Leaving for Beihou

Governor Zhao's eyes pore over the letter in his hand, a desperate message from Beihou. He sneered at every sentence. They are in serious shit.

"You actually said that you would like to see the wonderful sights of the border?" He looked at the straight faced third prince, quietly applauding his role in the matter.

"After all, my eldest brother told my father that you were making a big fuss over Beihou and that the administrator had assured him that all is well," Ji Feng shrugged and sipped his tea calmly. 

Beihou Nanwei cliffs are in a known conflict zone. The Beihou administrator was now panicking about security of the prince on top of the unrest in the province. The bluff was blown and Governor Zhao had kept evidence of his report to the King.

"I guess they better make souvenirs for it or how else am I going to report to father about their peaceful situation," he winked at the Governor.

Governor Zhao answered, "How did you get your father to grant a grand total of no less than 5000 soldiers, 2000 cavalry and 1000 archers to your control."

An additional reinforcement of 30,000  from a neighbouring eastern province was on its way to replace those sent out. More than thrice of what was going out. 

"To my control? Oh, I told him I wanted to travel with my two bodyguards and the rumours about the Hu are nonsense since Beihou is so safe."

The third prince knows how to hint to his father. No wonder his brothers viewed him as a threat.

"We leave in three days. As for the refugee center, I have discussed it with Xuanlong sect. I need to know how much grain the province has in the stores for emergencies and the budget."

"Plenty to last the entire population here for twelve months based on rationing estimates," Governor Zhao replied. "Budget here, since the original Zhao Weiliang is rather frugal… enough to secure grain for another twelve. Plus other supplies like clothing and tools."

"Do that. I have a suspicion with you around, and Zaixing, that might still not be enough," Ji Feng said. 

"Do you have military armour because if we are moving out so many soldiers, you must leave in full honours to boost the morale of the populace who are already noticing the influx of refugees."

"Father has sent me a set. It's a bit of a worry. He made this armour for me without my knowledge. Like he expects me to go into battle. With so much ling qi use, I wonder why we just don't snap our fingers and wish the problem away."

Governor Zhao laughed. "If all mortals do that, there will be no need for any of us, deities. You will be your own gods."


The main city gates of Youdu City laid before us, though far ahead from the barracks. I could see the individual specks of the archers positioned around the top of the city walls. 

The city officers had cleared the wide streets of vendors and the usual crowds. Instead, the Governor Guards lined the streets, blocking the city folk from wandering in. 

Heads were bobbing in between the Governor Guards to catch a glimpse of the star - me. Rumour had spread like fueled wildfire that a prince was leading the troops out to the embattled Beihou. 

Princes are rare creatures to be seen since there are only three. Everyone wanted to see my, or rather Ji Feng's, handsome face. Never have I ever reached such heights of a giant popularity contest via status. There's a first for everything.

Commoners were squashed like sardines in the alley ways leading out to the main street. All were pushing and shoving each other for a peek at the parade. Some were observing with interest from the shops and houses. 

General Xu was behind me, together with Xuanyi and Xuanjing. My horse grunted. I inhaled deeply. The creature can detect any uneasiness. 

Getting thrown off a horse in full public eye will not leave them with a good impression. Or allow me to swallow the humiliation. 

The ritual of troops passing out of the city is a century old one. The Governor had chosen an auspicious time for good luck to move the troops out of the city.

The first resounding sonorous boom of the war drums signaled that the time has arrived.

"Tsuk Tsuk," I clucked to the horse and squeeze its body with my legs. The black horse started trotting like a pro. I kept my eyes straight on the awaiting open gates as the deafening cheers from the crowds started.

Nothing like the sounds of fervent patriotism filling up the city streets along with the increasing metallic symphony of the soldiers' clinking lamellar armour in perfect harmony. The military units were marching in such disciplined synchronicity that they were in tune like a choir. 

"Beat them until they cry to their mothers!"

The only things we may send back are the bodies of enemy and even our own to their weeping mothers and wives. What's wrong with these people? 

For a flash of a second, I could feel a sky rocketing aggression - the driven urge to purge everything and anything away from any place deemed my territory. 






The men's cries and their skyward punches in the air resonated within my being in synchronicity - the unbearable temptation to smash and pulverise everyone in my way. The terrible blood lust overwhelmed me like a great looming darkness - all those faces looked the same, like sheep bleating before the wolf. So fragile. So easily torn from limb to limb.

At mid way before the gates, the tapping of the horse shoes on cobbled ground grew louder than mine and shattered those thoughts. The cavalry at the rear was mobilising in battle array. 

I caught sight of the purplish spark in my finger as I clutch the reins a little tighter. The xuan qi activated on its own. 

Not out of fear, but a focused certainty that I can defeat anything. My horse seemed to be aware of my sudden newfound confidence as it hastened its pace towards our destination. 

The imposing gates grew bigger on our approach. As with tradition, before riding out to war, the lead general would summon his ling beast for a display of strength to the troops and citizens.

In terms of my brothers, they would summon theirs. I had nothing to offer because of my ling qi level. General Xu was my surrogate, as father advised. His symbol of a ling beast alone is impressive, at any level - the raging fire phoenix. 

Yet, my horse would not slow for the show. 

"Slow down," General Xu rode up to me. 

Everything became a blur and suddenly a colossal shadow drifted over us.

"A three-legged crow - it's the third prince!"

I could hear a little girl squeal. Most commoners knew the ling beasts of the King and princes. Ji Feng had the worst, since no one knew what it does.

General Xu gasped. The crowds were muted. 

Oh shit, that will not be good. I was reluctant to look up and then, as I did with one eye closed slowly, determined not to show a grimace.

There it was. The fucking enormous spectral reddish aura of a black crow had spread out its wings far above the city walls. It was far bigger than Lianfeng's golden dragon. The three legs had impressive claws. 

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKK," it roared loudly as our armors tremble from its powerful caw.

Crows and ravens are never impressive with their caws. That's what I thought of the monstrosity which almost blew my ear drums out. Contrary to expectations, the crowd grew wild in approval as large flights of birds took off in dread from the turbulence it made.

"I-Impressive," the general himself muttered as he stared.

I could spot Governor Zhao, his guards and the Hu group, clad in our clothing to disguise their identity, waiting outside. The old shaman was in front, staring with his mouth agape at the ghastly apparition of my ling beast above. 

Governor Zhao wore a sly grin - the damn deity possessing his body must have done something. 

Then my ling beast disappeared once I hurriedly rode through the arches. The vociferous crowds were now chanting my title, the third prince.