lucky that I've been close to a Zeta Tube, but I might not be lucky one day, if you catch my drift."

Superboy sat back, thinking over Wally's predicament. "So, you feel a third speedster?"

"Fourth, actually. Jay didn't use the Speed Force at first, but he does now."

"So a fourth speedster, then. And they're stealing your speed? How is that even possible?"

"They aren't permanently stealing it. The Flash knows this ability to steal the kinetic energy from other fast beings and other speedsters he's fought, and it speeds him up in the moment and slows his opponent down. It's not permanent, but it definitely comes in handy."

"Have the other speedsters he's fought used the Speed Force?"

"No, The Reverse Flash created his own Negative Speed Force, which eats away at ours and is kind of infectious. Like a disease. Other people with super speed tend to use science to make them as fast as they can without a connection."

"But you can feel a fourth speedster still?"

"Yeah, except it's like, not from our time, if you know what I'm saying."

"We do not," Kaldur replied.

"It feels like it's displaced. It feels natural that it's there, but unnatural at the same time, like this speedster is from the future and he's trying to come back in time. I think they don't realize it, but they're accidentally stealing my speed from the future. And I think it may actually change the future they're in and make a new timeline."

"Woah, the future? Are you sure it isn't Eobard Thawne? He's from the future, right?"

"I don't think so Robin, Thawne doesn't use the Speed Force, remember? Besides, he already can travel through time."

"What are you going to do, then?"

"I was hoping Kaldur could give me some time off so I could take some time to figure this out. I'll take a bus or train to see the Flash and hope he could help figure this out." He gave a pointed look at Aqualad, who stood up.

"I feel like that would be the Batman's jurisdiction on whether or not you can take time off."

"Dude, Kaldur." Robin stood up and pointed a finger at his chest. "You are the leader of this team, not Batman. Plus, having Wally on a mission like this is a liability, you have to give him time to figure this out."

"I agree with Boy Wonder."


"We need this team to be effective, and to be effective we have to make sure we're actually able to complete the assignments given to us. Wally, at this moment, can't do that. That could cost us a mission or worse, someone's life."

Kaldur stayed silent for a moment, thinking about what his teammates had just said. "I suppose you're right. If the Batman asks, I'll tell him you need some personal time to figure things out, how does that sound?"

Wally sprang up and hugged Aqualad. "Thank you man, this means so much. I'll continue to check in to let you guys know I'm okay, but for right now I'm off to find The Flash." He waved bye to them before heading to the Zeta Tube, teleporting away from the team to find a solution for his unknown problems. No one seemed to notice the slight smirk Kid Flash had on his face as he left.

Kaldur, Robin, and Conner all walked into the kitchen, where the girls were having their own conversation. Raven looked up to see the three guys entering, each of them also grabbing a seat.

"Where's Wally?" Megan asked the group. The guys all looked at each other before Kaldur answered her.

"He's taking some personal time to figure some things out."

"How long will he be gone?"

"He didn't say," Conner piped in, stealing a glance at the other two guys at the table. "Just that something has come up and he has to take care of it."

"I hope he's okay," Megan stated off handedly, before changing the subject a quick second later. "Now that everyone's here, what do you guys want to do?"

"Is Canary coming today?"

"She was already here," Conner informed Robin.

"I think, we should just spend the day as regular teenagers until Batman needs us. It's always good to remember that not every second of our day has to be dedicated to our jobs. We can have some fun every once in awhile," Kaldur replied.

"Well, let's take a vote. I'm still sore from yesterday's training, so how about a movie?" Robin looked around the table as everyone shrugged and nodded, alright with this turn of events. "Cool, let's go pick something then."

3 hours later

The team was currently watching The Pirates of the Caribbean series, and they were watching the second movie when the Zeta Tube lit up. Batman came through a second later and the team all sprang up to meet him.

"Do you have an assignment for us, Batman?" Kaldur asked the Dark Knight. The Caped Crusader stayed silent for a second, looking over the team before turning around to leave again.

