Angry Adrian, Pitiful Elijah

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-D

Building no. 10, Room no. 75

In Adrian's apartment

Adrian gulped looking at the pervert who was now laying on top of him, he knew today Elijah won't let him sleep, he will eat his upper body until he was satisfied.

Elijah on the other hand looked at his cute Ady's blushing face, his Ady was trying so hard to hide his blushing face but how can he let him and got hold of both of his hands and started doing what he was waiting for.

He started with his Ady's lips, he kissed his lips and sucked them so hard that he could feel Ady's lips inside of his mouth, he chewed them, ate them, so tasty, he loves eating his Ady's delicious lips, they taste just like his Ady, sweet like strawberry.

He parted Ady's lips with his tongue and then forcefully shoved his tongue inside of his mouth and start mouth fucking him, his tongue went as deep as it could inside of his Ady's mouth, tasting everything in its path, gulping all the saliva down, exchanging saliva, he didn't left anything and licked his lips and mouth all clean.

Then made his way towards his neck and marked his neck all over with his love bites, he bit Adrian's neck, then licked it, nibbled it, tasted it, sucked it, all over Ady's neck, wherever he see he marked, not leaving even an inch, tasting everything.

Adrian bit his lips and moaned "E-E-E-El, p-p-please... stoppppppppp... uhmmm…. Ahhhhhhh...…..d-d-don't...….bite....ahhhhhhhh.....there."

Elijah didn't stop and bit his neck all over until he was satisfied with his work, and then finally he was ready to take his new reward.

Elijah turned and put Adrian on top of him, slowly lifted his shirt until he could see Adrian's pink pointy small nipples in front of him, so small, but delicious, he gulped looking at them and couldn't help himself as he gave a light lick to Adrian's left nipple.

Adrian on the other hand shuddered, he nearly forgot how to breathe.

Elijah who finally got the taste of his Ady's nipple, went crazy and start sucking them like there was now tomorrow, his mouth was everywhere, sucking them, taking them fully inside of his mouth, circling them with his tongue, licking them all over, nibbling them, playing them, eating them, tasting them, making love to them, he couldn't control himself, Adrian's nipples were just too tasty, and they felt so good inside of his mouth, they fit perfectly inside of his mouth like they were meant for his mouth.

Adrian was going crazy, he knew he couldn't hold Elijah back now so he just grabbed his head with his hands and just stayed on to his Elijah, he could feel Elijah's mouth eating his nipples, biting them, licking them, savouring them, tasting them, circling them, he could feel how much Elijah loved sucking them, his mouth wasn't stopping even for a moment as he sucked his nipples again and again.

Elijah who was now out of his mind lost himself in lust and kissed Adrian all over, bit him, marked him, licked him, nibbled him.

Now Adrian's lips were swollen, his neck was filled with hickeys, his nipples were swollen and half an hour later Elijah finally stopped when he was fully satisfied.

Adrian's face was now red, his eyes were dreamy, there were small tears on the corner of his eyes, and he spoke "El, l-l-let's s-s-s-stop now please."

Elijah gulped and nodded his head.

Adrian bit his lips and buried his face on Elijah's chest, hugged him tightly while shutting his eyes.

Elijah also hugged Adrian tightly and rubbed his back.

Adrian then opened his eyes and asked shyly "How was it? Do you like what you eat El, was I tasty?"

Elijah gulped and growled, "Stop it, Ady! Otherwise I'll lose my mind and eat you until there is nothing left, you don't know how tasty you are."

"Your red lips which taste like nectar, your neck which tastes like mint, your nipples which tastes like strawberry, they are so tasty that I just want to lose myself on to them and kiss you until I lost everything I have on to you."

"I want to devour you, love you, want to have you all for myself, Ady, you are all I want, can I have you my Ady, all for myself?"

Adrian shyly nodded his head and again buried his face on Elijah's chest.

Elijah bit his lips not to laugh at his Ady's shy look and kissed his head lovingly while hugging him tightly.

Adrian again lifted his head and yawned "El let's sleep, I am sleepy."

Elijah nodded his head and gently patted Adrian's head, closed the room's light off and they both gave each other their last good night kiss and went to their dreamland while hugging each other.


"Ahhhhhhh...….Aaaaadddyyyyyyyyyy...…stop it.... you are ripping my hair off...…..let go, let go, let them go...….. please...….. I beg you....stop it.... I'll become bald at this rate....." Elijah screamed in misery, fuck, it wasn't even his fault so why the hell Ady is bullying him like this?

On the other hand, Adrian who was now filled with anger didn't give a damn about Elijah's miserable screams and yelled back "Motherfucker! How dare you ruin my sleep?? I was sleeping so peacefully BUT YOU RUINED IT ALL, YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS!!!" And pulled his hair even more fiercely.

Elijah cried in pain " was not my faulttttttttt..... Adddyyyyyyyyyy..... let go please...... let go...…it was my mobiles fault."

