The Realm of the Dead

Currently in an unknown place at an unknown time.

Where endless darkness was the only thing to see.

There was only one single light source of a dark green skeleton standing there lost in his thoughts.

Staring at his hand, the skeleton who was Danzel would even have smiled bitterly if he had any skin.

"I am back into this place, huh?" Danzel muttered to himself as he looked around him, only to see nothing but pure darkness.

"To the realm of the dead..." 

At least that´s what Danzel called the place that he was currently at.

With the only way to enter this place being through his actual death, he found the name quite fitting.

"I wonder what face those fanatics will make after learning that after death, the only place that awaits them isn´t beside that goddess that they believe but a void of endless darkness," Danzel said to himself, still remembering the burning feeling of that priestess.