Back to Alex’s Apartment

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block- E

Starlight Residential Area

Building no. 5, room no. 67

Alex and Evan, both were stunned when they saw their boss appearing, not because he appeared out of thin air but because there was a woman with their boss, whose clothes were dripping with blood and the girl calmly looked at them and licked the blood off of her mouth with her tongue which was plastered on her lips.

They both cringed when they saw such a disgusting sight.

Scarlet without giving a damn about their expressions gave them her bewitching smile "Brothers look, my dress is dirty, and now it's even dripping with blood." And squeezed her boobs, showing them what all the boys want to see once in their life.

Alex and Evan nearly felt blood dripping down their noses. Alex somehow controlled himself but Evan couldn't so now there was some blood coming out of his nose but he without any shame wiped it with his hand.

Adrian looked at two gentleman's who were now behaving anything but like gentleman's, even their dicks were saluting Scarlet without any shame, especially Evan, he wasn't even trying to hide it.

And he spoke "Alright, it's enough guys, it's nearly 7 pm so I am out of here." And before leaving pulled out two keys "Take these two keys both of you, there is a number written on both keys, you can stay there, bye-bye." And ran towards the door, not giving them a second glance.

His Elijah is far important right now, he doesn't want to give his ass to Elijah while he was drowning himself in wrath, so it is good to get home quickly.

Alex harrumphed "He is always like this, leaving without completing any conversation properly." But no one listened to his blabbering at all.

Evan's whole attention was on the beauty, he stood up from his seat, walked towards Scarlet, and spoke "Beauty, let's go, I will give you a clean set of clothes to change, then you can get freshen up and we will both go to our new apartment, what do you say?"

Scarlet nodded her head and winked at him with a dazzling smile.

Evan gulped and continued "And while we are at it, have a little bit of fun." How the hell can he let such a chance pass by?

If she said yes then good, even she said no, he wasn't worried, he will try again and again until she said yes, practice makes the man perfect.

Scarlet laughed, licked her lips, grabbed Evan's dick, squeezed it ruthlessly, and spoke "It is just our first meeting love, let's first know each other and then talk with our body, what do you say, huh?"

Evan nearly felt life slipping out of his body. Oh god, his little brother, it's hurting, don't squeeze it woman, it hurts like hell.

He was now sorry for his upcoming generations and spoke gently "Beauty, there's exist my whole future generation, so please don't squeeze my little brother anymore otherwise my balls will fall off."

Scarlet stopped squeezing Evan's dick and put both of her hands on his shoulder, gave him a peck on the lips, and spoke "Well this is compensation for hurting you and this." And took his one hand and put it onto one of her boobs and squeeze it lightly "This is for your little brother to get off while you are jerking."

Evan was stunned. He knew he won't be able to control himself so he ran towards his room.

He has to release himself, that was just too good and torturous. Damn this flirtatious woman, she will be the death of him.

Scarlet laughed looking at the cute expression which Evan showed her before leaving and turned towards the young boy who was now stood stunned, not knowing what to do in such a situation.

Well atleast his dick knew because she could see it twitching within his pant.

Alex saw where Scarlet was looking at and grabbed his dick in fear.

No, he can't let this insane woman do anything to his dick, and just like Evan he also ran away but didn't forget to yell before leaving "I will throw my mother's clothes outside of the door, you can take them and wear them after bathing."

Scarlet laughed her ass off looking at both of their ridiculous expressions and their reactions and spoke "Well, they are cute, looks like I can have a little bit of fun with them, maybe upcoming life won't be that boring and tragic."