Star get help from Mikaal to expose the stranger

"Hey, girl, what's the problem with you? What's the matter?" Mikaal asked star, seeing his sad face.

"Like you don't know what's going on here," Star stated at him.

"I don't really know what's going on." Haniya had told him that Star was very angry and was not talking to anyone. He wanted to end her anger.

"Tell me, Mike? How can I marry a boy two years younger than me?" She wanted his support.

"Age doesn't matter. Personality is important. If he's good, I think the younger boy will work." Mikaal was not serious. After hearing his words, Star threw the cushion towards him and he caught it.

"It's useless to talk to you," she said.

"Ok ok, I'm serious now. tell me your problem."

" Sikandar Uncle arranged my marriage with Moon. How ridiculous? I can't accept him as the husband. I considered him as a child." She was worried. Mikaal barely stopped laughing.