66. The Puppet Masters

The Script of Evil series books: "Meet the Devil", "The Mystery unfolds", "Invasion of Evil" and this is book 4, "The Cannibals". Important role players migrate from the two book Entrapped series ; "The Phantoms" and "The Disturbing..."

“The Elite ...” Martie pulls a face as if she smells rotten fish.

Frustrated Kadin frowns. “Oh no, come now! Tell us something, Martie. I remember when you yelled: ‘What about the devilish plans of the Elite!’ You said the Saviors brought the plague because it was the only way they could get the world out of the claws of the Elite who have controlled the world through the centuries. You said the Elite is in possession of their own viruses which they very soon would release and destroy the global economy in the next few years and install a new digital monetary system through which they will have ultimate control over us. What were you talking about, Martie?”

Martie’s eyes widen: “My goodness, you don’t miss a thing.”

Billy also is fishing: “Does this mean the Elite didn’t fully know what they were doing, because according to the professor the Saviors brought on the plague before the end of this year or else the weather systems would have become haywire and the earth would lose oxygen and water and end up looking as barren as Mars?”

Despondently Martie shakes her head and looks at Michael. “We are doing the wrong thing here, Michael. Will you tell them? I don’t really know how to do it; it is too difficult to explain.”

Michael smiles: “Okay, Martie, we’ve discussed this so many times I should know enough. Let me try. Keep your fingers crossed. Do you remember the first time we talked in PE? I could see I confused you when I talked about the puppet masters who control us. We think we are free but we really are their willing slaves.”

Billy and Kadin smile at each other and Kadin makes a circle with her forefinger next to her head, turns her eyes, and whistle strangely. They all laugh and Billy stutters: “Madman or not; we needed you.”

“Okay, let me try. Firstly, the story that Martie’s grandfather told us is a vast oversimplifying. Sometimes you have to use a half-truth to convince people because the truth is too difficult and will take too long to explain with the danger that you are going to lose someone along the path. The truth is that the Saviors was under pressure because if they had not stopped the Elite in time, the earth would have become like Mars, but only over a far longer period and not because of earth warming. Earth warming and the Holocene destruction are much easier to believe because we experience it and that is why professor Johan wanted to smuggle with your heads. The Saviors use the same tactic to convince some of their followers.”

The girls giggle when Billy reacts annoyed: “It is a lie! Geez, all of you are lying continually.”

Michael sighs. “There are so terribly many things you don’t know and only to discuss one thing will take an awful lot of time. Inter alia, I am talking about the activities of the Elite. You also need the real truth from the Shrimad Bhagavatam, but let’s leave that for now and focus on the agenda of the Elite before I utterly confuse you.”

Billy nods: “Yes, leave that bug and start by explaining why the Saviors were in such a hurry to bring the plague now.”

Martie explains: “My teacher at the Saviors taught us about the devilish plans of the Elite. They were on the brink, maybe next year already, to launch the last phase of their global domination plan. That would result in everything ceasing to move because no one would be allowed to travel and they would violate many basic human rights. The anti-establishment movement was up in arms all over the world because of the Elite’s corrupt operations and the Elite were under pressure because of protest actions in different countries across the globe that threatened to become uncontrollable. In France, Hong Kong, China, South Africa, Iraq, and Iran, inter alia, this anti-establishment movement threatened to escalate into a fire that would be unstoppable. Also, political events worked against their plans. On that front, certain favored candidates lost out in elections and the wrong Indian and American leaders are now calling the shots. That bred a lot of trouble for them. The Saviors surmised that these threatening uproars and political shifts towards human rights are going to force the Elite to fast-track their last phase of world dominance because the strategy during the implementation of the last phase would be the perfect solution to stop the threatening protests effectively. Their strategy would be to bring everything to a halt because all the governments would pronounce states of emergency that would infringe on human rights severely. No meetings would be allowed and almost no one would be allowed to travel. Most people would be forbidden to go and work. They would be forced to isolate themselves in their homes. That’s why the Saviours had to bring on the plague as soon as possible before a shutdown prohibited them from traveling and causing a lot of obstacles. That is why Ronald and his nucleus team of scientists were hastily moved to PE and that is why they had to abduct Martie and thereby forcing the professor to nippily help them with the last mutation of their zombie virus.”

