Chapter 32

While staring outside, Chess noticed something unusual.

Ever since they crossed the first crossroad, he noticed the two motorcycles following behind them. They are keeping their distance but it's obvious that they are tailing them.

Chess turned his head to peek at Syn. And when Syn nodded his head, he finally confirmed that the motorcycles are really tailing them.

But if it's just motorcycles, then they have their own too.

At this time, Kane, who was on one of the motorcycles, signaled to Jill, who was guarding the other side of the car.

'I'll go.'

That was what he was telling Jill.

Even though Jill wanted to go himself, he just nodded in approval. He peeked at his side mirror and saw the pursuing motorcycles.

He found it weird.

It's just not like 'them' to expose themselves so obviously.

["Hello, hello? Can everyone hear me?"]

Cale's voice floated over the small earpiece hidden in their ears. He might have been left behind, but Cale contributed greatly in this mission. He manipulates the traffic lights to keep the drive smooth, and he also checks the cameras around from time to time.

All of this while checking the mail that Peterson received, containing the spying job he accepted.

["Well, I'm sure you can hear me so let's go straight to the point."] he mumbled.

It is a one-way communication device so the others can only nod their heads even though Cale couldn't see nor hear them.

["The one who sent Peterson the mail, and the ones pursuing you right now, is probably from the same root."]

Cale, who was keeping his eyes on the screen while gripping on the envelope, was grinning so wide. He once again glanced at the mail Peterson received. It was actually clean. With no stamps, no names, no address.

Just clean message.

'Spy on the top university's forest area. If you can do this,

we will pay you handsomely.'

Nothing's really weird, right?

It's just that, the word 'handsomely' caught Cale's attention.


Because he knows of people who are obsessed on the word 'handsome'. And his gut was right because when he checked the cameras after manipulating the traffic lights, he saw the motorcycles tailing behind them.

They looked like superstars, shooting a motorcycle action scene for a movie. In short, they looked handsome. But Cale knew better. They just 'looked' handsome, but they definitely are not.

'It's funny, actually.'

Cale thought, pertaining to their obsession for handsomeness.

It's funny that they made enemies just because they were handsome. No, he meant, it's funny that the top university made enemies just because they have handsome and beautiful students with them.

["If you're wondering if it's them… Then yes. It's them."]

Chess, who heard this statement from Cale, creased his forehead.

Who are these 'them'?

He's really confused since earlier.

"Ah… are they doing it again?" he heard Syn's mumblings behind.

Chess peeked at the side mirror once again. The two motorcycles were still pursuing when suddenly, a new motorcycle came rushing towards those two.

The new motorcycle was going against the flow of the road, but no particular incident happened. Besides, the highway was wide enough. It just caused some of the cars to honk in rage.

"That's probably Kane." Chess mumbled.

Peterson, who heard this, only managed to glance at Chess before turning his eyes back on the road. He's wondering how Chess knew that it was who it was when the rider was wearing such dark helmet.

Well, it was easy for Chess.

The way they drive, the way they sway on the road, it's definitely Kane. It's impossible for Jill to drive in such calm manner. He's sure that Jill would just keep rushing forward, bumping into cars if he could.

Accidents would surely occur if the one driving is Jill.

"I wonder what their deal is this time…" Syn sighed behind.

Chess turned to look around. This time, he asked Syn about the situation directly. Gladly, Syn didn't ignore him like how he usually does.

"It's the other university. They were also the ones who caused our deal with Mr. Suarez to fail."

'Oh, so it's from another university?' Chess thought.

He then glanced at Peterson who was obviously tensed. From what he heard from Cale, those people are also the ones who sent Peterson after them.

Does that mean they know about the Pawns' existence?

"They've been jealous of us for a while now. But they probably don't know of our existence yet. Maybe they have a hunch that someone is doing the dirty job for the university so they sent someone to find out."

It's the first time that Chess heard Syn talk so much, but that's not what caught his attention.

"Jealous?" he asked.

Syn stared at him with his lazy eyes.

"Yeah. Jealous." He answered shortly.

