Raz's POV
"Where is my cookie? "
"I am not a cookie. I am sweetpea. Let's start from the beginning. "
"From the beginning. Baby it's fine I will pretend that I didn't see you and we can continue the game. "
That's what I have been doing all day along.
"Nope you will find me easily. "
Yeah, your voluntary appearance is the only way to find you right? Otherwise it is very hard to find you. I should be very grateful for letting me win this time.
"Okay let's start again. " I gave up.
She ran clapping her hands together,waving her skirt to show me that she wore a new skirt which I practically picked up.
What a show off for a kid.
I am playing the nightmare of a game with her and like every kid she has her one hiding place which I should be very shocked everytime I find her in the same place for the 58th time.
Yes, 58 times of hide and seek me in the same place.
Yet, I won't give up. I wouldn't fall for her cute mischievous plan. No matter how many times I have to play the same game. I will not give up even if you make me read twenty bedtime books. I won't fall asleep.
Fuck you Tia
Books aren't a distraction. They are 50 different ways to torture me. One night I was repeating the same story for 15 times until she decided I was boring her the way I read the story.
Who is she?
You are right I got 50 books and all my pocket money savings vanished into comics and unicorns.
There has to be no more stupid than me in this world.
Don't lose hope Raz
My only mission for this day would be to make her sleep without falling asleep and sneak out to continue the memoir.
Back in that day I decided to take the memoir to my room since the sun was settling its way in the West, the caretakers would leave by six in the evening. Now the memoir is safely tucked in my room waiting for me to dust off and continue the reading.
Unfortunately , Ruhi is having nightmares and she misses her mom so much , I have to stay with her all day and night giving some reassuring pats and humming soothing music to keep her calm and lure her back to sleep.
It has been three weeks of baby sitting which includes both of us trying to accommodate each other. Though Ruhi accepted me as a friend she still stays closed off with me except story time and hide seek. If she is hungry or having any health issue she would wait till caretakers make their entry and she would complain about her queries. I tried to make her talk to me , I encouraged her so that she could tell me if she needed anything I would do it for her. All she comes up with is 'I want to play hide and seek ' or ' please read me a story ' or ' I want to pee ' .
I kind of gave up until I spoke to Tia.
I conveyed everything I read in the memoir to her but stubbornly she didn't believe me.
Only good news that occured to me all these days was that Tia got permission to visit me here. At least now I can suffer less, make her believe the memoir.
I couldn't stop my happy dance all day when I heard she was going to visit me. Ruhi was bewildered at my dance moves and we ended up dancing the same moves together while she was in her little bathtub.
I guess that was a good improvement
Baby steps Raz
After some uncountable repetitive rounds of hide and seek she finally got tired.After dinner, I explained about the girls ' stay over and we ended up watching the frozen animated version.
As expected we both fell asleep. But I was jolted awake when I heard rapid shivering beside me. What I next saw nearly tore my heart into two. I ran to the kitchen to get some wet towels and ran it over her head to get the fever down. I did all the routine I used to watch my mother would do to my brother when he went down with fever.
After 3 hours of alternating with rubbing her chest and running wet cloth over her head. I somehow was able to put her back into sleep. She slept squeezing my right hand tightly between her tiny ones. I moved myself against the headboard and tried to put myself back to sleep.
With few tosses and turns I am unable to sleep, I slipped myself from her to fetch the memoir from my room.
When I came back, it was adorable to see her curled up against her favorite snowman. I grabbed some of her other toys and surrounded it around her to keep her occupied to cuddle.
I opened the memoir and started reading where I left off.
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