Trump Card

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-D

St. John School

Teacher Elias glared at Adrian, and Adrian, who knew he was in deep shit, spoke pitifully, taking full advantage of his acting skills " Teacher, but you were the one who told me to get out of the class, so I did."

Teacher Elias, who was now a little bit immune to Adrian's freakish acting skills after spending so many years with Adrian yelled, "Stop showing this pitiful look of yours to me because young man, it won't work on me!" 

"I am immune to your acting skills and I told you to get out of the class, that means to stand out of the class, not to run off of the class, and the way you were going, it looked like you were even thinking of running out of the school too."

Adrian took a deep breath, and looked deeply at his loving teacher Elias and spoke, "Teacher, I didn't want to do this, but now you have left me with no other choice. Now I have to pull out my trump card, and it is all on you."

Teacher Elias looked at Adrian amusedly, waiting for Adrian to pull his trump card out.

Adrian looked here and there and then yelled when he saw Teacher Leah on her regular desk, "TEACHER LEAH! TEACHER ELIAS IS BULLYING ME!!"

Elias, who heard Adrian had his mouth fully opened. He felt his jaw nearly dropping to the ground. 

Adrian was now using his weak point to save his dirty ass like he always does, and where the hell did Leah come from? 

When he entered the teacher's room, she wasn't there. He even specially checked the room thrice.

Teacher Leah who heard Adrian stood up from her seat, came towards them, and glared at Teacher Elias.

Adrian, who knew his time had come, acted even more pitifully, "Beautiful teacher Leah, look at teacher Elias, he is bullying me. He himself told me to get out of the class, but when I did, he pulled my ears and even dragged me here."

Teacher Leah, who heard Adrian and saw his pitiful look, had her heart ached, and then she glared at Teacher Elias and yelled, "How can you do this to Adrian, Elias?! Do you know how intelligent he is?!" 

"He is one of the most intelligent students in the whole school! He always has his marks in the top 5, and you are bullying such an exceptional student!!! You have to be ashamed of yourself!!!" 

"You always bully Adrian! What does he ever do to you for you to treat him with such an injustice?!"

Teacher Elias, who heard Teacher Leah, felt like crying. How can she fell so easily into Adrian's trap? 

On top of that, even though he is intelligent, all he does when he comes to school is sleep and stare at a girl's or boy's ass. How can she believe such a perverted student?

And let's not talk about the troubles he makes. If he didn't make at least five mistakes in a day, then he wouldn't be Adrian anymore.

Adrian, who had now smug smile on his face, put more gasoline on the fire and said, "You are correct, teacher Leah. *sob* Only a beautiful teacher like you, who is just like an angel descended on this Earth for a pitiful child like me, can understand my pain." 

"Even though I do this much study, *sob* I still have to get bullied by other students and teachers all the time."

Teacher Elias, who heard Adrian felt like strangling the little bastard. He was truly taking full advantage of his weakness. 

He can't say anything to Teacher Leah as he likes her, and gods know from where Adrian knew this secret of his. 

Since then, Adrian has always used this weakness of his to get out of trouble. 

And what the hell did he say???

Students bullying him???

If those students in his class heard him, they will cry tears of blood because of what this little bastard is saying.

The way he treats students is just like a bank treats its customers. 

When he needs them, then he treats them like a god. And when he has no use of them, then he extorts all of the debt from them like some hooligan, and what?

Teachers bullying him???

Is there even any teacher who wants to teach this little bastard? 

God knows when and how did he studies? And always brings such good marks. 

Even if they want to cut his marks to give him a warning, they still can't. This is how much of a talent he is?

They all want to stay away from this troublemaker, but they still have to face him every day, day by day. 

Now they even let him sleep in the class as long as he doesn't create any trouble.

Teacher Leah looked at Adrian, who was now biting his lips, had small tears on the corner of his eyes, trying so hard not to cry. 

Pitiful child and she hugged him tightly, trying to console him.

Adrian, who was now in Teacher Leah's hug, looked at Teacher Elias while licking his lips. 

His hands were roaming all over the back of his beautiful teacher Leah, taking full advantage of the hug and giving his baldy teacher full view.

Teacher Elias gritted his teeth not to pull this bastard away from Teacher Leah because he doesn't want to get in even more trouble. And he controlled himself somehow.

He truly doesn't understand how the hell does Leah fell for the same trick every time, and this bastard hasn't even changed his line and still using the same angel line on Leah. 

And she, who is full of care for little Adrian, always fell for his dirty trick and always hugs him. 

And this little pervert always touches her back, just like he is doing right now, and gives him a full show.

Sigh, he hasn't hug Teacher Leah even once, and this bastard hugs her all the time. Now he even felt like slapping his own face. 

He is the one who gave this little bastard such a good chance to hug Teacher Leah.

Teacher Leah broke the hug, wiped the small tear-off of Adrian's face, and spoke caringly to him, "Adrian, don't worry about anything and go back to your class. I will deal with Teacher Elias, Okay."

Adrian nodded his head, looking all pitiful, and again hugged her. 

Teacher Leah sighed and rubbed the pitiful Adrian's back to consoled him.

Adrian himself looked at his baldy teacher with a smirking smile and then broke the hug and spoke pitifully, "I will go back then, teacher Leah."

Teacher Leah smiled gently and nodded her head. She even sends him to the door.

Adrian when getting out of the door looked back at his beautiful teacher, bowed his head like a filial child and went towards his class.

Teacher Elias was now banging his head on the table. 

Why god, why? Why did you place such a devil in my class?? What sins did I do that you have placed such a devil in my class???

On top of that, I even have to see that little devil hug my beautiful Leah every day.

Teacher Leah who saw Teacher Elias banging his head on the table, come towards him and started giving him lectures again like she always does. 

And pitiful Teacher Elias as always nodded his head in acceptance to whatever Teacher Leah spoke.