"No, nothing of importance has come up for this weekend. I just came to see how the Team was doing with its newest member. Make sure you keep up training and your schoolwork."

The team all rogered up, and as Batman was about to Zeta out of the cave, he made a mental note that Kid Flash was missing. 'I'll ask Barry about him later' was his last thought before he Zeta'd back to the Watch Tower to relieve Clark and let him go on his date.

Everyone else in the cave all looked at each other before tracing back to the couches, eager to watch all the Pirates movies before the weekend ended.


Percy woke up to see Kara still passed out, and drooling a little. He smiled and shook his head, before gently picking her up and putting her on the couch. Mrs. O'Leary hopped up to follow Percy to his room, who grabbed a blanket and placed it on Kara. His dog then wrapped herself up at the foot of the couch, while Small Bob made himself at home on her back.

"You guy's are dorks, you know that?"

His animals did not respond.

"Ouch. Anyways, what to do today." He turned to leave, grabbing his coat on the way out. He made it down the stairs when he had the most brilliant idea he's had since being on this Earth. 'Authentic Style Brick Oven Pizza!' He still hadn't had a chance to eat some real New York Style pizza, and he was so desperately looking forward to it.

After a few minutes of walking, he found Joe's Pizza once again and went inside. Closing his eyes, he inhaled the godly scent through his nostrils and grinned. "Oh yeah. Reminds me of home." Walking up to the counter, he looked at the menu on the wall behind said counter.

"What can I do ya for?" Percy looked down and saw a man wearing a white chefs coat and hat had walked out of the kitchen and to the register at the counter.

"The name's Joe. Haven't seen you before sir, you new in town?"

"Not exactly. But this place reminds me of back home, it's almost like I never left."

"Where you from, stranger?"

"Far, far away. Anyways, can I get a Large Pepperoni Pizza to go?"

"Of course, sure thing. They'll be 23.95."

Percy got out his credit card and paid for the order.

"Can I have a name for the order?"


"Alright Percy, we'll have that out in about 15 minutes."

Thanking Joe, Percy walked over to an empty table by the window and sat down. Looking out the window, he saw the cracks in the ground where he fought Greed right outside. Thinking back to his fight with the demon, he got the feeling that he should probably be more worried then what he already was.

Taking out his phone, he scrolled until he found Diana's number. Looking around to make sure no one was able to hear him, he took a deep breath and called her. After three rings, his favorite cousin of this world picked up.


"Hey Diana, how've you been?"

"I'm alright. What about you? Why did my sisters want to see you?"

"Your sisters? What do you mean?"

"Lady Artemis and Lady Athena? My Olympian sisters?"

"Oh right, I guess I didn't think about the fact that you guys were technically sisters. But good ole Thunder Thighs wanted to know why someone was using his brothers domains if Poseidon hadn't had any children in the last millennia. Everything is sorted out though."

"Well that's good to hear."

"Yeah, but listen. I called you for another reason."

"What's that?"

"So I know that me and the Batman guy didn't exactly start off on the right foot, but he is the World's Greatest Detective, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"A demon attacked Manhattan yesterday right before your sisters showed up."

"Perseus are you okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Killed him, dispelled him back to Hell and all that. I've just been thinking about something the Demon said, that's all."

"Whatever this demon said, you think Batman would be helpful in figuring it out?"


"I'll talk to him at some point. I know he's currently on duty at the Watchtower right now, but when he gets off I'll have a word with him."

"Thanks Diana, I owe you one."

"I'll make sure to remember that, Perseus."

"Some time later I also want your help with something else too, but I think it can wait, I think my Pizza is about done."

Diana laughed into the phone before responding, "Sure thing, but that'll make it two just so you know."

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"I have a Large Pepperoni pizza for Percy to go?"

"Hey, I'll talk to you later, got to go."

"Alright. Be careful, Perseus."


Percy hung up the phone, tipped Joe and took the pizza, savoring the heavenly scent as he walked out. 'I hope Kara isn't lactose intolerant,' he thought to himself as he made his way back to the apartment.

