Dramatic Alex

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block- E

Starlight Residential Area

Building no. 5, room no. 67

Alex nearly fainted when he saw Adrian.

Adrian was wearing Black pants which were hugging his bottom tightly, a dark blue t-shirt, his hairs were standing today, he was wearing four black bands on his right-hand today instead of a watch, his black royal shoes was making him so eye catchy that he nearly wanted to kowtow right there and then, as he yelled in despair without even thinking "Boss, why the hell are you wearing these types of clothes, huh? You are looking too cute and adorable in this. On top of that we are going to catch a criminal, not dance at some kind of a concert."

Adrian slapped Alex's head and yelled "Who the hell are you calling cute and adorable, huh? I am looking manly understand, manly. This is what you call young and wild, even though we are catching a damn criminal, I can't sacrifice my manly look for that, can I?"

Alex truly wanted to beat the shit out of his boss today.

Calling yourself handsome, don't you feel any shame at all? With such red lips and a cute face, calling yourself handsome is the biggest sin you could ever do and asked: "So what are we going to do next?"

Adrian was going to reply to Alex but then he looked at Alex from top to bottom and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

What the fuck is this moron wearing? And Alex who heard Adrian laughing at him felt like hiding his face in some kind of burrow.

He knows why his boss is laughing at him like that. He was wearing normal black pant, black t-shirt, and his face was covered by a black mask.

Adrian controlled himself somehow, there were now small tears on the corner of his eyes, this is how much he laughed and spoke while patting his tummy which was now hurting from laughing "Why the hell are you looking like this, huh? Are you playing thief-thief or something? Hiding your face with a mask and all, wearing all the black clothes, you look so damn funny."

Alex hid his face with both hands, he truly wanted to kill himself right now.

He thought they are going to catch a criminal, so it is right to wear all black clothes and hide his face with masks and all, isn't he right?

This is what happens in dramas, and he even took reference from the internet, but after looking at his boss's carefree attitude, he doubts those fucking retarded posts. He truly shouldn't have believed in the internet after all and spoke "Alright, stop laughing at me, it's enough already."

"Tell me how are we going to get to the Sector-H within one hour, save Evan from military officers, get him back here and last but not least you also have to go back to your apartment within that one hour, we also wasted 15 minutes standing here so we only have 45 minutes and this mission now looks nearly impossible. Sector -H is 174 km away from here, even if we fly we still won't be able to do all these things on time."

Adrian smirked "Just shut your mouth, locate where Evan is, and I will take you there in no time."

Alex just nodded his head, after his power awakened, he started believing in almost everything even ghosts, so he just closed his eyes and within 5 seconds he saw Evan inside of a gutter, eating food.

Fuck, he was truly hiding inside of a gutter, boss is truly a genius, he already knew that Evan is just like some rat and likes to hide in the gutter and spoke: "I found him, he is inside of some kind of gutter, eating food."

Adrian cringed when he heard Alex and spoke "Ok, I will take you there, you will go inside of the gutter, bring him out, then we will talk."

Alex nearly fainted when he heard Adrian and spoke pitifully "Boss, why are you doing this to me? He is a criminal. He has guns and all with him. He will shoot me the moment he will see me."

"Even though I can fly these two nails all around now, that doesn't mean I can deflect bullet or stop them with my power, I am not that strong."

Adrian harrumphed "So you want me to get inside of that gutter, looking this handsome and manly, it is against my image, so you have to bring him out somehow."

Alex wanted to cry so badly, there is a criminal in the gutter who is holding a ruby of god knows how many credits but his boss is more interested in his image than that freaking million credits ruby and again pleaded: "Boss please, I don't want to die. I saw him killing military officers, his aim is also good, he won't even hesitate when killing me."

"I beg you boss don't do this to me. I have a younger sister in the home who depends on me, I am the only man of the family, my family will be on the road if something happens to me, please boss." And start crying, although his tears were fake, his acting was just too good, Adrian nearly gave him thumbs up for his acting.

Emotional card, the most hateable and torturous card of this world which always work, or most of the time. His mother always uses this card to do her work, he knew he lost the moment Alex pulled this card out.

He so wanted to say that he will take care of Alex's sister but when he thought about Elijah he shut his mouth.

He doesn't want to face the wrath of that pervert, even though Elijah loves him the most, he also gets jealous just from small things.

If it was on him, Adrian will never see sunlight in his entire life, that pervert will lock him somewhere and also lock himself up while he is at it.

Adrian who lost this round sighed "Alright, we will both go down there together, so stop showing me your fake crocodile tears."

Alex stop crying and nodded his head happily.

Adrian so wanted to slap this motherfucker. If you want to act, at least act till the end, that was so unprofessional, only a great actor like him who always safe his ass from pervert like Elijah can act professionally, looks like Alex need a private lesson on Acting and spoke: "Let's go then, let's see Evan. Evan: the card manipulator."

Adrian put his hand on Alex's shoulder and they both disappeared from the place they were standing like they were never there before.