05 – The trap

Arnav sits down on the bench under the giant, old tree next to Park Drive and looks up to Aryan and Mohammed in front of him like a naughty schoolboy. Aryan is talking fiercely to him: “From now on you sit here every afternoon after school in the shade of this tree and watch the people that pass here. That snot ran away so fast up the steep path, he was out of sight when we followed him. I’m telling you now, he probably is an athlete and he resides somewhere near. There is a big chance that he will run around the park some time or other.”

He points at an elderly woman who runs past. “You see, this is a favorite place for people to jog, just don’t take a bloody nap because I’m not going to save your ass with the Boss next time. I swear I’ll burn your ass. He is fed up with you and you know what that means. This tree is a good hideout in a cove between the plants, so there is a good possibility that you will see him first if you are vigilant. If he runs fast again, he will probably not see you. So, phone us immediately and follow him at a distance so that we can wait for him and surprise him so that he doesn’t have the opportunity to get away.”


It is Wednesday and fine weather prevails. During lunch Kadin reads Wikipedia excerpts. “Sanskrit is a language of ancient India with a documented history of about 3,500 years. It is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism; the predominant language of most works of Hindu philosophy as well as some of the principal texts of Buddhism and Jainism. Sanskrit, in its various variants and dialects, was the lingua franca of ancient and medieval India. In the early 1st millennium CE, along with Buddhism and Hinduism, Sanskrit migrated to Southeast Asia, parts of East Asia and Central Asia, emerging as a language of high culture and of local ruling elites in these regions. The body of Sanskrit literature encompasses a rich tradition of philosophical and religious texts, as well as poetry, music, drama, scientific, technical and other texts. In the ancient era, Sanskrit compositions were orally transmitted by methods of memorization of exceptional complexity, rigor and fidelity. Sanskrit is one of the 22 languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India. It continues to be widely used as a ceremonial and ritual language in Hinduism and some Buddhist practices such as hymns and chants.”

Billy frowns. "Sounds quite puzzling to me. I begin to wonder about our theory.”

"What are you saying?”

"Listen, our theory is based on the question: why is the booklet so important to assault or kill someone. We thought that something might be there that can lead to something precious. I am beginning to think it is not as simple, especially when I think what your father said about Sanskrit. He said there are people who believe it originated from another dimension. What if there is special knowledge in that booklet? What if it is the knowledge of this alternative dimension that is the treasure that men are looking for?”

Kadin once again consults her tablet and reads the last sentence: “It continues to be widely used as a ceremonial and ritual language in Hinduism and some Buddhist practices such as hymns and chants.”

Kadin scans the rest of the Wikipedia article and she finds another piece that resonates with their thinking. “Listen to this: The earliest Sanskrit texts were religious texts of the Rig-Veda. No written texts of this early period survived if they ever existed. But researchers are confident that the oral transfer of these texts was reliable. This is ceremonial literature of which the correct pronunciation is crucial for their religious effectiveness.” Then she explains what she finds significant: “If I understand correctly, only when a priest carries out the rituals and pronounces the words correctly, only then is it effective. If people are after sorcery in these scripts they will probably have a priest amongst them, maybe their leader. Maybe it is some occult thing.”

“Maybe we are being farfetched now, this is all speculation. I hope that holy man at the temple can tell us what we want to know. If he knows Sanskrit he will tell us whether it’s an occult thing and if we are off the track completely.”

“Hi, may I change the subject and bring us back to reality. I want to buy running shoes today and to test them this evening around the park. I need your advice to buy the best. Mother gave me her credit card; she is delighted that I want to run. Is the timing bad or can I ask your help?”

“I will gladly help you. That’s a good idea and today is the best time for your first jog. Tomorrow I’m taking off to spare myself for the squash match against an opponent I could not win thus far.”


They get off the bus in Newton Park and visit different sports shops. Billy lets her test different brands while he feels the space at her toes and heels. He is so patient and it looks if he cares and enjoys himself thoroughly. They visit different shops and every time she fits a pair he makes sure that the laces are tied and that she tests it by walking around. In the end, they decide on a pair of Nike running shoes that fits her and feels lovely on her feet. It’s a beautiful pair that even fits into Rene’s budget. They catch the bus back and make preparations for the running. Billy comes to her home and together they walk to the park.

