Chapter 2

Iris's p.o.v.

I take my plate and go upstairs to my room. Placing the plate on my table I turn on the tv settling on a show than I start eating.

I haven't even finished half way of my food when Sebastian bursts into my room making me choke on my food. "what are doing?" I ask him when he locks my door and stands in front of it in a alert manner.

"nothing just taking shelter" he reply's taking deep breaths like he had just ran a marathon I look at him suspiciously and place my plate on the table getting up from my bed.

"what did you do?" I ask him when someone starts to bang my door violently he shrugs and keeps both of his arms on the door putting force on it.

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR SEBASTIAN" Dylan's voice booms from the outside my door "that wont happen anytime soon" Sebastian says I sigh and ask to move and get away from the door but he doesn't move so I forcefully push him away from the door.

"what are you doing Iris?" he asks me when I reach for the door handle "sorry bro but you are aware that Dylan is mad and I don't want my door broken because Dylan would break the door if I don't open it myself plus after the stunt you pulled last week don't be surprised" I say as I let a raging Dylan inside.

His eyes soften when the land on me and he smiles at me before turning to Sebastian eyes hardening at his sight smile dropping to a scowl.

Dylan drags Sebastian out of my room thanking me on the way but I don't reply instead I just stare at his soaking pink hair strands. Guess someone had a colorful shower.

I close my door still thinking about the recently occurred events and grab my plate.

RING RING RINGGGG I jolt awake as I hear my phones ringtone ringing I groan but still pick up the phone "Hiiiii Gurl" my best friend yells into the phone "Jesus Elise spare my ears I just woke up" I tell her annoyed "sorry anyways how was the first day of school I know we were supposed to start together but I came up with the flu" she tells me for the hundredth time "I know ray I know you told me multiple times since yesterday" I tell her "sorry I just feel bad you know" she says.

"Its fine will you be able attend tomorrow" I ask him "yuh I think so" she says "ok well I just woke up so yuh know I gotta go and check on the guys talk to you later" I say "but you haven't told me how your day went" she whines "I will tell you later it wasn't that interesting anyways" I say she sighs but bids me and ends the call.

I place my phone down and run a trip to the bathroom before leaving my room.

It is awfully quite in the house which is kinda creepy considering that my brothers are literal maniacs and are shouting 24/7.

So I decide to go and check on Blake first considering that he comes back from work around this time. I enter his room to find him sleeping peacefully poor thing he must be so tired from work.

I place a gentle kiss on his forehead and a faint smile appears on his face I smile at him and leave his room quietly I than visit Louis room and repeat the same the kiss the faint smile and the quite departure.

I than visits Daniel's room to find it empty next I open the door to Damian's room to find him painting Damian stops and looks at me with a smile "what are you painting?" I ask him walking towards his canvas "not really sure just going with the flow I guess" he says as I observe his canvas "it looks great though" I say he nods but doesn't say anything.

Next to Damian's room is Dylan's so after exiting his room I go to Dylan's room and enter his room he looks up from whatever he was writing in his journal or diary whatever that is and asks me if I needed anything I shake my head at him telling him that I just wanted to check on him "alright but if you need something than I'm here so don't hesitate" Dylan's tells me and goes back to whatever he was writing.

"hey Iris" Isaac greets me when I enter his room "hey what are you up to?" I ask him "nothing really just watching some movies you wanna join?" he offers "I have a couple of trips to make but I will join a bit"I say as I make my way out the door I hear him mutter an okay as I close the door.

I carefully open the door to silence sighing I enter and close the door behind me the room is dark the only light illuminating from the night lamp I make my way to the bed and stare at my sleeping brother.

He's so much better when he's asleep at least everyone is in peace with him playing all those pranks its hard not to be relived when he's asleep.

"I know you are asleep but I'm going to say this on everyone's behalf we all are really tired of your annoying habits but we do love you but would appreciate if you could be a more considerate" I tell him and kiss his forehead and leave his room before he wakes up and sees me in his room.

I go back to Isaac's room after checking on Elijah and finding his room empty "where are Daniel and Elijah?" I ask him "they went to grocery we were running out of things" he says I look at him in surprise "Elijah willingly went to grocery?" I ask him "oh no Blake told him to accompany Daniel" he says making space for me "oh okay" I say and settle beside him.

Dylan's p.o.v.

My door opens and I look up to see Iris standing by my door I smile at her asking her if she needed anything she shakes her head and we talk for a bit before she leaves.

The reason why I feel so protective of her because after my parents disappearance we were raised by Blake and he always was protective of Iris and he is our father role figure so we got it from him but as we are older than her and she is our only sister that is our responsibility to make sure that she is always out of harms way.

Our parents are different story when I was twelve and Blake was sixteen he told me that our parents were in a plane crash.

At first it was assumed that they were dead considering that everything was wrecked but they didn't find our parents bodies and it wouldn't be so unusual if they had found the other bodies of the people on board but they only couldn't our parents bodies.

We filed a missing person report but everything lead to a dead end so after months of investigation they closed the case because they didn't find anything.

The others were to young to understand hell even I was not to old but they told me what actually happened but others were simply told that they didn't survive because it would've been complicated to explain them.

Anyways I close my rooms light before leaving the room and going to Issac's room because he was the only one who is awake well Iris is too but I think Issac will be up to do some stuff.

I enter Isaac's room and to my surprise I see both Isaac and Iris asleep on Isaac's bed while the tv was still on.

Sighing that all my siblings are asleep I pick Iris up and take her to her room.

On the way she starts swarming in arms I assure her that it's me and that she can go back to sleep and tuck her in bed before going back to Isaac's room turning off his tv and covering him a blanket before leaving his room.

I hear the rattling of the door handle before the front door opens revealing Elijah and Daniel who come inside with a bunch of shopping bags.

"Where is everyone?" Daniel asks noticing the odd silence in the house.

"Everyone is asleep" I reply they both look at me in shock "even Sebastian" Elijah asks "yup" I say.

"Wow that dude like never sleeps" he continues I nod at him.

"Ok so I'm gonna go bye" Elijah tells us before he leaves probably going to his room "need help" I ask Daniel he nods so I start helping him in clearing the things.

"How was your day?" He asks "ehh it was good" I reply "why about Iris how was she" he asks again "she was fine and she will be fine" I say determination dripping from my words.

We chat for a bit and than we head to our respective rooms and well else are we gonna do we go to sleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed this remodelled version of this chapter.

Hope you guys have a great day if you liked it please note and comment if you have any questions or other things you would like mention.

Treat People With Kindness and stay awesome.

-Maryam xoxo