Silas Transformation

Sector-F, Slums.

Night time.

"Pfffffftttttttttt… Bwahahahahahah… You? Higher species? Hahahahahaha.... Don't you know how the military kicked you out of this continent? Even now, all of your three kings cowers in fear hearing Alexander Marshall's name. And what? We are the lower species. Get your act together, you punk! This is Arora Continent. ARORA CONTINENT!!!"

"The same Continent that all the dark forces fear and ignore like the plague. You aren't thinking that nobody knows a pest as you have crawled in, do you?"

"Syntiritis knows everything. Their eyes are everywhere. You should worry, can you even leave this continent alive? You did crawl in. But getting outside, that isn't in your hand now, you do know that, right?" Adrian sarcastically asked as he looked at the Vampire, in front of him in amusement.

And Silas, who heard Adrian clenched his fists in anger.


Of course, he knows.