7 the morning, drive

After they solved the case, they drive back home to Sunshine bay. " what are you doing tomorrow night? Asked, Eliott. " nothing why? Asked. Dhaka, " you want to go to a cub, I just want to take you out so bad. She smiles at him and said, " sure we can go clubbing tomorrow. She pulled up at his house, " we are one heck of a team, they kissed each other on the lips. " Yes, we are, see you in the morning sleep tight Elliott. She left his house as he walked inside his apartment, " we almost home, boys. Said, Dhaka, she pulled up into the gates and got off the car, and letting them out to go to the bathroom, "I got them, master Dhaka. They jump up ran up the woods, he followed behind them. Dhaka got her stuff and walked inside the house. " Dhaka? called out Howard, " yeah it's me. Dad, Howard walked out of the room, he looks he better now, Dhaka, " yeah, how are you feeling dad? Asked. Dhaka, " better, let's see what the doctor said, case closed? Asked, Howard. " Yeah your granddaughter and grandson did will, the girl was turn to her family and the kidnapper was put behind bars, at the sandwich shop. Joan walked into the door. " you back again? Give me a few minutes, calling to see if she made it back home and what sandwich he wants for lunch, and would she bring it to him. Said, Karla. " (Hi, Mom. ) Said, Dhaka. " (i glad that you made it back safe, put your father on,) " (turkey with cheddar, no onions, mayo lattice, and tomato, club soda and pretzels,) said. Howard, " (i be there and a few minutes mom. ) Said, Dhaka. " (thank you, take your time it will be a while before it is ready.) they cut the screen off, " your daughter is dating my son? Asked. Joan, " yes, Howard is finally letting them be together. But he needs to ask his permission. Said, Karla. "I do not improve this, what if she hurts him or breaks his heart. " look we are not friends you are just a customer, and farther more, she will never hurt your son, and he will never hurt my daughter because they are in love, it is best if you stay out of their relationship and just be happy for them, said. Karla, back at the house. Dhaka got comfortable, as the dogs ran into the dog door." back at the house. Dhaka got comfortable, as the dogs ran into the dog door." hey kids did you have fun on your first trip? Asked. Howard, " I will be back dad, I going to get you lunch, she walked out of the door, they follow her." come on kids, she grabs their ridding leeches and put them on, and they walked up to her sports car. she hooks them to the dog hooks. and she drives out of the garage. her earphone rings her cut it on. "(Portsmith, talk to me.) she pulled up at the shop and unhook their leeches, and walked inside. " you do not have to be mean, he is the baby. Said, Joan, " and she is my only daughter and I want her to be happy, he is what makes her happy. Then I am for her being happy, just getting started on it. Said, Karla, " take your time, could you add one more to the order? Asked. Dhaka. " hey grandkids, sure what do you want? Asked. Karla, " American Ham and cheese, I starving. Said, Dhaka. They lay down on the floor, " (where you at?) Asked. Elliott, " what kind of treats you want with it? "(at my mother shop having a sandwich,) your famous blueberry muffin, and cream soda, if you have scraps can they have it. It " I got something better and I been trying new do recipe, Said. Karla and went into the kitchen. " (i thought we were going there together?) Asked. Elliott, " ( we will I just picked up my father lunch, and grabbing lunch after heading back to the house, ) said. Dhaka, Joan walk over to her, they stand up and growled at her. " they not very friendly, are they. " children lay, be nice or I stop taking you everywhere with me and you get no treat from Grandma, said. Dhaka, they whimpered. Karla walked out with everything, " Morocco and Luca she is Grandma's customer, so no barking or no treats what is going to be? Asked. Karla, they lay down waving their paws at her and whimpering for a treat, "(can I come? I little hungry too.) Said, Elliott. " ( come then.) -("see you soon I love you,) said. Elliott, " that is my grandkids, she gives them their snacks. " what can I get you? Asked. Karla, Dhaka takes a bit of her sandwich." You the new partner he mentioned, and girlfriend how is that going to play out? What about that sandwich you fix me yesterday? Asked. Joan, " actually yes I am his new partner and that is none of your business, Morocco stands up and starts to growl at her, people start to