Arriving and Waking Up

A day before Danzel raised the natives as his undead and summon upon the nightmarish Anabast's, the last remaining survivors of this village.

Alka that held the baby was walking upon those frozen lands.

She held the baby of the couple inside her clothes to her chest while also stuffing her fluffy tail inside her front in order to keep the baby comfortable and warm, despite how uncomfortable it was to hold her tail in such a position.

She held both her tail and the baby with one hand while the other was just hanging there.

She suddenly felt a pinch of pain in her tail.

Once she turned her head down, she saw how the baby was drawing the fur of her tail and attempting if the hair could be drawn out or not. While doing so, the baby had a smile and was giggling to herself.

Seeing such an innocent smile after having seen her whole village destroyed, put a bitter smile on her.