25. The Law of Harmony

Vyasa continues. “Vipracitti explained that Shiva appeared to him while he was engaged in a taboo ritual in the cemetery of his temple. Shiva showed him how our present civilization squandered the positive evolution of our part of the Milky Way and Vishnu was going to let Shiva take over to destroy our civilization.

“Vishnu will then start a new civilization with the chosen ones that have learned by the consequences of their faults. This new civilization will restore the law of harmony. The Hell that has been created by the selfishness of our civilization will burn fresh in their minds and motivate them to maintain the harmony. Shiva showed Vipracitti how Vishnu had led the traveler to the little chest and how the traveler brought it to the temple. Shiva then sent him to the temple to wipe his hand over the chest. At that moment he would receive all the wizardly power to fulfill the prophecy. Mother Earth and the Harmony must be rescued from our evil mankind before it is too late.”

“Vipracitti consequently explained the prophecy. ‘The Prince of Darkness came Man, you are poisoning our Mother’: Shiva, the Destroyer, had been called and came to save Mother Earth from mankind and thus restore the harmony in this part of the Milky Way. Mother Earth is a valuable planet that gives life and must bring harmony in our part of the Milky Way. Man’s selfishness disturbs this harmony in this valuable part of the Milky Way.

“Now follows a very interesting part: ‘Her Heart bleeds in her Womb’: Once upon a time there was only one mainland which broke up into continents. In the centre of this mainland was India and therefore it is the heart of Mother Earth for our believers. Her Womb is South Africa and her Blood carries the germ that will destroy mankind. She bleeds because man makes her sick. This means the solution for her sickness will originate in India and will finally be prepared in her womb to destroy mankind.

“‘Swim in her blood you devil’: Mankind (devil) will be exposed to a germ that will infect his blood and will overwhelm him as if he symbolically struggles and drowns in his own blood. ‘Inhale your Monsters deeply Man’: Mankind will inhale the germ that he created himself deeply.

“‘In Her blood your Monsters flourish’: when people inhale this they will change into the monsters that they created themselves. ‘You Devour your own flesh and Drink your own blood’ means these man-made monsters will hunt the rest and infect them so that they also change into monsters. They are going to eventually literally devour one another and drink one another’s blood and so bring this mankind to an end.

“And now very interesting: ‘Searcher from the valley of the Chosen Ones’ : Vishnu had chosen seekers who, before the beginning of the end, are going to fight through it all for survival while everyone around them changes into man-eating monsters.

“The ‘valley’ is the Hell of a world of violence and chaos in which the survivors will have to fight perpetually against the monsters for survival. The seekers are the chosen ones that in the midst of the hopelessly lost ones refuse to give up and courageously stand fast and believe in the last part of the prophecy.

‘Carry the light forth from your deepest Darkness’ and these searchers will find the new life and a new world like a light in the world and end the darkness. ‘Bring now the Harmony the Milky Way calls’ and this new life will bring about a new civilization that ensures harmony in this part of the Milky Way and will eventually colonize the Milky Way.”

Kadin and Billy’s eyes widen and they both look at Jack that signals unobtrusively ‘no’ with a slight nod of his head to warn them not to divulge any information about the secret task team and Nico before he asks Vyasa: “Vipracitti hypnotized the children. We are worried about what he did to them. Do you know of anything that could help us with this? My wife, Rene, wants us to take them to a psychiatrist so that he can remove all the keys that Vipracitti might have planted in their minds.”

Vyasa nods his head affirmatively. “Try it, but I have the feeling that an ordinary psychiatrist won’t be adequate.”

Vyasa looks at the children. “Can you remember that he uttered words like ‘now I am always with you’ or ‘you gave me the right’?

Amazed they answer in a choir: “Yes!”

Vyasa worriedly frowns: “Many times I have heard of Vipracitti’s supernatural powers and I am afraid this was not ordinary hypnosis. I don’t know how much you know about the spiritual world and don’t want to upset you unnecessarily.”

Jack pleads: “Please, tell us, knowledge is power.”

Vyasa hesitates before he eventually proceeds: “We heard many stories about believers who had come into contact with Vipracitti and personally, I came into contact with them and it seems that Vipracitti has extraordinary abilities and that his soul is detached from his body. He can leave his body at random and can travel via the spiritual sphere to any physical or spiritual place. He only needs landmarks or keys to find someone or someplace. He can plant a key in your thoughts that will call him if you see something or think of something related to that key. At that moment he can visit you and manipulate you, doesn’t matter where you are, because the key is his direct contact. He can even take souls with him on a visit. I heard of some cases where he took people to fearsome underworlds and manipulated them so that they afterwards live in permanent dread of him because they don’t want to visit those horrible places again.”

Jack is still curious. “If someone doesn’t believe in him, his occult or his prophecy, is it still possible for him to manipulate such a person to change his principles and to become a follower of him out of free choice?”

Vyasa nods. “I’ve heard many stories of how he made friends from enemies overnight. It seems he can manipulate everyone at will. It is not whether he can do it, it is whether he wants to do it or not. And everything he does is calculated and with good reason. That is why everyone who is aware of his powers and has not yet been caught, fears him and tries to avoid him.”

Jack still is not satisfied. “How do you think does he make enemies friends?”

Vyasa thinks for a while before he answers. “I am not so sure of that, but I heard he has the ability to visit the past and the future. There is a place in the spiritual sphere where the past is kept like a three-dimensional film and when you visit that, you can experience any event.”

Kadin eyes widen and excited she asks: “Were Billy and I with Vipracitti when we visited you again?”

Vyasa confirms. “Yes, you were here. He stole your souls and through your memories got to the recording that was hidden there. And as a bonus, he could come and investigate different kinds of things while you were here. A person’s subconscious is like a recorder that records everything in your vicinity and it is automatically stored in that special place and sphere.”

Jack is still curious. “Kadin interrupted you. Vyasa, carry on, please. I think you were still talking about an important issue.”

“Just as you can visit the past, there is a place where you also can visit the future. I think he impresses someone by showing him the future first and let him experience a déjà-vu moment to convince him of his wizardly powers. But there is not only one future, but different alternatives how further you move into the future because the decisions of intelligent beings form their eventual realities. So I presume Vipracitti take their souls to this place to manipulate them to such an extent that they come to different insights by realizing the consequences of their intended decisions and he then shows them a better reality should they change their decisions.

Billy is frustrated: “Vipracitti is so powerful. Is there any hope for us and the world?”

Silently Jack thinks. Surprise him and kill him. This is the only solution. After all, it is he that must fulfill the prophecy and without him, we might maybe prevent it.

Later on they leave and Vyasa waves goodbye from the front door. Michael accompanies them to the gate. He takes Kadin’s hand and pulls her towards him and whispers excitedly in her ear.

“I have deciphered the code!”