Threatening Dominance

Upon the death of the man that was known as unseen fist, the audion was in shock. They rarely have seen someone dying in this event, not even considering the brutality of how he died.

The weak-minded had their breakfast and make their way towards their throat to withness freedom once more. Which lead to some turning around to puke, with some guy receiving the whole service on top of his cloth.

Such reaction was natural from seeing the organs of another man coming out for everyone to see.

Of course, such a reaction was the minority.

The others only felt an instance of disgust before they gave their focus on the other people who fought with strength that they would never achieve in their lives.

At the very least that´s what they decided to believe.

Such intense fights allowed them to fill the childhood of many men by becoming powerhouses and doing such battles where spells reigned the skies and people with the speed of gods fought back.