86. The formidable eight

The row of Rangers stops and Joss gives orders to Tania to transmit over the radio.

“Sergeant, I want two soldiers on both sides of each cab with their eyes on the bushes. Hopefully, we are far away enough from the area of the monsters but we can’t be sure. They must warn us if they see something but they must not open fire except when a crowd of them storms us. Come, Leo, you know how we do it, brother. As in the old days. I lift and you change. Much quicker than using a jack.”

They jump out while Tania gives instructions over the radio but Leo stops at the cab behind them. “Joss, wait! We have another flat tyre with a slow leak. The tip of a spear broke off in it. We must rather fix this one and Delta can fix their own.”

Joss stops. “Damn! Okay, go and warn Tania quickly while I get everything ready here.”