It's me

Aiden laughed, looking at the reaction of his three subordinates as he spoke, "The first one is someone you already know. Reincarnation of Justice. Hero of Arora Continent. The one who destroyed half of the underworld forces alone. Created equilibrium between them. None other than the great... Adriel Marshall."

"That monster! Is there anything that he can't do??" Evan hissed. 

For every criminal, evil person, and underworld-related force, this name is a bane, which they hate the most.

"Nup. He can do everything. This is why he is the Hero of our Arora Continent." Alex chuckled. 

Because of one person, the fourth war between all the forces ended, and that person was Adriel Marshall.

The number of people who died during the war was uncountable. 

Kids lost their parents. 

Parents lost their children. 

Families got destroyed. 

Blood spilled like water. 

And dead bodies floated like a river.