In love with the enemy

As Leo walked out of his office with the others, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

'She is okay! Thank God, she is okay!' He thought emphatically to himself with relief, as questions that begged for immediate answers started running through his mind...

'She changed into a monster right in front of me?... Pfft, yeah right! Like that's even possible. If that was not her that turned into the monster, then does that mean I'm delusional!? Am I going crazy!?'

There are no other explanations to excuse the fact that he almost strangled a defenseless woman to death. He looked down at his two hands like they don't belong to him anymore, they were the hands that just betrayed their owner.

When Chris shouted to him that she was not responding, the first thought that came to mind was a question he asked himself

'I'm never going to see her again!?'