Man problem 2

He became scared when he arrived at the conclusion that perfectly suits the evidence he just gathered... Omolade was cheating on him! She was with another man all night and she planned to leave him! That realization hit him hard and he found himself sweating despite the air condition system blaring cool air into the living room.

Right then, it was easy for him to forget that he cheated on her first. He didn't realize that he wouldn't be having such thoughts in the first place if he hadn't cheated. In his eyes, she betrayed him by being with another man. How could she do that to him? He couldn't help but jealously bombard her with questions...

"Omolade where were you last night? Where did you pass the night? I remembered perfectly that you wore a cream shirt and black pants yesterday... So why are you wearing a man's shirt!? Who was the person that just dropped you off!?"