Scarlet's Family Villa

Sector-A, Tier-1 City Carnage, Block-I

Addison Family Villa

"So, this is where you lived, huh?" Adrian asked in surprise as he looked at the Villa in front of him.

He wasn't surprised by the beautiful villa, but the place where the villa was standing at.

Carnage City, one of the seven most beautiful cities in the Arora Continent. 

But what makes this place special is that this is where Annientamento's main force exists.

In short, this city belongs to Annientamento.

This is where the Royal Family of Annientamento lives.

This is why this city is called Carnage.

Carnage means Destruction. And Destruction means Annientamento.

Even then, people die to live in Carnage City. 

Why? Because it is also called the second heaven on Earth.

Since the start, no attack has been made in Carnage City.

Every city in Arora Continent has faced some sort of bloodshed but not Carnage city.