They are now standing in front of the King George art gallery at the main gate ready for action. Kadin ponders the history of this place. The gallery opened on 22 June 1956 and British, South African and international printings and Eastern art are to be seen. Kadin regrets the fact that the Horse Monument that was situated on an island in front of the gallery was moved to the corner of Cape road and Rink Street in 1950. That monument really should have been here. It was inaugurated in 1905 and commemorates the role horses played in the Anglo-Boer War of 1899 to 1902. Most of the horses were brought by ship and landed in Algoa Bay.

Billy points with his eyes at her shoes. “How are they feeling? They are probably going to hurt you a little during your first few outings until they are run in.”

“They feel stiff here and there.”

“Yes, that’s why I say: don’t overdo it the first time.”

“I tell you what, sir, I dare you …”


“Yes, I am going to go around the park once and you twice and I bet you, I will be here first.”

Billy looks a bit worried. “Only if you promise you won’t hurt yourself.”

She pulls a face and shamelessly sticks her tongue out. “You chicken …!”

Billy suddenly starts to run and sprints anticlockwise around the park. She realizes that he took her by surprise and that he is a far way off before she knows what is going on. She yells after him: “You rascal, you’re dishonest!”

She hasn’t got far and he is out of sight when she feels that she doesn’t want to continue and wants to slow down and walk. This is really hard work! No, she must hang in there and must not give up! She must force herself to circle the park at least one time before she stops. She thinks about something that can occupy her thoughts and suddenly realize that Billy lives in this street. She begins to look out for the address at the opposite of the road, 24 Park Avenue, as she continues to run. There it is. a giant double storey.

She runs past the Prince Alfred’s Guard Memorial and concentrates on the history. This memorial was inaugurated in 1907 and is one of the biggest and heaviest Victorian architectural products made by the Saracen Foundry of Walter MacFarlane of Glasgow in Scotland. It is a monument for the many people who died in the Transkei War of 1877, the Basotho War of 1880-1881, the Betchuana War in 1897 and the Anglo-Boer War 1999-1902.

She is nearing How Avenue at the Settlers Park entrance. She notices a sturdy man in the cove between the plants in the shade of a giant tree fast asleep while she struggles past. Suddenly she gets a fright when Billy shoots past her and yells at her: “You’re halfway. Keep going, you’re going to make it.”

“Damn! He runs so fast! How does he do it? He is already past her on his second round; he is going to win this race easily. She almost wants to stop as she notices how easily he runs and the day after tomorrow he will be competing in a tough squash match! She wonders whether she will be able to even walk and won’t be surprised if she ends up half mutilated. He must be super fit.

She struggles past the hospital and convinces herself that the end is near. The cricket fields are her next target. She passes the bowling club and its history fills her thoughts. The Port Elizabeth Bowling Club started in 1882 as the only bowling club in South Africa. Next, she passes the rugby fields and the cricket nets.

St George's Park is the place where the first cricket test took place outside England or Australia in 1888. It was also the place of the last test before South Africa’s isolation started in 1970. The first international rugby match against England was played on this field in 1891. Even the Crusaders club, where Billy plays, has a rich history. This club is one of the oldest amateur sports clubs in South Africa. It started in 1843 as a cricket club and was later taken over by the Crusaders rugby club and after that, the other sports codes followed.

How many sportsmen grit their teeth and worked through pain to achieve success! Now for the first time in her life, she is running around these historic grounds with her nice Nikes. She gets new motivation and also grits her teeth as she passes the main entrance to the cricket fields. She now hears Billy’s voice when he accompanies her and jogs alongside her. “How do you feel? You’re almost there. I will jog with you up to the end.”

Gasping for breath and with pain all over her body, she replies: “How can you run so fast? It’s your third round and I begin to suspect you are a secret member of Superman’s family.”

He mocks her: “I also ran to SPAR and bought lunch in the meantime …”

“O, come on, Billy, don’t rub it in, this is the first for me,” she answers out of breath.

“Okay, I’m just joking. You did well for the first time. I hope you’ll be able to walk tomorrow.”

“I also hope so but I’m not so sure. Maybe I won’t even want to get out of bed and it’s going to be your fault.”

