Tell it all 3

"So before I continued my story would you like to eat anything?... I'm sorry I didn't offer you anything when you arrived. In defense of myself, I was carried away by your charm and sexy manliness" Emma smiled at Leo and winked. Leaking and biting her lips in the process

"Oh yeah?... You're naughty, you know that right?" Leo asked and laughed

"Yeah, I know baby" She smiled and got up from the bed. "Excuse me while I take a quick shower," She said and entered the bathroom. When she was done she put on a simple dress, picked her phone, and started typing on it while looking at Leo

"Uhh... What are you doing?" He asked

"There's a boutique in the building. I'm ordering you something to wear, a shorts and t. shirt maybe? I don't think you would be comfortable sleeping in what you're wearing"

"No, I won't, thanks for being thoughtful... But what about my size?"