Next Target

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block- E

Starlight Residential Area

Building no. 5, room no. 67

Adrian sat back on the sofa and spoke "Well, before we start talking about other things, let me just pick up this damn phone call."

Alex and Evan both nodded their heads. They know their boss's phone has been ringing like crazy for the previous five minutes.

Adrian looked at the caller id which says 'Pervert calling' and sighed, picked up the phone, and the moment the phone was picked, from the other side sound of Elijah's yelling came "Where are you, Ady???!!! Why didn't you pick my phone, huh??? Do you know how worried I was??? I have been calling you for the previous five minutes!!!"

Adrian took a deep breath and spoke "I was busy, my phone was silent, now tell me, what is so urgent that you were calling me so many times?"

Elijah who was on the other side of the phone spoke pitifully "I miss you, Ady. Come back to me. I want to hug you, kiss you, I miss you my Ady, come back in my hug, please."

Adrian clenched his fists, he knew this pervert will say something like this, and yelled "I have only gone for half an hour so why the hell are you missing me for, huh? Just wait for two and half hours more, and then you can play with me all you want, now you are disturbing me. We made a deal and you are breaking it El."

Elijah was silent for some time and then spoke in a spoiling voice "T-Then give me one kissi from the phone."

Adrian was now so angry that he was gritting his teeth and then gave him the damn kiss "Umah, umah, umah, here is your kiss, not one but three, now don't disturb me."

Elijah who now had a small smile on the face spoke "Come back as soon as possible Ady, I miss you, you know that right?"

Adrian smiled "Yup, so let me finish my work and your Ady will be back on your hug in no time, Ok."

Elijah nodded his head like a good child and spoke "Ok, love you, Ady."

Adrian chuckled "Love you too, El." And cut the phone call not waiting for Elijah to speak anymore, otherwise, all the time left will be gone on this phone call.

Alex and Evan looked at their boss who was changing his expressions thousands of times in a row and listened to their boss's conversation.

Somehow, they both were jealous, even though their boss looks angry while talking to Elijah but his cute smile and shy expression on his face betrayed him.

Especially, when he gave three kisses, there was a tint of pink blush on his cheeks.

Sigh, boss for god sake can't you see two pitiful singles are sitting right in front of you, so why the hell are you distributing sweets everywhere and showing your love?

Adrian hurriedly put the phone in his pocket and tried to hide his blushing face from his two subordinates but knew it wasn't working so, he just sat straight shamelessly and didn't hide his cute blushing face and coughed "Let's talk about our next target."

Evan and Alex tried so hard not to laugh, ah so cute, their boss's blushing face looks so cute.

Adrian glared at both of them, now he was 100% serious, and then he turned to Alex and asked "Do you have the location of the other three?"

Alex when heard Adrian question also became serious and spoke "I found the correct location of Scarlet and Ace, but I couldn't find the location of Edwin no matter how hard I tried. My locator limit is not small, within 500 km I can locate anything and everything but I couldn't locate him, so that means he is outside of 500 km radius, if you want me to find him then I have to go somewhere else to locate him and I will need your help in it."

Adrian who heard Alex nodded his head, he was fully satisfied with Alex's talent development, 500km was his domain limit right now but it was nothing compared to his peak limit, in his peak he could see half of the Earth, and at that time Earth was 10 times bigger than what it was now and spoke: "Forget about locating Edwin, I know where I can find him, so it's not important right now, tell me about the other two."

Alex nodded his head, took a deep breath, and spoke: "Both of their situations is far worse than Evan's, Evan was just running from the military so it wasn't a big deal but Ace, he is in their hands, don't know what sort of crime he committed but he is locked in an underground facility in Sector- O where all the most wanted criminals are locked up."

Adrian just nodded his head without showing any expressions and asked "What about Scarlet?"

Alex shook his head and spoke, "She is even worse. She is in the hands of 'Annientamento'. Although it is just a side branch, at the end of the day we are still talking about 'Annientamento', they are one of the three overlords of the underworld. All and all they both are in big trouble, but if I have to choose who to save first between them then I will choose Scarlet, her condition is far dangerous than Ace."

Adrian again nodded and asked, "So, where is she? Is she alone or there are others with her?"

Alex took some time and then spoke "She is alone. She is in some kind of cell. There is very tight security around the cell. So, it is nearly impossible to take her without getting noticed but it will be different for you though. You can blink and took her here from there without any trouble."

Adrian smiled, licked his lips, and spoke "One of the three overlords, huh? Well, I also have someone who is one of the overlords too."

Alex and Evan looked at each other but didn't say anything and just sat there.