The Bodyguards

Three books bought. One star compass to play with. All on my table in my room. Awaiting my tired eyes. One on Yuedu, and the other two were on the history and geography of this world with a special commentary on Lingyu Kingdom in relation to other kingdoms in Jinshi. That was as close as I could get to geopolitics.

And still a pouch filled with gold coins. I rattled the pouch for some brainless fun. Nothing sounds more musical than ample gold coins clinking against each other. Blame it on the obvious lack of YouTube or Spotify music in this world.

Surprising considering my previous life's shopaholic habits, which was squandering hard earned money on luxury brands, like Chanel, to any big chain stores with massively produced, cheap 'Made in Some Developing Country on Earth' crap which caught my fancy. Consumerism isn't big in Lingyu Kingdom. Thankfully.

"So what are you going to do about the rest stop?" Xuanyi took out a piece of folded cloth and passed it to me.

It was a signed and sealed debt contract for Ye Jian's rest stop. He had proactively obtained it on my behalf while I was busy wowing myself in No Name Bookshop.

Well, I'll be damned. First forgotten rule of importance in my previous life - never do anything big , including lending large sums of money, WITHOUT something in writing. Maybe I should have searched for a legal book on contracts in the Kingdom.

"I don't know…really…what can I do about that…," I trailed off.

That place was a dump. The wooden structure had to be either mended or replaced. The rotting furniture replaced. The floorboards too - someone could just drop through the planks at anytime.

I don't have a number for a renovator or an interior decorator. Do they even have such companies on call? Surely, it can't be done through magic alone. Or else Lingyu would not even need shops if materials can be conjured out of thin air.

Not to mention, any clue about running business in a different world. Do they have taxes? Registrations? Regulations? Or do I swagger in as a prince and do whatever I wanted?

Should have also bought a book on setting up a business. If they even had one such book.

Who knows? Follow McDonald's path, be a fast food restaurant and then start buying up real estate? Believe it or not, McDonald's main money maker is actually real estate, not cheeseburgers.

I could even set up a Starbucks but they don't drink coffee here.

Coffee simply did not exist.

In its stead, tea was in abundance.

Just not earl grey with its citrus scented bergamot oil. Or the fancy caramel flavored black tea. Aside from that, the milk tasted odd in Lingyu. Milk tea isn't a good idea.

Maybe I could aim for a bubble tea franchise. All sorts of fruity flavors with the power of chewy gummy bubble. Re-invent the straw here. But where do I get ice on a commercial scale? One or two ice cubes could be conjured up. But certainly not hundreds.

"If I may be so bold," Xuanjing paused, interrupting my business empire building thoughts.

"Go ahead." My hand motioned.

"Set up a tea house and lodging for travellers. Use it as a listening post."

My innocent imagination of a Fortnum and Mason tea boutique went up in smoke. *Poof*

Here were the true political experts thinking of espionage central.

They are among the most trusted bodyguards who used to accompany Royal father everywhere. No doubt, from all the hush hush big national planning discussions, these two had learnt a thing or two.

"So…how do I renovate that dump?" I enquired. "And how do I make it a listening post when everyone I know is from Xuanlong sect or my family?"

Xuanyi chuckled and said, "who said anything about using people?"

"Watch this," Xuanjing interrupted.

His index finger drew a glowing symbol and asked, "Point at anyone outside."

My head popped out beside him. A small group guys with towels heading for the hot springs. Not interesting since they were busy punching each other in the stomach. My eyes trailed around and caught sight of two guys in the far away pavilion, discussing something.

I pointed to them. A flick of his index finger and the symbol disappeared.

He snapped his fingers.

~ "Did you hear about the haunted temple on the outskirts of Youdu?"~

Heck yeah, magic eavesdropping bug. The sound quality was amazing, better than the top of the range Bang & Olufsen headphones. It was like being there in front of them.

~ "Heck yeah…that's famous…they said that there's a demon residing there. No one dares to enter because those who went in, were never heard of again. They say the bodies were mutilated.Eyes dug out."~

Standard ghost story format. Same as Earth. Always some scary shit and no one ever lives to 'tell the tale', except the tale is known. How does one know that bodies were mutilated until someone enters to check the corpse.

~ "Yeah. So our seniors are going to exorcise the place, as practice."~

Such a dangerous place where people disappear but this sect will send their students in for practice. Hello, common-sense , where the bloody hell are you hiding from those two ?

Xuanjing snapped his finger again.

"That's how you listen in. This is only a minor spell. Major ones are not detectable by most high level practitioners unless they are at the top."

"But if you return to my royal father's side, how do I listen in then?"

"Well, your highness, our orders are to keep you alive. Basically a permanent assignment until you are well…not around."

All the while, I was thinking that they were lent.

"What about your families? Don't you have to return to see them?"

Both Xuanyi and Xuanjing snickered at my ignorance.

"Those are the top Royal bodyguards whom you are more acquainted with. Not us. We can't have families. We have taken blood oaths. Even if the King orders us to kill our children, we can't disobey those orders."

What kind of other f**ked up work contracts do they have in Lingyu? These two can moonlight as assassins as well. On Earth, the worker's unions would go bananas over these kind of conditions. Protests over unfair wages and riots happened over minimum wages than a blood oath. These two had hellish conditions that can cause a world war.

"Uh, blood oath to my Royal father only, right?"

Both of them shook their heads.

"We can't kill any one of the princes or princesses even if you order us. Only defend whichever prince or princess which we are bonded to. You are the primary bond now."

"Hypothetically if my brother wants to kill me. Two of you defend. Then what happens if you know…the situation demands…"

Xuanyi answered very carefully, "you have to be the one if that hypothetical situation happens."

Damnit, they can't kill my brothers. Or rather, Ji Feng's brothers. Awesome things came often with a catch.

"Besides, you are the easiest one to protect. So we are lucky. If it is your other two brothers…," Xuanjing stopped as Xuanyi nudged him instantly.

Oh yeah, rub it in my face that Ji Feng is not the top on the list for most assassinations. Not magical enough to gain the complex political powers that his two older brothers have. Even my level of Earth's experience is useless in this case. All my previous life did was to navigate the lesser waters of dealing with government officials under better human rights conditions. The most was career execution, ala unemployment. Not capital execution, like beheading.

Most of the scheming ministers don't even take Ji Feng even seriously. He was only a petulant vegetable to them. Still, I had to tread carefully while in Ji Feng's body. Especially with Zaixing around.

"So have you used that magic listening spell on me?"

"Can't be used on you. Like your father, we can't hear your words. Or even what the Second Prince says. But we can hear what the others saying to you. So far…the only odd one is Yingwen. Both of you sound silent in the room. Then again, immortals are different."

No. That's not just an immortal. That's a powerful deity which scares immortals out of eternal life. If Zaixing had something important to say, he transfers me to his realm. But damnit, they HAD been eavesdropping.