“How about a quick swim then we can wash away the sweat in the swimming pool?”

“You want me to drown! Remember the pool is a diving pool and what would happen when I’m in the deep end and I have a cramp? You are soft in the head.”

“Okay, here are we now. This is the end. You have done it. Congrats.”

“You will now have to carry me.”

“Okay, just jump on my back.”

“I’m only joking.”

They are walking back along Bird Street when Kadin suddenly yells anxiously and grabs her right foot and thigh. Billy grabs her and helps her to sit down. “Straighten your legs, quickly, and pull back your toes.”

“Ouch! I can’t; it’s too painful.”

Billy quickly pulls out her right shoe and forces her leg straight by pushing down on her knee with his left hand.

She protests loudly and wants to stop him but the relief comes suddenly as the muscles stretch and come out of the contraction and relax. He takes her right foot in his right hand and bends it backwards and pushes her toes back. “Ouch, it helps. Please keep it there, Billy, don’t leave it now, it feels if the cramps are coming again. Damn, it was painful!

Billy keeps her in that position until she starts to relax. “The cramps will come again. What you need now is table salt. Do you have cacao powder and milk at home?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Okay, first take water with lemon juice and a lot of salt and after that many glasses of water during the day. Then you mix cacao powder and sugar and make chocolate milk. Drink quite a few cups today.”

“Why cacao and milk?”

“It contains the minerals you have sweated out. All that it lacks is table salt.”

She looks at him with admiration in her eyes. “You’re so clever, Billy.”

Billy gets down on his haunches in front of her. “Come, stand in front of me and put your legs against my shoulders so that I can carry you on my shoulders.”

She frowns shyly: “Don’t be silly.”

“I do it all the time and it’s the easiest way, we’re not far from home.”

She wonders whether he will be strong enough or does he try to impress her. He waits and she decides to do what he wants to see what happens. “You’d better not drop me or lose your balance; the pavement is hard; I’ll never forgive you.”

“No, I won’t. Now just stand like that and bend your knees a little.” She complies and Billy takes hold of her upper legs with his hands and the next moment he lifts her onto his shoulders. “That’s right. Now use your stomach muscles and balance yourself on me.”

"O, it’s high."

Billy starts to walk. "You are now riding me like a horse, here we go.”

"Am I not too heavy, your back and abdominal muscles must work very hard?”

“My friend, Danny, and I do this sometimes over weekends during his Kung Fu exercises. Then we carry each other all the way up the hill with Brickmaker’s Cliff path to St George’s and back. Danny lives at the lower end, and believe me, you are as light as a feather in comparison to him.”

“You both are nuts! I’ve never come across someone as nutty as you; that’s one of the steepest hills around!

“Well, it gives me strong abdominal and back muscles for my squash.” She now remembers his body and she now knows where it comes from. She suddenly looks very much forward to see him in action in the squash match.

Rene is still at work and she invites Billy inside. He ensures she drinks all the stuff to prevent cramps. He insists to massage her legs because this could prevent sore, stiff muscles the next day. She gets her dad’s Deep Heat and relaxes in a chair while Billy rubs in the lotion and messages her legs before he goes off.

The place is so quiet after he left. She takes a warm bath and relaxes and overthinks the fun they had together the past three days. Her life is suddenly full of fun and adventure. She thinks back to the swimming and sees his well-formed body in detail in her mind’s eye. She sees him swimming like a dolphin and she remembers how he carried her on his back like a horse while he holds her legs.

What is happening to me? Billy is slowly taking over my thoughts and life.

Later that evening she texts before she puts out the light: ‘Wonderful time, thank you, my prince …’

She is amazed when he immediately replies: ‘My pleasure … how is body?'

‘Toes sore.’



‘Must massage again.’

She thinks: “Yes, you devil. Of course, you enjoy the messaging immensely because it is a nice excuse to touch my legs.”

And then she suddenly realizes that she can’t get enough of Billy’s touching her.


Earlier that afternoon Aryan slaps Arnav awake. “What the hell? Are you sitting here and sleeping all the time, what if that snot runs past and we lose a good chance to catch him?”

Arnav is frightened and looks up at Aryan and Mohammed in front of him. “Just remember I was awake the whole of last night as I watched the 24/7 shop in Western Street.”