Chapter 8

"Stop right there."

A deep voice floated over the room.

Everyone turned their heads towards Hans, including Mr. Gibo. His fist stopped midway, giving the girl the chance to run away. She then immediately curled up in a corner, her friends approaching to comfort her.

All of them had tears on their eyes. They never expected to experience that type of violence inside a room, especially on the first day of class. The fear they felt was indescribable. It was their first time feeling that way. Even their parents never dared to raise their hands at them, but a professor did it so easily.

Aren't teachers supposed to take care of their students? Then, why did this happen?

They knew they were wrong… but a simple scolding would've sufficed. There was no need to resort to violence.

Angela, who only now recovered from shock, stood from her seat. She pointed her finger towards Mr. Gibo, looking fierce.

"We'll report you to the higher-ups." She sternly stated.

Mr. Gibo turned his raging gaze towards her. Angela flinched, but she didn't back down. She hid her trembling hands behind her and continued to argue with her shaking voice. Chess stared at her quivering fingers, sighing lightly before wearing his famous innocent look back on his face. He then stood up, giving Hans a meaningful glance, before turning towards Mr. Gibo's direction.

He owes Angela one, so he would help her just this once.

Hans received the message. He sneaked out of the room and used his speed to run and ask for help. He didn't get a 30% physical result just for display.

Physical examinations are run to examine a person's agility, vitality, fitness and others, but in Hans' case, all that 30% centers solely on his speed, so he's only useful in running, and not for other things. He got that result because having light body and small build turned out to be an advantage for movement.

"Oh, really? Then I dare you to do just that!" Mr. Gibo then started tossing his fists everywhere, hitting nothing but air.

All students already stood on their feet, distancing away from Mr. Gibo. The room was wide and spacious so there was enough space to keep them away from his flying fists, but even so, they still chose to squeeze themselves together in the corner.

Mr. Gibo was mumbling to himself, anger visible in his eyes. He looked like a monster who have just been awakened.

"I won't forgive you… I'll never forgive you! Just you wait, you bastard!"

"Professor… who are you talking about?" Chess started talking. His voice was soft and soothing, causing Mr. Gibo to unconsciously answer to his questions.

All the other students watched in silence as he conversed with their drunk and unstable professor. None of them had the will to stop Chess except for Angela. She lifted her shaking hand and grabbed on to Chess' arm.

"D-don't talk to him…" she whispered, her voice filled with fear.

But Chess just smiled at her and continued on with the conversation.

Angela was worried, but what else can she do? She's a girl who only knows how to study and act brave. What can she possibly do in front of her raging professor? The only thing she could do is to silently pray that the professor would not suddenly attack Chess before help comes.

"That… that bastard! I'm talking about that bastard! If it weren't for him… I… I!"

"Who? What did he do, professor? You can tell us…" Chess spoke in a way like he's speaking to a child. It was very effective though, as they successfully received answers from their professor.

In their eyes, Chess was doing an amazing trick. But in Chess's perspective, it was nothing but a simple question and answer session. Talking with an aggravated person is much easier than talking to a calm and collected person. Just a little push and this type of person would willingly give out answers.

He remembered what he heard earlier. One of the girls said that he became like this just recently because of an incident. If that was the case, then it's better to use that incident to end things up.

By this time, Hans is probably already heading back with help. Chess's goal is to stir the professor's grudge more to increase his violent behavior. It doesn't matter if he rampages. It would even be better if he successfully hits one of the students here. In that way, when the help comes, they would see this professor's nature and wouldn't think twice of removing him from his position.

His true goal is to kick this professor out of the University, because if this situation happens again, it would be a pain in the ass.

"He's just a freaking insect! A bug who can easily be crushed by me! But he dared to mock and make fun of me!" Mr. Gibo continued his rant.

Based on what he's saying, it looks like the person who caused him to be like this is someone who likes looking down on people. If that person caused him to be like this, then doesn't that make that person more dangerous? He can turn a University teacher into this kind of society trash.

Who can that person possibly be?