He made it back and opened the door to see Kara still passed out. He chuckled and headed into the kitchen and took out two plates, saving one for later. Sitting down at his table, he loaded three slices on his plate and almost started drooling. "Finally," he said out loud as he picked up his slice, preparing to devour it.

Having a single bite, he closed his eyes and sat back, a content smile on his face.

"Holy Hera, I've missed this." He wasted no time eating the rest of the slices he put on his plate. He got up to throw his plate in the sink when Kara started waking up.

She looked around before her eyes met Percy's.

"Hey, you sleep well?"

"Surprisingly, yes. Though I think I need a shower and some new clothes," she added sheepishly as she looked down at what she was wearing.

"Sure, we can go shopping after you eat if you want. I don't exactly know what you're going to want to wear, but I'm sure we can find some good clothes and shower stuff."

"You don't have to spend money on me."

Percy laughed and shook his head. "Well, I think I kind of do. Unless you somehow have a credit card that'll work at Walmart."

"Oh. I didn't think about that."

"It's all good," he motioned her over to the table for some pizza. "Besides, if you're going to be staying here you're going to need the essentials. Also, I looked at the Food the League stocked me with, and I gotta say, not very good."

"What's that?" Kara asked as she sat down at the table, staring at the Pizza in front of her. Percy just had a goofy grin on his face.

"This," he picked up a slice and put it on the extra plate, pushing it towards her, "is food of the gods. It's authentic stone brick oven pizza. A 'BOP' if you will."

"It smells so good."

"Ah, but why just smell it? The taste is out of this world. You can have milk, right?"


"Never mind. Just try a bite." She picked up the slice and took a bite, and not even two seconds later the whole thing was gone. She looked up sheepishly and smiled shyly.

"Sorry about that."

"Sorry? That was awesome!" Percy laughed. "I quite literally didn't even see you eat it you were that fast!"

"You're exaggerating," she retorted before grabbing another slice and also downing it faster then the eye could see.

"Um, Kara?"

She looked up at him to see his confused look. "What?"

"You're actually fast, I really can't see you, and I have great eyes."

She looked at his eyes closely for the first time and had to remember to breathe. They were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. She didn't notice at first, but the sea green in them seemed to swirl like a whirl pool, and it looked like there was moving flakes of orange and silver. She didn't want to stop looking, and she didn't notice that Percy was trying to get her attention.

"Hello? You in there?"

She snapped out of her trance and shook her head. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"That you were moving so fast that I actually couldn't see you?"

"Oh. I just got, uh, distracted?" She mentally hit herself in the head before realizing that Percy, apparently, was oblivious. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's cool. I was just thinking, there's actually some people in the League who are super fast, one of them says that's his actual power. It's actually kind of cool."

"I think you're exaggerating. There's no way that's a thing."

"I didn't think so either, until I saw it with my own eyes. The man literally changed clothes and appeared on the other side of the room in a second. It was crazy!"

"Maybe I can meet this person? I really doubt he's that fast."

"I don't know if you can see him without the mask, they have this weird thing for secret identities. I mean, it makes sense, but still, ya know?"

Kara nodded, taking another slice and wolfing it down. Percy just accepted the fact she was fast and stood up. "Want to hit the store now? I don't exactly have a car so we're going to have to carry everything back.

Kara also stood up. "Sure thing, let's go."

3 Hours Later

Percy and Kara were on their way back, each of them carrying around 20 backs of food and clothes. Well, Percy carried the food, Kara carried her clothes and hygiene gear. She had gotten really fascinated with the Earthly style of fashion, and grabbed as much as she could carry. Turns out, she could carry a lot for some reason. She couldn't even feel the weight of the bags.

"Hey Kara, no one is around here right now, want me to teleport us back?"

Looking around, she shrugged and grabbed onto Percy's arm. "You're going to have to close your eyes."

"Oh right." She did and in the next instant, they were home. Letting go of him, she put her bags by the couch and started helping Percy put groceries away. "So," she began. "Why exactly do I need to close my eyes when we teleport?"

