Countryside bumpkin

Tier-1 City, Sector- D

Moonlight Residential Area

Building no. 1, room no. 30

Edward looked at all the cold eyes glaring at him and gulped, "I am just saying, you know. Even if you all get Bella and Adriel's permission, without Adam's permission, Adrian's marriage be nothing but a cold dream."

"It's a fact, no matter how much your glare at me. I just wanted to pull you guys back before you lose your mind in an unrealistic dream."

Adrian, Elijah, and Elena, all wanted to yell and kick the shit out of Edward but listening to him, they couldn't help but choke and fell into frustration.

Every word he said was the truth.

A cold truth that nobody wanted to face.

No matter if Adrian and Elijah had the permission of the whole world, as long as Adam said no, forget about marriage, becoming boyfriend would be a dream.

Adam had raised Adrian like his own child. Given him everything he wanted in the world.