Good news!

Hello guys! It's been long, I know. I have my reasons for not posting for the past months and I'm sorry! Please forgive me.

For those that still have my two books... 'My Soul Tie' and Fire & Ice in their library, I want to say thank you for hanging on. God bless you all

Yes, I have good news for us all. The two books 'Fire & Ice' and 'My Soul Tie' will continue, starting from next month and this is how it's going down...

The series of Fire & Ice and My Soul Tie has come to an end. The series 2 will be named...

Fire & Ice is now 'SCARED in love'... While My Soul Tie is now 'Two Hearts One Soul'

The beauty of it all is that, I'm going to be putting all the old chapters that you've already paid for ahead and they're going to be FREE! great right?

The paid chapters will begin from series two. This is so you could read back if you want to plus I don't want my new readers to miss much *wink*