"When I see him again… I would crush that pretty face! I would cut him down to pieces until he begs for me to stop! Just because he looks pretty… just because I mistook him as a woman… why? Why did I have to end up losing my class?!"

'Hm?' Chess's ears perked up. 'So that person looked pretty to the point of being mistaken as a woman? Then there's only one person in mind.'

Well, aside from him, who else had looks which could easily be mistaken as a woman? Doesn't that leave only one person behind? Chess grinned at the thought.

"Oho… so it's Prof." Chess mumbled to himself, pertaining to the pretty professor of Section 0.

Does that mean that the Professor stepped foot inside the school grounds just recently? He thought they were prohibited from doing so? Then… does that mean something happened?

He can't wait to find out. But before that, he needs to keep stirring Mr. Gibo up. After knowing who the cause was, it was now easier to make a provocation.

"Then… did you lose to this person? Is that why you're mad?" With his Prof's personality, it is possible that he settled the score with Mr. Gibo through a game. He also realized that that Professor hated to be mistaken as female so if Mr. Gibo really did a mistake, then Prof probably thrashed him hard.

"Shut up! Shut up, I didn't lost! I never lost!"

Hm… so it's also his pride speaking. This kind of person is really troublesome. One little failure could cause them to break down. These types of people are weak.

"Then why are you angry? Isn't that because you feel ashamed?" The students who were listening widened their eyes in shock.

Saying this in front of their raged professor, he must be insane! Now Mr. Gibo is sure to hit him!

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! You know nothing!"

Mr. Gibo had finally lost all his self-control and charged directly at Chess. Chess just stood stationary, ignoring his classmate's shouts. Angela tried her best to pull Chess aside, but she can't seem to do it. She was just too weak… or maybe, Chess was just too strong.

Right at that moment, someone entered the room. Just by his arrival, the temperature of the room seemed to drop.

Standing behind him was Hans, his face full of sweats. He is a fast runner, but thelat doesn't mean he have the stamina. Their room is relatively far from the office, so he needed to find another help. Gladly, he crossed paths with this person.

He desperately asked for his help. At first, the man said nothing. But when he heard of the situation, he silently followed behind Hans.

"Professor Gibo."

Two words from that person made their raging professor stop. He stilled and widened his eyes, not believing his ears. That voice… that familiar voice!

He hastily turned his head and glanced at that person. It was no mistake… it is him.


Mr. Gibo hurriedly placed his fist down, the intense anger dissipating from his eyes. What was left is the look of a guilty child, caught by his parents doing bad things. Sweat started forming around his forehead with the intense stare of the man, named Evangel, piercing through his soul.

He then gulped before lifting his head to speak.


"Follow me." Evangel had no intentions to let him speak.

He looked at Mr. Gibo with his lazy, but intimidating eyes.

Upon seeing those eyes, Mr. Gibo remembered the man who mocked him before. It was all that person's fault… If that man didn't appear in the University, this wouldn't have happened to him!

It was all that person's fault… so why is he the one being scolded? Why is he the one being stared at with such scornful gazes? He didn't do anything wrong… why? Why?!

He faced the students once more, pushing his luck to hit just one student. His eyes landed on Chess. His anger doubled by the fact that this student peobably purposely angered him. He lifted his balled fist and threw it to Chess's direction. He wanted to hit him just once… just once!

But before his fist could land on Chess's face, someone already seized him from behind. A loud thud was heard as Mr. Gibo's body slammed on the floor. He fell face first. He cried in pain, massaging his head, blood flowing down his nose.

Everyone stared at the person who pushed their professor to the ground. He only stood with his back straight, his right foot stepping on the professor's back to stop him from moving. Then he lifted his eyes and stared at Chess.

Of course, our cunning little class rep flashed his famous innocent smile.

"Thank you for coming to help." He said in a soft voice.

Evangel stared at him for a minute more before finally averting his gaze. He then grabbed Mr. Gibo's collar and forced him up before turning towards the door, prepared to leave. But before leaving, he whispered words which reached Chess's ears.

"I'm watching you."

Chess just gave him a simple smile.