Pitiful Alex

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block- E

Starlight Residential Area

Building no. 5, room no. 67

Adrian looked at Alex who was now sitting on a sofa in front of him and then he looked everywhere and asked "Where is your sister?"

Alex who heard Adrian's question felt like yelling at him 'Of course I sent her away the moment I knew the freak like you is coming to meet me here.

'The first time we met you nearly killed me and the second time we met you told me to sell my soul to you, so how the hell can I let such a person like you meet my lovely sister huh?'

But of course, he didn't say this out loud. H doesn't have a death wish, he still wants to live a long life with his dear sister and take care of her like a good brother and spoke: "She went shopping with her friends."

Adrian who heard Alex shook his head in disappointment and here he thought he would be able to beat that snorty bitch when Alex wasn't looking at them.

Alex felt like strangling Adrian. Why the hell is he so disappointed when he heard his dear sister is not here? Don't tell me he likes her?

But yesterday he clearly saw how much this person loves that Elijah guy, there is no way in hell that his boss will like his sister right, right, and asked: "So how can I help you, boss?"

Adrian was satisfied when he heard Alex calling him boss, ah such a great feeling, and replied "Well, I came to give you good news. You can transfer your sister from her previous school to nearby St. John School. It is just a 5-minute distance away from your apartment, now I have completed all of your demands."

Alex nodded his head furiously, he is so damn happy for his sister, and all of the deals that Adrian has put on the contract were completed.

Well, at least those which were possible so he doesn't have any complaint and asked "So boss, what work should I do?"

Adrian snickered, now it is his time to take the full return of the investment he has done and spoke "I want you to find four people for me, I only know their names but I can provide you with their images, I have made them with my hands." And threw four drawings in front of Alex.

Alex just looked at drawings, gulped, and hesitatingly spoke: "But I don't know how to, I mean I may be a hacker but I only have a little bit of knowledge."

Adrian laughed "Who told you to found them with those pathetic hacker skills of yours? With those skills, you aren't even worthy enough to see my foot, much less my handsome face."

Alex who heard Adrian felt like an arrow piercing his fragile heart.

Fuck, that hurts, even if his skills aren't up to par, there is still no need to make him feel so small, and for god sake can you please stop laughing. I got it I am inferior to you but still, there is no need to laugh your ass off like some kind of fool and what did you say?


Did you just call yourself handsome?

You should be proud that I am stopping myself from pinching your cute cheeks because I am afraid of you otherwise your cheeks would have been red by now. A cutie like you calling himself handsome so shamelessly, you should be given a standing ovation for your shamelessness and coughed "So, how do I find them?"

Adrian licked his lips, tapped his head with his finger, and spoke "From here."

Alex frowned, what the hell is wrong with his boss? Does he want him to find those people with his boss's head? and again asked, "From where?"

Adrian took a deep breath and spoke "From your brain."

Alex just sat there for some time and then spoke "Boss, your soul joke was enough to make me not sleep at night and now this, what the hell do you want? Can you just tell me everything at once in a human language so that I can understand you?"

Adrian thought for a moment then spoke "Well, let me show you, I won't be able to tell you but it won't be a big problem if I show you."

Alex nodded his head; he is ready to see whatever his boss is going to show him.

Adrian stood up from his seat and put both of his hands on Alex's head and spoke "It will be a little bit painful so just deal with it ok."

Alex again nodded. Ok, a little bit painful. It's not a big deal if it's just a little bit of pain, after all, he is a man.

Adrian looked pitifully at Alex, who was now going to feel the worst pain he ever felt in his life and pushed his internal energy inside of Alex's head.

Alex felt a hot stream passing through his head. It was soothing, such a good feeling but as time passed by the hot feeling was becoming hotter and hotter. He started to feel pain inside of his head and then it happened.

He suddenly felt something snap inside of his brain and his brain started burning, it was so painful that he couldn't help but scream like a maniac.

His brain was in so much pain that he could feel it splitting into two halves. It happened so suddenly that he couldn't do anything but yell.

He felt like all the energy seeping out of his body, he couldn't breathe, blood was flowing out of his mouth, ears, eyes, nose, he felt so much pain that he just wanted to die. It was just too much and slowly-slowly his screams turned into a whimper and then it fully stopped.

Adrian pulled his both hands back from Alex's head and then put one of his hand on Alex's back, and an indescribable aura came out of Adrian's hand and went inside of Alex's body.

Alex who now doesn't even have any energy to move a finger suddenly felt a warm aura going inside of his body and he slowly felt all of his body cells regenerating.

He wasn't just feeling it, he could even see it. It was like he was inside of his own body and could feel everything which was going inside of him.

All the blood he lost came back, all the pain he was suffering slowly started to fade away and he felt such an amazing feeling inside of him that he couldn't explain. It was heavenly, out of this world and it made him relax.

Alex even though has his eyes closed he could still see everything. he couldn't just see his hall, he could see his whole apartment.

Then he tried to see even more further and he was shocked to find out that he could now even see everything which was going inside of this whole building.

It was like his sight suddenly improved by thousand times, everything became visible in front of him and he finally opened his eyes and then he saw Adrian standing in front of him, whose face was now pale, devoid of any blood but his eyes were calm, looking at him from above like a god looks at a puny human, like a king looks at a peasant.

This time he truly knew how big of a difference was between Adrian and him, he could feel from the depth of his soul that Adrian was powerful, too powerful.

If Adrian wants to kill him, Adrian doesn't need to do anything, Adrian's breath is enough for him to die.