Three day, huh?

Tier- 1 City Edifice, Block- A

Building no. 05, Room no. 100

In Kiel's apartment


A loud sound rang inside Kiel's room as Kiel breathed harshly. His hands were now on Adam's head, who was now staring at him with such a hunger gaze, that he felt utterly naked, even though he was wearing full clothes.

Adam licked his lips as he slowly jerked Kiel's dick and again took it in his mouth.

"Fuck!" Kiel couldn't help but curse when he felt the warmth of Adam's mouth. 

What a spectacular sight?

It was breathtaking.

Adam on his knees, with a dick in his mouth.

Kiel, for the first time in his life thought, he truly was the king of the world. Making someone like Adam kneel in front of him, it was an otherworldly sight.

Adam smirked when he saw Kiel hungrily looking at him. He knew what Kiel wanted, and he gave him just that.