Good Morning Ady

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-D

Building no. 10, Room no. 75

In Adrian's apartment

Adrian woke up from his sleep and felt something gently pressing on his lips and a hand gently rubbing his ass, he knew it was Elijah.

He suddenly remembered what happened yesterday, and realized that he has given himself in a silver platen to Elijah and now Elijah will eat his lips, squeeze his ass until he was fully satisfied, which will never happen.

Adrian opened his eyes, Elijah smirked when he saw Adrian waking up and whispered in his ears "Good morning Ady."

Adrian shuddered when he felt Elijah's warm breath on his ears.

Fuck, this pervert is being romantic such an early in the morning, and can you please stop squeezing my ass, it feels just too good.

Shit, I will lose my mind if this pervert didn't stop himself and spoke: "I am going to freshen up." And hurriedly tried to wake up but Elijah has some other plans.

Elijah got hold of Adrian's hand and pulled him towards himself and licked his neck "Where do you think you are going, Ady? Today is all my day, tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow, you will only get your three free hours from 4 to 7 pm, besides that you are all mine, I have already taken leave from school, so for three fucking days I want you all for me."

Adrian gulped, he so wanted to run away from here but knew he couldn't so he just nodded timidly.

Elijah smirked and hugged Adrian from behind, bit him on the neck, and sucked his neck hard to make a love bite.

He sucked Adrian's neck until there was a dark purple love bite on his neck which couldn't be hidden and it will take atleast a week for such a dark hickey to fade.

Elijah was truly satisfied with his creation, he now has a satisfied smile on his face.

Adrian who felt Elijah teeth penetrating his skin cringed but didn't stop, then he felt Elijah's lips sucking onto his neck where he bit.

He felt a tingling sensation all over his neck, he wanted to laugh but he controlled himself and bit his lips not to laugh, then looked at Elijah when he was done, he saw Elijah looking at his perfect creation which he made on his neck with a satisfied smile on his face.

Adrian shook his head and asked "Are you done now? Satisfied, now let me freshen up and make something for me to eat, I am hungry."

Elijah nodded his head furiously but only let Adrian stood up from the bed after he was done giving him atleast 5 kisses.

Adrian who has now already given up just let the pervert do whatever the hell he wants and then went inside the bathroom to freshen up.

Elijah made his way towards the kitchen happily. Ah so many kisses and so many still left, he won't let his Ady go until his lips are fully swollen today.

Nup, he has to make his Ady's lips bloody red, so people know he was eaten by his dear Elijah and that purple hickey on his neck will especially tell them that his cutie pie is owned.

He looked at all the ingredients which were in the kitchen and then made his choice to make Italian food: Lasagna, Pasta, and as for dessert, his Ady's favorite chocolate flavor ice-cream, he has bought it yesterday.

When Adrian finally came out of the bathroom, he saw Elijah handsomely cooking food for him,.

Fuck, so handsome, why does Elijah always look so hot and handsome while cooking? It feels so good looking at him cooking. He just stood there watching Elijah from behind until Elijah was done cooking.

Elijah turned around and saw Adrian starting at him and chuckled "What? Haven't seen a handsome man before?"

Adrian nodded his head and grinned "Yup, never, but today while cooking you truly look hundred times handsome than you always do."

Elijah laughed and served Lasagna and Pasta on a plate and put it on the dining table and spoke "Let's eat if you are done, Ady."

Adrian nodded, he truly can't wait anymore. If he did, his stomach will start to growl like crazy, so he sat on his chair but before he could sit, Elijah stopped him, then sat on the chair, and pulled Adrian on his lap.

Now Adrian was sitting on Elijah's lap and knew what this pervert wanted so he slowly rolled the pasta on a fork and ate half of it and then gave the other half to Elijah.

Elijah was now all smiles. Yup, today's breakfast is just too delicious, they both eat like this, and of course, Elijah being Elijah, he still didn't forget to steal some kisses while they were eating.

Adrian was truly incensed. Fuck, they are eating, does this pervert truly need to kiss him at a time like this, can't even enjoy the food.

Of course, he didn't say that out loud, he doesn't have a death wish, but he does was lying when he said he couldn't enjoy his food, after all, Elijah's kisses were just too delicious.

But he still has to show his anger, being a bottom it is something he has to do, this is called bottom pride, only a bottom will understand this.

Every bottom wants his man to pamper and gave his all attention to him all the time and Adrian was no different or more like, if Elijah ignored him even for a moment, he will nearly kill this moron and chop his head off.

Elijah who knows Adrian like the back of his palm knew why Adrian was angry but he still ignored his anger and kissed him again and again.

This is how both of their mornings went, kissing, fighting, hugging, and yapping their mouths off.