Adrian who heard mobile, now had his eyes red, filled with anger, and yelled "Break it...… break the damn phhhhhooooooonnnnnneeeeee.... Otherwise today I will kill you, how dare that motherfucker phone of yours ruined my sleep, huh??? Break it otherwise I will break you."

Elijah who so felt like crying spoke miserably "Addddddyyyyyyy... it was an urgent call...…. I can't stop it...…. Let my hair go then we will talk peacefully."

Adrian laughed like a maniac when he heard Elijah and slapped his face "SLAP, talk peacefully SLAP, let me teach you how to talk peacefully SLAP, break the damn phone, and then we can speak peacefully SLAP."

Elijah who was already miserable now even had his both cheeks red, Ady truly slapped him twice on both of his cheeks.

He could now feel them burning with pain but didn't complain and spoke while giving Ady his most miserable look "Ady, it won't happen again no matter what, I promise, if it wasn't urgent, my people won't disturb me such an early in the morning."

Adrian harrumphed and spoke coldly "Like hell I care, you would have picked up that damn phone call the moment it started ringing but no, you didn't, you had time to squeeze my damn ass but you didn't have time to pick the damn phone call of yours, huh?"

Elijah bit his lips and whispered, "I don't know when did I start squeezing your ass though, when I woke up your ass was already in my hand and then you started hitting me and pulling my hairs." He gave Aiden his best-aggrieved look.

Adrian who heard Elijah gritted his teeth with full of anger and again slapped Elijah and yelled "SO, YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT IT WAS MY ASS'S FAULT THAT IT WAS IN YOUR HAND, HUH???"

Elijah rubbed his cheeks and spoke, "I didn't mean that, I was also asleep when my phone rang, I promise it won't happen again, I will shut my phone from today on before sleeping."

Adrian harrumphed "What is so urgent that damn hooligans of yours are calling you at 4:30 am huh?"

Elijah who saw Adrian's anger calming down hugged him hurriedly and spoke "It's related to Annientamento, I had to go there."

Adrian who was now back in Elijah's hug didn't mind that some pervert hands were now again squeezing his cute little ass and grunted "Then get lost, what are you waiting for?"

Elijah's eyes widened and he spoke, "How can you say that Ady? I am not going there alone, you are coming with me. I'll die there alone without you for god knows how many hours, I can't even think about it, you have to come with me no matter what, otherwise I won't go."

Adrian who heard Elijah felt like his head burning in pain, if Elijah didn't go there, his freak father will call him instead of his son Elijah and then he has to deal with that annoying old man and he surely doesn't have a mood to yell at someone beside Elijah right now.

So, he yelled at him "What the hell would I do there, huh? Look at those muscle freaks, or those gangsters? Don't you know who I am? I am Adrian, Adrian the most handsome person alive on this planet, don't you know how famous I am? If I go outside, people look at me while turning their head again and again, and you want me to go there in the middle of those muscle freaks, nup, can't do."

Elijah looked at Adrian up and down, he so wanted to yell 'Have you ever seen your bed face in the mirror, you look so cute that I want to bend you, and eat you alive. Look at your hair they are so messy but looks so cute, look at your lips they are so red and eatable, and let's not forget about your angry look, it looks just too damn cute and sexy.'

'And for god sake can you please stop calling yourself handsome while pouting, you look just too damn cute, gulp, bed face plus bed hair plus pouting is equal to hundred times more cutie Ady.'

And he harrumphed "If you are not going then I am not going there too, let's just stay here, let's go back to sleep, let those all people die and rot. Let all the work my father has done in all of his life go to hell, what can most happen to us, huh?"

"Someone will try to destroy us, we will all just come on a road, become a beggar or something, or maybe those pitiful subordinates of mine will have their family taken away from them in a fit of hatred wohhhhhhhh...…. I don't wanna think anymore, the more I think, the more goosebumps I am feeling all over my skin."

Adrian who heard Elijah felt like strangling the shit out of this motherfucker and yelled "Fuck! I will just go there with you so there is no need to pull out such a dangerous Emotional card!! Moreover, you even included those muscle freaks of yours in it while you are at it, so horrific!!!"

Elijah smiled triumphally but squeezed that triumph smile back when he saw Adrian glaring at him and spoke pitifully "Ady, look, my both cheeks have become so red, and look at my hairs they have become so messy, if my parents saw my face today, even they won't be able to recognize their own son, now you have to compensate me with atleast 100 of kisses, more ever you have to let me suck your nipples for half an hour, only then I will be able to mend my fragile little heart."

Adrian looked at Elijah in disgust, even after taking so much beating, this pervert still didn't forget about taking advantage of the situation and showed his true colors at last like always and spoke "Whatever, so let's get ready and don't blame me if I beat some of your muscle freaks monster in a fit of an anger, they have already get on my nerves."

Elijah ignored every word Adrian spoke, he didn't give a damn about those freaks, they deserve beating, he took five slaps and got his hair pulled out because of them, if Ady beats them, it is there luck, not everybody can get beaten by his Ady and put his all attention on the later words that Adrian spoke which were acceptance towards his demand and spoke: "Ok, let's get ready then and go there."