
No longer afraid of what Leo might do to her, Emma angrily pushed herself away from the wall towards Leo, while making eye contact with him in the process. Even though she wasn't saying anything, her attitude towards him was now defiant.

She glared at him. Daring him with her eyes to make good his threat of killing her. When he did nothing after some seconds, she raised a brow and laughed derisively.

"Fuck man, do it! We don't have all day, kill me!... Kill me now if you have the guts, you son of a bitch!" She said emphatically"

Looking at her, Leo was surprised and lost for words. 'Does she have a dual personality disorder?' He wondered to himself because it was as if there was a crazy switch in her brain that suddenly got switched on.

She was no longer cowering in fear, no longer begging for her life. She was now standing toe to toe with him, daring him with her attitude to do his worst. No woman has ever disrespected him this much, not even his crazy sister.