02 – The meeting

The giant clock against the wall of the reference section of the city library stands at 3:50 p.m. Kadin watches the entrance intently. Excitedly she wonders whether her plan was successful. Has the boy found her notice and will he meet her here? She made sure that she holds a place open beside her at one of the tables where she is waiting amongst students and scholars. She hid the booklet under a few books she collected from the reference section as to not draw unnecessary attention. You will never know who might turn up; even those dangerous men might accompany him.

She studies the people around her. On both of her sides and opposite her it looks like varsity students emerged in studying or doing assignments. A group, probably high school learners are gathered at a table, probably a study group. Further on, in the corner at the magazines and newspapers, an old man, probably a pensioner, is reading a newspaper while a young man next to him is paging through a magazine.

Kadin is quite at ease in the main library. She often sits at one of the tables doing her homework. She lives in Bird Street, not far away for a girl that likes to walk. She has to walk a steep uphill when she goes back home because Bird Street is on top of a hill, but she feels it keeps her fit and healthy.

This building has a rich history and character that fascinates her endlessly. The main section of the building has a high roof and one has to climb up with a winding staircase to reach platforms with books above.

The Victorian Gothic architecture is breathtakingly beautiful and unique with terra-cotta façade finishing that was made in England. The building was erected in 1835 and was used as a courtroom since 1854. It was only in 1902 that it was opened as a public library. The original library was the Port Elizabeth News Society of 1844. The cherry on top is the majestic Sicilian marble statue of Queen Victoria, which keeps watch over the Market Square, and was erected and unveiled in 1903. Kadin feels so privileged while she sits here in this marvelous building with his rich and colorful history.

Then she recognizes the young man when he comes down the steps to the reference section. She quickly looks down on the book before her while he studies the people slowly descending. She stealthily looks in his way and sees that he looks at the clock. She’ll wait until she is sure he is alone. She now sees that he is making his way through a row and will pass just behind her while he studies the people. He might be wondering who in this room fits the profile of a Kadin. No one emerges from the entrance; so he is alone.

When he is nearly upon her, she takes out the little book and places it next to the books in front of her. He instantly recognizes it and pulls out the chair next to her and sits down while looking straight and intensely in her eyes and whispers: “Hello, are you Kadin?”

She whispers back as you are not allowed to talk aloud in the library. “Yep, that’s me.”

“I am Billy. Have you seen me hiding the book in the park? Why did you take it?”

Kadin studies his face and thinks he’s cute now that he’s near her. He has neat, short, black hair with eyebrows that creep over his nose and accentuate his light blue eyes. His strong jaw makes him even more pleasant to look at. The first impression, she thinks, Billy looks like the honest, truthful type of guy and her instinct hasn’t failed her as yet. She hopes she will be right this time as well. “I was inquisitive and just couldn’t help myself. Why did those guys chase you? Did they want this booklet, and why?”

“There was no one, how did you see me?”

“I was occupied by studying a cute little bird higher up against the slope when I heard you and then saw you stop. And after that, I saw the men and it was clear to me that they were chasing you and I can tell you, they were annoyed! What happened and why did you hide the booklet there?”

Billy smiles at her and that makes him even more attractive with the laughter sparkling in his eyes. Then he starts to relate the whole story in fine detail.

“Good heavens, Billy. Do you think they stabbed that old man to death? Did you report this to the police?”

“I don’t hope so. I’ve checked and saw nothing in the newspapers. I don’t know if I should report this to the police.”

“Why not? That man shouted that they will hunt you down and will inflict terrible things on you. They are looking extremely dangerous. Aren’t you afraid? Do you think they will recognize you when they see you? Why did you not just drop the booklet and ran away?”

“I was so shocked that the only thing I could think of was to get away, to put as much distance between them and me to prevent them from catching me. But when I realized that I was ahead of them for quite a distance, and looked back and didn’t see them, I considered the fact that maybe their mate were at the top. What if they signaled the guys on top and they were waiting for me and I was then encircled. So, I quickly hid the book as my only trump if they catch me. I don’t know whether they would recognize me. I reckon changes are about fifty percent, perhaps more, because they look professional.”

