Becoming Ji Feng Pt. 1

All it took was a very sick face, a bit of a dying swan act, and one or two tears. My father King, Ji Long, finally agreed to send me there on my terms. Ji Feng's memories were still around like a memory card with an auto-opening function. Probably from the po.

Not all his memories were intact. Only adequate to understand the situation.

Ji Feng's eyes and hair were an indicator of what he could achieve in cultivation. That was an interesting tidbit, which I never intended to access.

The young boy was a prodigy. At three years old, he cultivated his qi to the first basic level. By six, seven levels. The maximum was at ten before the next breakthrough. Most Jinshi mortals could only accomplish the fourth level at 16.

Good looks, being talented and intelligence were high-risk factors for getting murdered.

Being the apple of his father's eyes was a sure shot at having the bullseye, begging and screaming 'KILL ME NOW', painted on his back.

Jealousy had his cultivation broken at eight in an assassination attempt. As a result, he had the reputation of being reclusive and depressed.

Well, being called every implied insult to his face could do that to anyone too. The most commonly known insult was calling him a wonangfei, vegetable in their language. Almost similar to China but in a deeper hurting manner.

The only logical reason to assassinate a vegetable of a prince was to reduce expenses spent on him. Yet that didn't seem like the real reason.

Ji Feng must have stumbled on something.

Royal intrigues are a pain. That's why most on Planet Earth loved dramas with intrigues. The plot was always similar - A kill B, B's son kills A for revenge, A's daughter kills B's son in retaliation then everyone finds out that C was the culprit, in some f**ked up long-standing scheme etc etc.

What was more fascinating was the part of a self flying carriage with Royal guards on flying swords and beasts summoned by ling qi. Magic was definitely in the air. A lot of ling qi was consumed. Who needs a Tesla? Or petrol? 

Clear Dragon Pond was where his memories of his childhood friend, Si Cangtian, stayed. Cangtian was three years older and the only son. The head of Xuanlong sect was Cangtian's father, Si Tianxiang and a good friend of Ji Feng's father.

It had been five years since the poisoning attempt when he returned to Clear Dragon Pond, the headquarters of Xuanlong sect. Their specialty was using ling qi in martial arts form. Come to think of it, Cangtian would be 16 years old now, in preparation to be the successor. His personality would have undergone a change. Five years was a long time.

What the hell was Zaixing thinking?

There was a reason for Ji Feng not to return.

"Your Highness, we are here," the officer whispered through the window.

Gingerly, I got up and the curtain automatically opened magically for me to get out. Two rows of armoured guards were surrounding the carriage. Less the indignity of tripping over. The reception was a bit much. It seemed like the whole sect was giving me the welcome party wagon.

"Wow, that girl is pretty, say we only have three female disciples."

Yeah, if only I am in a girl's body now. Too bad, in a boy's.

"Yesh. Cangtian gets his chance. He doesn't even like any of the three. This one is a catch."

Okay, so Cangtian is the stud of the sect. Note to self: avoid the 'whose d**k is bigger' competition in this male form.

"Wonder how many maids the prince came with...some eye candy if that's the first."

Huh? Aren't I supposed to be a guy? I am dressed in guy's clothing, you pervert.

Oh wait, cloak obfuscating the man's hanfu gown. Damn, should have removed the cloak.

"Shut up, that's the prince, you idiot. Keep your head low."

The murmurs immediately died down. Especially with the sharp stare thrown by Si Tianxiang while bowing on my approach.

"Sorry for the inconvenience caused, Elder Si. Please all dispense with the formalities My Royal father sends his greetings and ...," I signaled the officer to present the trunk of gifts.

"...some small gifts. He has included some rare cultivation treasures. Please accept our gratitude," I spoke in my most faux princely formal tone as I caught sight of a now taller Cangtian smiling at me.


But I have to act like a guy since this body is that of Ji Feng. If I was in my former body as a woman, I might count him as hot. But still creepy.

Well built, chiseled jaw, high-bridged nose, an oval face with well-defined features. The eyes were navy bluish. His hair had the same tinge as mine. Nah. No thanks to this eye candy. I will be hotter…or rather Ji Feng will be, once this body hits big O 16 or maybe 18.

"Third Prince, we are honored, and thrilled to have you stay again. I am sure that you are tired after the long journey. We have prepared an appropriate place for you and your bodyguards. Cangtian and you may want to catch up after five years...perhaps tomorrow after you have rested."

Etiquette, a bane of this life, is a required, necessary evil to show a 'cultured' upbringing. Especially one with long diplomatic speeches where every word has to be guarded.

The wrong word could be misinterpreted and taken as an insult.

There was nothing to catch up on a past of an eight-year-old boy and an eleven-year-old one.

What? That we used to catch fishes in the pond and play pranks?

Here comes my fake smile.

"Please follow me," Tianxiang said.

The two bodyguards sent with me were more loyal to Ji Feng's father, than their families. Really, not kidding. They were the ones who got Ji Feng to safety after he was poisoned.

They tailed from behind up the winding path along the bamboo grove. I could hear the waterfall from the distance. Clear Dragon Pond's crystalline waters and a hot spring from Ji Feng's memories.

Woohoo onsen, here I come! Being a guy is freaking awesome! No need to worry about female indignities anymore!

A nudge. It was Cangtian.

"Long time, hey, are you better now?"

"Cangtian, don't be rude. Please forgive his manners," his father sternly told him off.

"Please, no need. Cangtian and I are friends. I am just tired. Yes, feeling much better than I was."

Ho ho ho. Understatement of the year. I am still more alive than Ji Feng was.

What's with that sly grin Cangtian was giving me now?

Something does not smell quite right. In fact, the vibes stunk.