Chapter 6

Yang mansion

Zhan came downstairs and saw lee sitting in the living room. Reading a magazine.

"Mom bo went?"

"Oh Zhan cutie, come here and sit." Zhan went and sat beside .

" He went my dear. Do you know where he went?" lee asked as she kept the magazine on the table.

" He went to office, mom" zhan said.

" Oh my god. It's really a good news. I know he will change. I knew that you will change him."

" Mm"

"You have to go to university tomorrow right." Zhan nodded.

" Then let's have fun today. Come let's go for shopping."

" Okay mom. But where zhen ge."

" He went to office dear. Go and get ready."

They changed their dress and went for shopping.

Yang industry

"I asked what was the reason you spy on us." bo shouted at the employee. He was sitting in his dad's chair, cause his dad went for a meeting with his old friend.

" S-sir I had money problem." The employee was scared but still he managed to say.

" I don't want to hear your fucking excuse. YOU ARE FIRED. GET OUT OF THE BUILDING THIS INSTANT." bo shouted. Making the employee scared, he didn't say anything, cause it's of no use and went outside.

" Well done son." Yang came inside.

" Sorry dad for firing your employee without informing you."

" It's okay son. You will make a good CEO. You can join here from tomorrow. No no from today." Yang said in excitement.

" Dad relax. I can't join today. I will join from tomorrow. Okay. Now. I. Have. To . Go. Bye take care dad." Without hearing Yang's reply he went outside.

Next day.

Everyone had their breakfast. Zhan went to his university. A little limping can be seen because a beast ate him till he passed out.

Zhan's university

Lunch time. ( Author is too lazy to write morning time.)

Zhan was sitting with his friends in canteen.

"Oh my good Zhan , my Zhan is married now. He is no more virgin." Lei fake cried.

" lei stop this drama. Otherwise I will say to your boyfriend in states that you flirts with other boys." Zhan said and drank his drink.

" I was only happy because my best friend got married." Lei said and pout.

" Don't pout lei. It doesn't suit a devil like you." Zhan said.

" Ohhhh, I think he only like his husband pouts." lei said.

" Shut up lei." Zhan said annoyed.

" Guys don't fight. You know we are popular here and see many people are looking at us so please don't make a scene." Ting ying said making the two to


" Okay mama." Lei and Zhan said in unison and they started laughing. But they stopped when someone approached them. He kang came and sat near Zhan and put his hand on zhan's thigh.

Zhan slapped the hand away and stood up to leave but he keng caught his wrist.

" Leave my hand he keng. Why are you disturbing me." Zhan said and his other two friends also stood up.

" He keng leave his hand." His friends shouted together.

" I am not here to create a scene. I just want to tell you that I love you." He keng said.

" And I am telling you I will never love anyone other than my husband. I am married. I am a wife to someone. I have a husband . So hear carefully I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU. DID YOU HEAR ME. I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU." Zhan shouted and went back to his class with his friends.

"I will make you mine one day Zhan. I know he married you for one year. And after that you are mine only mine. Ha haha." He keng murmured to himself and a evil smirk formed on his lips.

Zhao Mansion

" jiang do you think my son will be alright bo will not divorce him after one year right." zhang said as she took a sip of her favourite tea.

" Don't think negative crystal. I am sure my son will make him a better person. He already took position as CEO today."

" I hope everything goes correct. If he hurt my son. I am going cut his dick and give it dogs as their food." She said and Jian min who heard this spit his tea. ' I hope bo does not do anything wrong. If something happened, then no one can protect him from my wife.' Jiang thought and sighed.

Yang mansion

Everyone ate their food. And was going to their room. Zhan was going towards his room but he was dragged towards a corner by zhen.

" Zhan he is not hurting you right? I saw you limping today. "

" Gege. Stop embarrassing me you know what is the reason." Zhan said and blushed.

" I know. But say to me if he hurt you. I will break his leg."

" Oh god ge don't you have anything to say other than breaking others legs."

" I-" zhen's words were cut off by bing.

" zhen come fast." bing called him.

" Go gege. He need you. Bye hope you will not limp tomorrow." Zhan said with a wink and ran towards his room.

"This kid."

" zhen." bing called him again.