Kadin is very impressed. “Good thinking of you, I must say, you can think under pressure. Do you think they were after the booklet and not perhaps because you saw the assault and can be a witness?”

“No, Kadin. He clearly shouted at me to leave the booklet and run away. They were definitely trying to get to this booklet. Thanks for leaving the notice.”

“When did you go to the park? It was a hell of a risk, you know!”

“I couldn’t go to sleep last night, believe me. This afternoon after school I stealthily went in and ran out quickly while looking left and right. You also gave me only one chance, because if I did it tomorrow, then I would have missed you.”

Her eyes widen as she realizes that he has a good point. “Well, you are here, sir. It worked out nicely, did it not?”

Billy smiles. This girl is cute and quite beautiful. He takes the booklet and opens it and taken by surprise, he whispers: “What the heck is this?”

Kadin uses this opportunity to impress him. “This is most probably Sanskrit.”

“What is that and how on earth do you know it.”

“Maybe it is the oldest language in the world and some believe it was given by our creators from another dimension. My father identified it after I showed it to him. We picnicked in the park and I showed him what I had picked up, I did not relate the whole story.”

He frowns. “So, this is our secret, right? I don’t think I am going to the police. What am I going to tell them? I think it will be a waste of time and I am going to make my name shit.”

Kadin laughs softly behind her hand. He looks quite nice when he frowns. “Do you think they were on the point of attacking the old man with the knife before you stopped them?”

He shakes his head in approval. “Yes, I thought they were going to kill him right in front of me and the girl’s eyes. By the way, I think the old man and the girl must be Afrikaans speaking since she was yelling in Afrikaans.”

“Now what can be so important to assault or murder for?”

“Maybe there’s money in the loop somewhere. It could be the key to directions to a secret hiding place of a treasure. But why in Sanskrit and scribbled with a pencil?”

“Maybe, because few people understand Sanskrit. It could also be a code that is hidden in Sanskrit that could only be interpreted by a few people. Others might think it is only strange writing they don’t understand. If it was numerals, letters or symbols, people might think that it is a code and try to decipher it.”

“It’s quite an interesting theory but there could be explanations that we can’t even contemplate now. It is probably Sanskrit, and if it is, why is it important?”

Kadin thinks back to what Jack said. “Some people believe Sanskrit was handed down from creators from a high dimension. So what if there is sorcery in the script and they want to get to it.”

They both smile sarcastically and together they utter: “No …” and burst out laughing at this funny moment. They cover their mouths quickly with their hands and peep guiltily to the librarian that answer them by holding her finger in front of her lips and then points to the “Silence Please”’ sign.

Billy whispers softly. “Kadin, are we going to try and solve this puzzle together? Mind you, you look familiar. Where have I seen you before?”

“I have the same feeling. Wait. You travel by bus to school, right? You look quite different in your school outfit. You take the bus to Framesby High School, right?”

‘My goodness, you also look quite different. You rather look like a model now instead of a school girl.”

Kadin is flattered by the idea that he thinks she is model material. “Do you live here in Central? I am in Grade 10 and we stay at 12 Bird Street.”

“I am in Grade 11 and we live not far from you in Park Avenue, number 24.”

“Gee, then it is easy. Are we going to solve this riddle together, sir””

Billy sticks his hand out. “Secret partners …”

Kadin shakes his hand and smiles happily. “I made a clone photocopy of the booklet, cut out the pages and put it together so we have exact replicas. Are the secret partners going to come together during the break at school tomorrow and discuss the next step?”

“Good idea, tell you what, keep a space for me on the bus tomorrow morning so we can ride together.”

Kadin gets a warm feeling in her heart as she wonders what is most important for her: to solve the mystery or the opportunity to spend time with this attractive, brave and interesting Billy.