You Are So Beautiful

Art Building City J

Aileen had finished her stunning performance, not only me but even all the audience who saw her stood applauding for her performance. After the show ended, I immediately met her and now we were at the backstage. 

In front of me was Aileen who stood with her face down. I didn't understand why she lowered her head. 

Was it because I saw her today's look that was different, so that she felt embarrassed when we stood facing each other like this?

"Congratulations, Ai. your performance was so beautiful, I didn't even blink when I saw it."

I praised her sincerely, when that was the feeling I was truly feeling. I was so amazed that I didn't even realize I was standing without caring, about the nudges on the shoulders from the spectators passing by around me at that time. 

"Thank you," Aileen replied with her face still lowered. 

"Does she not want to see me? from the beginning until now she still keeps her face down." I thought inwardly. 

"Hey! Do you know that a successful dancer has to lift her face so that she can look at her brighter future," I rebuked her. 

I felt annoyed if I could only look at her hair bun. I wanted to see her radiant face, like when she danced on the stage. 

"What are you talking about?" replied Aileen curtly, lifting her red face. 

Uh.... Was she blushing? 

Then it was true, that she was embarrassed because I saw her. 

"Your face is red, are you sick?" I asked Aileen who again turned her face in other direction, and avoided eye contact with me. 

"N-no.... It's because it's hot. Yes, it's hot especially since I just finished dancing so it's hot," Aileen explained in a nervous tone, making me suspect that it wasn't because of the heat like she said. 

"Are you sure because it's hot?" I asked to be sure. 

Aileen immediately looked back at me with both arms swinging, as if to confirm that she was fine at the moment. 

"Of course, Glenn. What else can it be?" Aileen said in a curt tone, a tone I hadn't heard in a long time, making me smile and believe in what she said.

It was so hot in here anyway and it seemed I asked her to meet at the wrong place.

"Ok, then how about we go out?" I offered. 

I gave up, not wanting to upset Aileen again like the last two weeks. Although to be honest until now I didn't know why Aileen was annoyed with me. But never mind, I could ask about this matter when we had convenient time. 

"Where do you want to go?" Aileen asked curiously. 

"I think outside the building there is a place where we can talk and it's not as hot as the backstage." I replied. 

"But, are you done yet?" I continued.

 "Yes. I mean I don't have to perform anymore. I just waiting for the event to finish and if the representatives from the  overseas University are interested in me, they will talk to Miss Indy," Aileen explained, making me smile happily. 

I smiled not only because of Aileen's long reply, but because the tone she used returned to the cheerful tone it used to be. 

"Good! I'm sure they will choose you," I said encouragingly.

With that, Aileen was back with her radiant face and I really liked it. 

"You are so beautiful..."

I wanted to say that, but I had no right to say it because I was nobody, right? 

"Thank you, if I become a professional dancer and go international. I will send a special invitation to you, Glenn," Aileen said passionately and her enthusiasm spread quickly to me, so that I forgot to keep my hand which was now over her head. 

"I'll be waiting, ok," I said softly, while ruffling her hair gently. 


Aileen stared at me silently with wide eyes, followed by a red wash that stained her smooth cheeks again. Meanwhile, I casually rubbed her head again, then patted her once before removing my hand from her head.

"Ok, let's go now. I'll treat you an ice cream."

Without waiting for her answer, I immediately grabbed her hand and led her out of the building. Before actually leaving the building, I took off the coat I was wearing then slung it over Aileen's shoulders. 

Currently Aileen was still wearing her performance costume. It was an open costume that showed her white shoulders and I didn't want what was on Aileen's body to be seen carelessly by the eyes of men out there. 

"Put this on," I whispered and Aileen looked back at me wordlessly, while tucking her arms into the sleeve of the jacket.

"Thank you," she replied in the same whisper as I did. 


At the Ice Cream Shop 

Arriving at the ice cream shop which was not far from the art building, we immediately chose to seat near the window. So that we could see the street scenery outside freely, with many vehicles passing by.

 "What do you want for ice cream?" 

My question made Aileen who was looking out the window immediately see me. Her brow furrowed at the thought of my question, then smiled when she mentioned the flavor of her order. 


"I know that you love strawberry so much, but don't you want to try another flavor?" I snorted and offered another flavor to which she immediately shook her head. 

"No! Strawberry is the best, Glenn. You're the one who should try strawberry once in a while," Aileen replied and ordered me back. 

"No, thank you. I don't want to be a fanatic like you," I retorted playfully, reaping a sneer from her. 

"Tsk, I'd rather be a fan of strawberries, than you with coffee beans."

"Coffee is my friend in the morning, Ai."


"Fine, I'll order the ice cream first," I said and decided to end our argument which was our first small fight after two weeks of not bothering each other.

 "Ok," Aileen said and showed a mocking face at me. 

I shook my head slowly when I saw her behavior, then I walked away from our table towards the ordering counter. The hot air and the scorching sun made the ice cream shop as the choice of many people to get rid of the slight effects of sun exposure.

I joined the queue with a fairly long line, waiting my turn patiently until I finally arrived in front of an officer who asked kindly. 

"What do you want to order and what flavor, Sir?" 

"One large portion of Strawberry, then one regular portion of cappuccino flavor." 

"Ok, wait a minute." 

I nodded slightly in response, then waited for my order with the occasional glance around the increasingly crowded shop. I raised my right hand where there was a watch, which showed ten am. That meant that I was only a few hours away from leaving for Germany. 

"I hope there's enough time," I thought then nodded, when the shop clerk handed me a receipt before taking my ice cream order. 

 "Ok," I said as I handed her a large denomination of cash, then accepted the change along with a tray with two different flavors of ice cream according to my order. 

"Thank you Sir." 


Arriving at our table, I immediately put the tray in front of Aileen who immediately saw it with a sparkling gaze. 

"Wow! Thank you, Glenn," Aileen said and without hesitation immediately took her ice bowl. 


I supported my chin with one hand, when I saw Aileen eating her ice with a happy expression. I was not even aware of my behavior if she didn't rebuke me because I hadn't started eating my own ice yet. 

"Glenn, why haven't you eaten yet?"

 "Ah! Yes, I eat it now and you have to eat it all and don't spend it. It's a waste," I replied. 

"Yes, of course." 

Again I enjoyed the view in front of me in silence, occasionally I also scooped the cappuccino flavored ice cream that I ordered.

Actually, I just ate ice cream recently and it was all because of a woman named Aileen Soraya who forced me to eat it. But the taste of an ice cream turned out to be not that bad on my picky tongue. 

"Glenn," Aileen called, reaping a mumble from me that hadn't taken my eyes off her for a moment. 


"Why are you still here?" 



To be continued.