Chess found nothing with that answer.

What are they jealous about? That's what he wanted to know.

Well, maybe, it's because they're the top university? Well, it's kind of normal for others to be jealous.

But… to this extent?

["Okay, I don't know what's up with them, but it seems like they're aiming for something."] Cale's voice once again was heard.

["I saw Kane pursue them and they ran away. Normally, they don't do that. So, maybe there's more to it."]

Silence ensued afterwards. Peterson felt the tension rise to a whole new level. All he could do is gulp as he continued driving.

At this moment, because Kane left his position beside the VIP car, the left side of the car was wide open.

Prof was driving smoothly while listening to Cale's voice on the earpiece. Then, the VIP started to speak.

"Is there something?" he asked.

Prof glanced at the rearview mirror before exposing his benign smile. He then returned his eyes on the road before parting his lips to answer.

"Just the usual."

The answer was enough for the VIP to understand. It's not like this was the first time he needed to leave the university.

Ever since the issue five years ago, when the issue about their experimental drugs arose, these things started happening. So, he somehow got used to it. As long as he had these 'Pawns' guarding him, it would be alright. They've already proven themselves capable.

At this moment, Prof started doing his 'personal investigation', like he said to Chess.

"What can you say about our class, Mr. Seventeen?"

He once again glanced at the mirror with that gentle look on his face before starting to ask the calm person behind.

He's one of the university's board members. The university's pillar.

This is one of the unique characteristics of their university system. They have no principals, no deans, no chancellor, or anything related to those titles. They only have these 18 board members. And one of them is the Chairman, the head of the university.

The existence of their section is all thanks to that person.

And, even though this VIP they are escorting now is not even one of the top 4 board members, he's sure he still has something to tell.

"What do you mean?" the VIP, or also known as Seventeen, asked back.

He had his keen eyes focused on his driver, Prof. In return, Prof chuckled lightly before shaking his head.

"Nothing. I just want to know how you feel about us." Prof answered.

This time, Mr. Seventeen already knew what he was pointing at. Even though he just hold a small position in the university board, he still had some knowledge regarding the Section 0, or the one they call 'Pawns'.

He knew what the Chairman is planning to do, as well as what he had already done.

However, he had no reasons to tell them.

"What else should I feel about you, other than being our disposable Pawns?" his eyes was narrowed as he said those words, as if looking down on Prof.

He waited for Prof's reaction, but all he received was a low chuckle.

"Oh. I see."

That's it?

Mr. Seventeen didn't believe that it ends there, and he was right because just a second later, Prof turned his head to look at him.

Mr. Seventeen widened his eyes in shock and in fear of the swaying car. Prof was looking at him instead of the road, and he had this creepy grin on his face, making Mr. Seventeen worry.

"But, have you forgotten that a disposable Pawn is driving you today?" Prof sounded so mocking while he said those words.

This made Mr. Seventeen scoff.

He had expected this to happen, but he didn't know it'd be this nerve-wracking.

He felt like the car would end in an accident any time soon and Prof showed no interest in it. He didn't even look worried, even for his life.

"Ha…" Mr. Seventeen sighed.

He then crossed his arms on his chest before leaning his back on the chair.

"Fine. I'll tell you what I know, so keep your eyes on the road." He sounded defeated.

With this, the grin on Prof's face turned back into a benign smile.

"Thank you, then." He said before turning his head back in front.

But instead of continuing to drive, he stepped on the break, making Mr. Seventeen wobble a bit.

He was ready to criticize Prof's driving, when suddenly, something passed right before his eyes.

It was just a breath away. He wasn't able to see clearly, but he knew it was something dangerous. And then, the sound of the breaking glass came after.

Mr. Seventeen's eyes widened in shock as he slowly tilted his head to look beside him.

And there, he saw the break on his window. It was a small circle, probably just as big as his thumb. He looked at Prof with his terrified gaze, but the calm smile on Prof's face was more than terrifying.

"We need you alive so you can talk, right?"

This is crazy.

Mr. Seventeen never thought that they housed such crazy people.