scene forty-four - funeral - year nine

“I shouldn’t be here, T.”

“Shut up, and sit down.”

They’d snuck into the back of the church, even though it wasn’t a closed ceremony, so they were pretty sure they’d have been able to just walk in like normal people, but they felt… they felt like a criminal. An imposter. They shouldn’t have been here. But T was forcing them down into a pew, not just onto the bench but onto the prie-dieu, so that they were on their knees, facing this great entity which supposedly resided in this elaborate building. If it did exist, it must’ve been looking down on them with… disappointment? Anger? Despair, at what its creations had come to? Any amount of negative emotions must have been rushing through it. They’d rather have been anywhere but there, at that moment in time, as a strange sort of silence rested over the hall, like a stale, musty stench which refused to leave an abandoned room.