Flying Heads

Tier-1 City Carnage, Block-I

Annientamento Gang Side Branch

Underground Casino

Adrian's first target was the Control room. There is no way in hell that he will directly start a slaughter and start killing everyone indiscriminately, even though he has the strength to do so but no, can't do.

This is a modern world, where camera's and other types of instruments are present.

If by any chance the image of his face got in the hands of Annientamento then they will by no means will let him go that easily.

And if by any chance Elijah got the gist of it, he will first kill these motherfuckers and then threw him inside of some kind of cellar and fuck him right there and then to vent his anger, and then he will do that until Adrian can't walk. So nup, can't take the fucking risk, too afraid of that crazy pervert.

Adrian entered the casino and look at the layout of the whole building without getting anyone's attention and then blinked.


Underground Casino

Control Room

David smirked looking at the cards in his hand and yelled "Here comes the card of Ace and with this, I have my all pairs. Ace, King and Queen and I won, so start spilling the money, fuckers hahahaha." And laughed crazily. Finally, he won after losing 5 games and he won the biggest hand.

John and Jack both growled, "What the hell are you laughing at, huh? We are giving you the damn money so stop laughing already." And pulled out two notes of 1000 credits and gave them to David.

David took the money, smelled it, and said with a hypnotizing gaze "Ah, this smell of money, so go....."

David couldn't complete his sentence, he suddenly felt the world spinning and then he saw a body sitting on the chair.

He could see that the body looked familiar, then he saw that body doesn't have any head present to it, he was so confused and died like that.

Adrian laughed "Yup, the smell of money is really intoxicating, the one thing I love most in this world after my husband, my family, and my friends is money. So sorry, can't let these two thousand credits let go by, can I?" and without giving a damn about other two people's stunned gaze, he stuffed the money in his pocket.

John and Jack were stunned. They didn't realize what the hell happened, they were just talking to David and suddenly his head flipped open from his neck and started flying in the air, then they saw blood spilling out of his neck like a shower.

Then they turned their head and saw the devil who made such a horrific scene but was again stunned to see a cute boy standing with a dark black sword in his hand, when they heard what he said, they got out of their stupor, they tried to pull out the gun and yell but it was too late.

Adrian clicked his tongue, why the hell such morons are the ones who got the duty in the control room, huh?

He truly can't fathom this, from the moment David died to till now more than 5 seconds have passed but these morons didn't even scream and did anything, they just sat there looking at the scene while pissing their pants.

Yup, they both pissed their pants and then they finally realize that they have to yell, ask for reinforcement or something and pull out their guns to shoot.

Well, guess what? You are late.

And Adrian slashed his sword two times, a pitch-black illusory line flew out of his blade and hacked both of their heads just like David's.

Duh, he doesn't have so much time to waste on these morons, he has a lot of work to do.

After killing all the three people in the Control room, Adrian looked at the screen and now he could see everything and everyone, except for Scarlet though.

They have put security there but there were no cameras inside where Scarlet was and god knows why that was.

Adrian soon find his two targets who Scarlet wanted to kill herself and they were both eloping without any care, while their bodyguards who were standing by them could saw everything.

So disgusting, well atleast for Adrian that was disgusting,

Adrian counted and he truly wanted to yell and ask these two morons 'You are having sex so why the hell do you have 24 bodyguards present inside the room? To see the live porno.'

Adrian just sighed. Well first, he will kill all those 24 bodyguards, then he will deal with those two fuckers, and blinked.


Adrian reappeared inside the room and heard Grace moaning loudly and guess what, he could see everything they were doing while sitting on the sofa just in front of them.

All the bodyguards inside the room were stunned.

Where the hell did this cute little boy came from and with a sword in his hand at that and why the hell is he smiling while looking at their boss who is having sex?

Adrian couldn't hold himself back and spoke: "Well Jacob you sure have a big dick down there, if I didn't have my man, I wouldn't have minded bouncing on that dick." And sighed with a regret.

Jacob who was fucking Grace suddenly heard a cute voice behind him which was filled with regret, he turned around and saw a cute boy sitting on the sofa with a sword in his hand.

Jacob licked his lips and spoke, "You can still try, forget about that man of yours, try and take this one. I will make sure that you will never regret taking my dick inside of your cute little ass."

Adrian shook his head and again spoke with regret "Can't do, my man is far above you in both sex department and that big dick department and the way he satisfied me is just too heavenly and now I can't even stand my dick for anyone beside him."

Jacob laughed out loud and again start thumping, a dangerous glint flashed by his eyes, he nodded towards his bodyguards while Adrian still just sat there enjoying the show.