Shenise tried to get away but Gaville's grip on her nape and waist tightened even more. And just like before, she was in the middle of a sentence giving Gaville full access to her mouth. Gaville ravaged her with pure animal lust, it made Shenise whimper despite herself. Gaville was demanding and Shenise could not resist. She found herself mimicking the movement of Gaville's lips and tongue.
Shenise heard Gaville groan in her mouth when she hesitantly touched his tongue with her's. Shenise knew it meant Gaville felt good and it made Shenise feel wonderful. She wrapped her arms around Gaville's neck and pushed herself closer to him. That earned her another deep groan. Gaville bit and almost chewed on Shenise's lips. She felt her back hit the wall as Gaville's kisses turned more aggressive and demanding.