Bad memories

Her eyes became blurry with unshed tears. She took slow steps to her balcony, deep down wishing it was her Mom.

Disappointment washed over her as she realised it was just Charles. How delusional could she be. She stood silently and listened to him play, erupting in apuse when he concluded.

He looked startled at first, but then smiled.

"I didn't know you play so well". Karen complements sitting on the swing chair that was opposite her piano.

"I didn't know you have an awesome piano". Charles smiles like a chasire cat.

Karen only smiled, lost deep in her thoughts.

"Hey come and play for me". Charles says startling her.


"The piano of course silly". Charles gets up from the chair.

"Uhmm I can't".

"Come I'll teach you". He insisted. Arrghh, why does he have to be stubborn, Karen thinks to herself.

Karen sighs. "No I can play it, but I don't want to play it".

Charles rolls his eyes. This girl won't be the ending of him. "Why, are you shy or what".