Percy put the milk in the fridge and the blue food coloring in the cabinet before turning to her. "When I teleport, it creates a form of pure energy that would disintegrate anyone not like me into dust."

"Not like you? What do you mean by that?" She hadn't been expecting that explanation, but it also didn't make much sense in her head.

"Well, that's a super long story for another day. I can finish up here, want to go shower?"

Feeling kind of let down, she shrugged and agreed. Percy pointed her in the direction of the shower, and Lara went to go clean herself up. Percy just finished putting up the groceries and took another slice of pizza, eating it contently.

Walking to the living room, Mrs. O'Leary and Small Bob joined him on the couch as he turned on the TV. Not really knows what to watch, he just started scrolling through all the streaming services until he hit the jackpot. Kara also finished showering and walked out to the living room.

"Woah," was all he could mumble as she came out in blue and read sweats, but to Percy she looked quite beautiful, even in plain clothes. He shook himself out of his trance and stood up. "Hey, there's an extra bedroom here if you want to put your stuff in there."

"Are you sure?" She asked warily, already feeling like she was intruding. She didn't want to feel like burden on Percy, but he was insistent. "Of course, can't have you sleep on the couch every night, plus the rooms furnished but no one goes in there. The room's all yours."

She ran up and hugged him tight, before quickly feeling embarrassed and standing back. "Um, thank you, Percy. It means a lot to me."

Percy just chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sure thing. Now come on, let's put this stuff away. I found a great movie series we should watch."

She cocked an eyebrow, but didn't say anything yet. They went to put her clothes into her new room, and her toiletries in the bathroom before both coming back with a blanket to the couch.

"What is this Jackpot you have found?" She asked as she got comfortable on one corner of the couch, and Percy on the other. He looked at her and grinned before pointing to the TV.

"Apparently, it doesn't matter what universe you're in."

"What do you mean?"

"Only one of the greatest movie franchises of all time. Pirates of the Caribbean, I haven't seen these movies in forever, and there's also apparently a new one. Down for a movie marathon?"

She looked back at him and smiled, "Sure, why not."


Diana had expected to at least catch Batman after his shift at the Watchtower, but lo and behold, he had immediately left and it was Captain Atoms turn for shift watch. He was monitoring the computers, looking for any sign of imminent danger. She sighed and walked up to him.

"Hey Nathaniel."

"Good evening, Diana, what brings you here?"

"Well, I was looking for Bruce. Any idea where he is at the moment?"

Nathan turned around. "Yeah, he said he had personal business to attend to in Europe. Said something about looking for John Constantine for something. Is there something I can help you with?"

"No thank you, I was just going to ask him a favor, that's all. Good night, Nathan." She walked back to the Zeta Tube as Captain Atom returned to his computer.

"You as well Diana."


Bruce was outside the Long Journeys End Bar in Liverpool, waiting for John Constantine to come out. Sure enough, John exited the mystical bar, drunk as drunk could be.

Bruce walked up to him and put John's arm around his shoulder.

"Bloody Hell Batsy, what could you possibly want this time?"

Batman took out a syringe from his utility belt and injected it into John's neck.

"What the hell? What was that?"

"I sobered you up."

"I can tell, what was that for?"

"I need your help, and I need you sober."

"John removed his arm from Bruce's shoulder and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, putting one in his mouth. "I figured as much, you aren't one for pleasure, so it's always business with you." John lit his cigarette by snapping is fingers and using the small flame that appeared on his thumb.

"Someone new joined the League, and he had a run in with a demon."

"A lot of people have run ins with demons, Bruce. Why's this one different?"

"I don't trust him. I need your help to figure out what he really is."

John sighed, inhaling some smoke as he did. "You're lucky I have nothing better to do. What's this guy's name?"

"His name is Perseus Jackson."

John's head immediately snapped up to Bruce, eyes wide. "Well Bloody Hell Bruce, why didn't you say so. Me and a friend have some unfinished business with him."