Aghast Billy shakes his head. “How did the Elite plan to do all this and what is the last phase of their domination plan. It sounds all farfetched.”

Michael explains: “Die Elite already has over fifty years prepared them for this last phase of global dominance by systematically taking over science, the media, the business world, the health systems, and the politicians. Acknowledgment and advancement were now based on the norms that the establishments forced down rather than innovation and discovery. Innovation and discovery were rather stolen and everything that went against the Elite’s agenda was squashed. The result of this was that the wrong people were placed in charge of every important sector and in this way, they could create a corrupt world and safeguard it and let it operate according to their agenda. They disguised their devilish agenda behind a philanthropic banner and with this pious vision they brainwashed Dick, Tom and Harry to believe what they did was for the benefit of mankind. And that when only a small circle profited by giving each other the options to opportunistic moves that enriched them tremendously because they knew what the future held in stall and so their families became richer and mightier. The Elite took over the United Nations and governments and via the world banks and the Committee of 300, a group of influential companies, dictated how the world operates. One of the mightiest organizations they took over was the World Health Organization, the WHO, to drive their agenda that was of cardinal importance for the last phase of their plan.

“In the meantime, they prepared for the last phase by polluting medication, food, water, and the air with chemicals and vaccinations that conditions our bodies for their planned technology to take over our whole existence. I don’t know if you are aware of how our immunity has weakened and how our bodies are poisoned with chemicals by the radio frequencies from our modern networks; of chemicals that are regularly dumped out of airplanes above cities; of medicines, vaccines, food, and drinks that are used to prepare our bodies and to condition us for what lies ahead. Do you know about people who have been abducted and experimented on just to find out later that some things were planted into them? Apart from our bodies they also wanted to make us totally dependent on their networks that will know everything about our being and our possessions. For this, they invented the Cloud where all data eventually will be stored so that their Artificial Brain can take over eventually. Do you know anything about project Nightingale? They were busy manipulating health services so that doctors can store all genetic and medical data of their patients on the Cloud. The Cloud one day will know all our addresses and medical data; our weaknesses; our prescriptions and treatment, whether we are vaccinated, and that Artificial Brain would, according to their programming, manipulate and control us. Furthermore, they have addicted us to satellite TV and the internet as far as knowledge is concerned and took it over by their search engines and news channels and would control what we believe in and influence our choices. They manipulated viruses and vaccines in laboratories that they held back until the right time.

“ And these, my friends, were only some of the preparatory work they have done for the last phase of their global domination plan.

“This last phase was meticulously planned and based on three implementations of which the timing is inter-dependable, namely the development of highly contagious viruses that would be released at the right moment, the development of vaccines, and the 5G network. The WHO would take care that the viruses are effectively distributed across the globe and that the pandemics that follow will be highly effective by manipulating the protocols of the different countries’ health services so that governments call for states of emergency lockdowns and make laws that trample universal human rights. If this happens, they are ready to systematically break down the current society and replace it with their world dominance. Joblessness would bring the world to a standstill because the bulk for the population will be forced to quarantine themselves in their homes because of fear of the viruses. Uproar and resistance are now quelled and in the meantime will the damaging 5G system clandestinely be erected in record time and be tested while the world is waiting for the vaccines against the viruses. The aim of the viruses will not only be to dodge human rights, but they will be blamed for the detrimental effect that 5G has on our immunity. The implementation of vaccines is the next step and governments are going to force people to accept vaccination doggedly in exchange for the right to come out of quarantine and generate income. Vaccination will allow them to connect us effectively to the 5G system so that we can’t escape it and also to weaken our immunity against subsequent viruses.

