By Eleventh


“What’s worse than being friendzoned? It’s when you are familyzoned. ASDFGHJKL!@#*! Seriously? A sister? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!” – Ira P.



“A sister. Of course! Why would he like someone like you? With a face like that and a temper that is very unlikely? There’s nothing special about you. You must be dreaming, Ira!”

Ira stared at her reflection in the mirror of the ladies washroom and traced the details of her face, her skin color, pimple marks, and even the scars she got from chickenpox.

Keep dreaming then!

Skye’s mocking words flashed before her. They were like needles pierced in her heart when she recalled it and it kept ringing in her mind like an echo. She closed her eyes and it distressed her even more to imagine Skye’s scornful face.

To calm herself from her ire, she squeezed her arm with her fingers very hard to feel the pain until it made a scratch.

She breathed in deep and blew the wind out.

“Let go now, will you? Please?” she pleaded to the woman in the mirror who was staring at her with so much pity.

“Excuse me, miss! Are you okay? You have a scratch in your arm.” A bubbly lady in her twenties just entered the ladies’ washroom and her Asian eyes looked at Ira with worry when she noticed three wounds in her arm. She took a band-aid from her bag and offered it to Ira. “Here! You have to cover it so it won’t get infected.”

“Thank you!” Ira muttered accepting the band-aid.

“Uhm, may I?”

The lady noticed how Ira struggled with applying the band-aid because her scratch was at the back part of her arm, so she offered to help.

Ira nodded.

The lady placed her bag on top of the counter and gently put three band-aids on Ira’s arm.

“Thank you again.” Ira smiled timidly and rushed out, accidentally bumping on the man who was waiting outside. She apologized without even looking at him and went back to Joey.

“Are you okay, Ira?” Joey looked very worried. He stopped slicing his steak just to check on Ira who has gone to the washroom for a long while. “You look uncomfortable. Are you in pain? Could it be your stomach? Do you wanna go home?”

“I’m okay. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Let’s just enjoy the food! Okay?”

Ira tried her best to put on her best smile to ease Joey. Somehow, it convinced him and went on with his steak. Ira was silent for a few seconds while playing her pasta with her fork, thinking and pondering.

It’s clear now. I finally knew my place in his heart. I know it’s time to let go, but can I at least grab this moment? Can I be happy with him even just for tonight? Then tomorrow, I’ll do what I can to get rid of these feelings. Please! Let me be happy just this once.

“So,” she cheerfully grabbed his attention to ask this one thing. “…how long have you adored me like a little sister?”

Joey paused from eating and pondered.

“Mmmm… Since high school days, perhaps! You were so small back then. You were so cute as a puppy.” Joey laughed.

“Wow! A puppy? Really?” Ira didn’t smile. It made Joey sniggered.

“Hey, don’t get me wrong! I just find you so adorable because you’re so small yet so feisty. But then… during those times when I caught you being bullied and you never fought back, times when you hide at the back of the school building and cry, I felt the need to protect you and be there for you.”

Ira met those deep-set eyes and muttered, “Why?”

“I was confused at first. I didn’t understand what I was doing. But later on, I realized I did that because you were very precious to Ares. I respect and honor your brother so much that whatever is important to him is important to me.”

“Is that so?” Ira pressed her lips and stared at her food.

“Did you know that there was a time I hesitated helping you?” Ira looked up to listen. “Because I know you can fight for yourself and you have your brothers to defend you. But when you allowed me, I felt like I was needed. It felt like I did something really good.”

“You did.” Ira smiled. “Thank you, Joey, for everything!”


Through the night, the two shared stories and exchanged laughter. She’s giving up and finally letting go of her 12-year unrequited feelings, but she’s going to seize this moment too, at least for the last time.

“Wow! This has been a wonderful night.” Joey exclaimed, leaving the Secret Garden Restaurant with his date.

“You’re right,” Ira replied, walking beside Joey. “Anyway, I’ll take it from here, Joey. I’ll walk a few blocks from here and grab a taxi.”

“Oh no! I can’t do that. I have to take you home.” He argued.

“It’s okay. I can manage. You just said that I can fight for myself, and you are right about that, so you don’t have to worry about me.”


Ira didn’t let Joey finish his words. Instead, she gently pushed him away. “No buts, Mr. Delos Santos. You can go now. Thank you for this wonderful night. Goodbye!!!”

“Ira! Hey!”

Ira ran away.

It's the best way she could think to save her face. Tears have been rolling down her cheeks and she can't let Joey see it unless she wants him to wonder and ask her and force her to confess. She kept running until she’s out of Joey’s sight. Turning the curb, she paused from running and sat on the gutter to cry out the lump in her throat. She sounded like a child who just lost her mommy in the mall. But she didn’t care.

Sometimes, empty streets are perfect places to break down. No one can see you. And no one can hear you. The moon could have been a good friend however the sky was too gloomy and the night was too dark.

“Hnnnnng! There’s no way she’s gonna like you, Ira! To him, you’re a puppy! Hnnnnng!” Then the rain started to fall on her, soaking her wet. “Wow, God! Really? You could at least let the moon console me but You gave me rain instead. Now I'm really gonna look like a puppy this time. A wet stray ugly puppy! Ugh! Why are you so pathetic, Ira?”

Whining on the street, she looked up at the sky, feeling the droplets falling on her face. The sky was a combination of pitch dark and gray. No stars. No moon. Just the cold breeze and cruel rain.

But suddenly, her view of darkness was gone, replaced with bright red fabric. Next to her was a man standing whose face is covered by the umbrella he was holding for Ira. When she realized what was happening, she quickly rose and accepted the umbrella.

Before she could even thank him, the mysterious man has left, walking fast and drenching in the rain. She wondered if she knew him, but it was hard to tell. However, she was certain that his vanilla scent was familiar.