Chapter 3


" "


Am I reading a personal diary?

I turned a few warning pages and ended up on a blank page stating " FORBIDDEN DAYS" on the corner of the paper.

My conscience was asking me not to turn the next page and read someone's personal life. But I guess, as my father says ' Youth attracts Forbidden' I turned the page and read the title

' The day I met her'


Curiosity killed the cat.

' My life was no different than any writer's life, trying to find solace in writing due to my endless desolation. Pouring out my feelings and fantasies on paper and watching them live on a white screen when thousands of people were screaming beside you in a dark room and I still couldn't find my happiness. My heart was nonchalant and miserable. There was always an unsettling void existing waiting impatiently to fill up with love, which I believe I deserve.

The day came when my belief turned into hope, the day I met her, the day I met the love of my life.'

"So filmy" I whispered as I turned over to the next page.

' Flipping on the tree, he hoped into the building, grabbing the gun hidden in the corner, he pointed at the women dancing in a red dress across the street, through a translucent window, unable to get his hands on her due to her popularity but rage got the worst out of him. On the count of three, he shot the gun, the bullet piercing the window with a swift movement from a man in tux she was saved but he took the bullet both landing on the ground.

" This isn't a sacrifice it is love" With these last words he is gone. Unable to hold onto the grief the woman screamed for help.'

" Cliche", I chuckled. I turned over to the next page.

' That day was passing as I expected until my friend called and asked me to audition someone who he knows. I reached the palace he asked me to. There were nearly 1000 people who came for the audition. I have been asked to judge along with 5 other people, where I came to know that he just skipped his work and shoved it on me.

That bastard.

I was given certain scenes to ask them to act it to me. Participants began to start giving their audition, I planned to kill my friend when I am meeting him again, making me stuck here.

The entire audition wasn't bad, a few people were funny, few had the passion, few were irritating and I was exhausted.

I was drinking water, munching cookies, having no idea to pass the time as my opinion doesn't matter to anyone here. They are looking at me like a freak. Not everyone gets my perspective of film making and my taste of success. I don't want my movies to make money, I want them to feel something to my viewers. I ain't a large scale, box office director, my movies are mostly critically acclaimed sometimes it jumps to the money part or just falls out of the place.

But nothing ever stopped me from writing again or filming, I guess I would give the credit to my brother, who every director or writer would wish for, every movie hitting millions in the box office, fans and assistant directors waiting on the road outside the house, to get a photograph or an opportunity. Yes, I am that one weird sister for a very successful human being.

The ritual was that a person would ask a few questions regarding certain personal details. They will narrate a scene and would ask to act it. Nearly 225 young, old, male, and female participants passed.

One peculiar voice caught my attention as I was just going through the scenes, writing a few in the paper they provided.

"Hi, I am Tara, Tara Rathode" The voice spoke.

I stopped my scribbling.

" I am from West Bengal"

Another question

" I decided to be an actress even before I watched a movie, I want to be a medium of connection between the writer's imagination and people's feelings." I looked up from my paper.

Her voice.

I knew from the moment, I fell for her. She was the one. She was the one I have been waiting for all my life.

My first true love.

"What!" I closed. She was in love with a woman.

I was astounded my information. Is this a real story? Is this a woman's memoir?

Why is it forbidden? Why is it lying here? Who wrote this? Did they meet?

So many questions running in my mind. I wanted to read further. I turned page fastly to read further when I heard Ruhi cry.

"Stupid girl!" I cursed leaving the book in the table I ran downstairs.

I walked into Ruhi's bedroom, hopped onto her bed, where she was crying holding her teddy bear sniffling and shivering.

"Baby?" I whispered, removing hair from her face.

She pushed me away crying out loud, throwing all the toys and pillows on my face and hitting me.

"Go away!" she kept screaming.

Trust me, I will be the one who is scared here. She continued screaming until I woke from bed and go near the door frame.

One step to console her, she again starts to scream. Biting my inner chin, tapping my nails against the door frame, I waited for her to give up or sleep tired of screaming. Nothing happened as I expect till noon. She gave in when the housemaid came in to check on us.

She introduced herself to me. I explained the situation. She explained to Ruhi that mom was out to take care of some business, and I am her sister.

She continued to stare at me for the entire lunch. Me and Lisa, the maid was laughing at each other whenever I try to make eye contact she behaves as if I never existed. She was cute while stalking me and staring me the whole day. I took a few images and videos to rile her when we become friends. I am pretty sure we will become friends.

The whole day went with her little drama and my impatient waiting to read the story further on.

I am ashamed.

I don't want to leave something hanging that I started.