enter the shop. " hey Karla you open? Asked. A customer, " always, coming up. And leave my daughter alone, Morocco and Luca do not like when a stranger attacks her. Ain't that right, she walks up to the table. And started taking orders, when Elliott walked into the door and sat down next to her, " that looks good. Mom what you doing here asked. Elliott, "she does not like that I am dating you. Morocco lay down, she is not a threat to me, he looked at her and whimpered. " it's okay son, mom is okay. We are here for a while take a nap like your sister, she pets him on his side. He licks her cheek, kissing her. And he lay down and close his eyes, "back off mom, you do not choose who I date or live. Just go home, said. Elliott. Dhaka finished eating and wiped her mouth, and got up to pay her mother. " what you think you are doing Kava? Asked. Karla, " paying you for the sandwiches mom, when do I get randomly called by my middle name all of a sudden? Answered. Dhaka," when you think you are going to pay for something that is on the house of Karla, you are my daughter it is on the house, your father is my husband it is on the house. Said, Karla. "you in the business of making money mom we shouldn't be any different, speaking. She hands her the tickets and the passport, " have a safe trip and I love you " this would be so much better if you three were coming, I still need my daughter's help with her father. " figure you were going to say that, I got four, and clear dog passages. I have a feeling Elliott is about to cry. She hands him his ticket and passport, " do not leave it or lose. She picks up the leeches, " have to run few errands, then packs up what I am taking tomorrow. It four days in San Andreas, in their exclusive hotel, we flip down on the express then take the liner to the island, dad most favorite thing is the cold files in reenactments, so first fresh tickets to the first one, since it is your anniversary tomorrow ask you ask resveratrol at the world top restaurant after you be on a romantic boat ride, with your gift and mines on the ship, we be by the House at 5:00 so be up and be ready to go. Said, Dhaka. " I will be up and at your house at five, letś go kids. And take grandpa his lunch. Said, Dhaka. Elliot got up and they kissed each other by, " this is excited huh? the first trip with your new girlfriend and her parents, what can I get you? Asked. Karla, " what she had, I was hoping we can have lunch together, said. Elliot, " she probably is taking how back home and got million and one things to do today, but call her to see what she is doing tonight, she walked in the kitchen. " I never see you this in love before, I am happy if you are happy. " I am very happy and very much in love with her mom, we are still partners on the job but we are life partners too, you are not the only woman in my life anymore, sooner you come with reality with that and let me go, so I can one day attach myself to her and make her my wife, the better it will be for every one of us, you are smuggling me to death and I can not breathe. Dean loves it willingly to move back home, end his relationship with his girlfriend, I am moving back home and I am not breaking up with her so you can be happy and get what you want. He told her, she didn't like what he said and left, She pulled into the garage, and she unhooked the leeches and walked inside of the house, Drake appears. " pack their stuff and your extra battery Drake. Said, Dhaka. " yes master Dhaka, he takes them into their room, Kava appeared next to her. "in the morning put cyber gold on alert, and cut the power off, said. Dhaka, " yes Master Dhaka. She walks into her room to pack, the sandwich shop close for the night, what a good day it has been. Karla and Howard is in their room packing, "Thank you. Said, Howard. " For what Howard? she asked, " For giving me a beautiful exotic blue eyes baby girl. I won't trade her for anything. Said, Howard. "she is something huh? we did a good job raising her, said. Karla, " yes we did. we only want the very best for her as her mother and father, I love you Karla. Said, " yes we do, and we want to see her healthy and happy too. They finished packing up their bags. And went to bed, Elliot called her. " (Portsmith talk to me,) she put her suitcase in the hallway. " (what are you doing tonight, you want to go to a movie?) Asked. Eliott, "(packing for tomorrow, are you already packed.) Asked, Dhaka. "(it's night trip?) -(" yes four weeks pack, we have plenty of time to go out once we are there.) Said, Dhaka.