Marco sinks into the soft couch, tired as a dog, takes the remote and finds an English TV channel. He dearly wishes he was in Portugal to enjoy for a change his mother tongue but he can only find strange languages and of course, English.
Paola heard him entering and she comes to him with bare feet and clad with only a longish t-shirt into the sitting room part of their mobile unit. He thanks his stars that he ran into her; his own breathtaking, living piece of Portugal. He smiles as his eyes wander over her exquisite beauty. He was looking forward the whole day to be with his beautiful Paola and when she speaks in Portuguese it sounds like manna from heaven.
She extends her arms and tries to pull him out of his decline on the coach: “Come and have a shower with me and then we wash away all the day’s nonsense and forget about everything, my darling.”