Chapter 31: Murderer

Seeing Hailey crying only made me think that all of this was total BS. None of this should’ve ever happened nor should have any of these people be involved. I had a feeling that the root cause of this whole challenge ordeal was Alice and I. Whoever was pulling the strings, they had something against us. I thought it was Daniel for a long time but how can he pull the strings if he’s dead? Maybe if it was pre-setup? Even so, it was a longshot.

I found it interesting how everyone knew at least one other person in some way. That, I believed, was not an accident. Whoever created this, whoever put us here, they had this all planned. The one question I can’t seem to answer is how they knew when we’d all be put in a coma. I wasn’t put into a coma from someone’s anger. I was put into a coma by my own ignorance and cockiness. So there was that to think about too.