" I am coming horny husband. You will sleep on the floor today. You didn't allowed me to interrogate my brother." zhen mumbled and went to his room. ( Are you sure zhen I don't think so.)

6 months later

6 months went in a blink of eyes. bo being careless about his responsibilities towards his family. He is now a good CEO. But he is always forgets the fact that he have a wife or in bo's words one year wife.

Today is normal day as usual Zhan have to make food for bo and goes to college. But he have to go on his own bo will not drop him.

Yang industry.

bo's office.

" Cancel our contract with He company . They are literally taking advantages." bo said to his assistant."

"But sir"

" I DON'T WANT ANY FUCKING EXCUSES. DO WHAT I SAID." bo shouted. He took his coat from his chair and went out.

He was driving when a truck came from wrong side to his side. He try to avoid but


His car was crashed and the driver of trick immediately left before anyone notice.

Someone's office

" Did you do it? " someone asked through his phone.

"yes sir"

He hang up his phone with a evil smirk.

" You shouldn't have messed with He company. And for your wife. My son will take care of him."

Zhan's university

Zhan was listening to his lecture when the principal came to his class.

" Zhao Zhan."

" Yes sir." Zhan stood from his seat confused as why the principal came to see him.

" Your hus-husband .... xxxxx hospital..... Accident-" Zhan didn't let the principal complete his sentence he ran from there to outside where his car parked and he immediately start his engine and drove off to the hospital.

XXXXX hospital

Zhan arrived at hospital, after asking to nurse he reached to the operation theatre where both families present. They explained but before finishing what happened, Zhan passed out. They led him to another room and gave medicine.

2 hours later.

Zhan gained his consciousness. He walked out of the room. Lee who saw it came and supported him.

" Zhan why did you came out of the room."

"Mom bo."

" He is out of danger. 3 to 4 months bed rest and all. He will be alright."

" Mom can we bring him home. I will look after him. Please mom."

" Zhan but your classes."

"Nothing is important than him mom. Please. Please mom I will look after him please." Zhan started to cry.

" Ok let's ask doctor."

' my son is really blessed to have a wife like him.' Lee thought and both went to doctor's office. By begging and pleading the doctor agreed to transfer bo to house after five days.

He was transferred to house Zhan took leave. 2 months already passed bo can move his hands a little, he can talk. Carman called him to come down as he was looking after bo. After bo fell asleep he went down. There he saw zhen, zhang, lee, lu, Jiang, yang and bing sitting in the living room. He went and sat beside lee . Who was sitting beside zhen.

" What is it mom."

" zhen, Zhan."

" Yes mom." They answered together.

" Do you know about male pregnancy."

" Mm. I have heard about it."

" What if I say you both can get pregnant." lee said and closed her eyes waiting for the worse. But what she heard was unexpected.

" Oh my god that means I can give birth to bo's child."

"And that means I have to take care of 2 children." zhen said and everyone was confused.

" What do mean by that A'zhen, you decided it is twins." zhang said with a teasing smile.

" No mom. The child and child's father." zhen said everyone laughed.

4 months passed. Now bo is healthy. He can walk, run.

As usual Zhan was coming after class. Walking with his two friends to parking lot.

ting left and now lei and Zhan is left. When he reached his car, lei hugged and kissed him on his cheeks and left. But they didn't know someone was watching them and throwing daggers at them. He was going to open the car door when someone came and closed the door.

"bo when did you came here.". bo didn't say anything he took car key from Zhan and gave to his driver and dragged Zhan to his car.

bo is driving car without saying anything anger can be seen in his face.

" Who is that?" bo suddenly asked.

"Who?" Zhan asked confused.

"The one kissed you on cheeks."

"Oh he is my friend."

They reached Yang mansion and bo dragged him to his room.Thank god no one was there in the living room otherwise they have to answer many


bo went inside the room and locked. He pushed Zhan into bed and started remove his tie.

"b-bo, hear me first. He is just my friend."

"I know. But for allowing him to kiss you, you have to go through punishment baby. i allowed you for to go to college is not for him to kiss you" ( who wants your permission to go to college anyway idiot bo)

A/N: so this this story is actually mpreg(male pregnancy). i am sorry for the mistakes and please ignore them.

Thank you for reading and take care of yourself. stay safe. love yourself.