Chapter 134: Jill's Story

It all started on a rainy day.

The rain was pouring so hard and I was left standing on a shed all alone, with only my backpack hanging on my shoulder. I forgot to bring an umbrella, so, I was stuck as I patiently waited for the rain to stop.

I have books inside my bag so I can't just run all the way to the bus stop while the rain is this strong. Besides, I want to avoid getting wet at all cost.

I can already imagine my mother's scolding once I get home soaking wet. Just thinking about it is already making me smile.


The voice I heard was strangely familiar yet, at the same time, foreign. I had a vague idea of who it was, yet I couldn't be sure.

The moment I turned my around to find out who it was, someone's arm unexpectedly wrapped around my shoulder. My eyes widened with surprise as I stared closely at the person's face.

"It is you! It's been a long time! Do you still remember me?!"