“In the meantime, meat and other food products are scaled down so that the unavailability allows them to substitute it with synthetic meat and products. By the way, governments were forced to borrow huge amounts from the Elite’s world banks to feed their hungry citizens and to try to save their destitute economies. So the table is laid for their global, digital currency to be introduced. As I have said: together with the vaccination a microscopic detection mechanism will also be implanted in every person that ultimately will connect us to the 5G system because they will try to regulate the whole world by 2030 with their Artificial Brain. You won’t be able to work, you won’t be able to travel, you can’t stay anywhere, you can buy nothing, you won’t get medical care or insurance if it is not controlled by the Artificial Brain.

“At this stage, the world will be ready for the final phase. The successful people amongst us will be the only ones who maximally can utilize the benefits of the Artificial Intelligence System. They will be forced to be half-human and half machine Cyborgs slaves to the Elite and the Artificial Brain and even their thinking will be monitored and when there are discrepancies not satisfying the Elite’s programming, those individuals will be reoriented or eliminated.”

Billy shakes his head. “Okay, now we are slaves, but you haven’t explained how the world would come to an end.”

“Just a moment! I’m not finished yet. It isn’t the end. Only a small percentage of people can afford it to become Cyborgs. The rest will also be under the control of the Artificial Brain but because they cannot be used efficiently for the full potential of the system, now the world is ready for the Big Harvest.”

Kadin and Billy frowns and Kadin asks: “Big Harvest?

“Have you ever heard of the Harvest Circle phenomenon?”

Billy nods. “I think you are referring to the inexplicable patterns in cornfields that appear overnight.”

“Those are trial sessions and preparation for the Big Harvest of the Extra-terrestrial Intelligence who were in collusion with the Cabal. Humankind will now be ready for the Big Harvest. You probably heard of the big ascension, well, it is a distorted version of the Big Harvest.”

Billy frowns. “Cabal?”

“The Cabal is a group of priests that centuries ago concluded a partnership with the Extra-terrestrial Intelligence. This satanic Extra-terrestrial Intelligence manipulates and controls the Elite via the Cabal utilizing their underground organizations.”

Billy asks “Extra-terrestrial Intelligence?”

Michael nods. “A devilish super civilization controls the Elite via the Cabal’s high priests from a neighboring galaxy and when it is time for their Big Harvest, they would have descended and harvested humans and organs to sell on the interstellar black market and simultaneously take over our planet with their hybrid colony that lies in wait for them in underground hide-outs.”

Flabbergasted Kadin and Billy look at each other with wide eyes. Kadin looks back and asks: “Goodness, now I have many more questions, but I wonder: you haven’t answered Billy’s question on when the world is going to end.”

Michael smiles: “Do you remember that casket the traveler found in the ice under the glacier? That casket could only have been discovered if the ice melted abnormally thousands of years earlier because a devilish super civilization interfered and manipulated us to use the wrong technology. Vishnu was warned the moment that little box was found and he informed Shiva to interfere in the devil’s plans. Shiva stopped the Elite in time by using Vipracitti to derail the Elite’s plans by bringing the plague. Now the Saviours can sniff out the remainder of the Elite and the Cabal and annihilate them and create a new world for humans.

“Shiva would never allow such a devilish civilization of a neighboring galaxy to fulfill their Big Harvest and take over the earth, but if the Elite would have succeeded in creating circumstances ideal for the invasion of the devil’s spaceships, Shiva would have no choice as to send in his army. The space war would have left the earth just as barren and empty as Mars. By the way, Mars was once a fertile planet and was destroyed by Shiva during a previous war, and most of the craters on earth, the moon, and Mars are the consequence of this war.

Do you now understand why professor Johan rather used the earth warming theory? Isn’t it much easier to understand and believe?”