Know yourself and know your enemy.

Red Moon Country, Metaculous Continent.

Capital City- Red Moon Crown City

On building in front of Grande Hotel.

From the shadow, Dylan looked at his target. He was relaxed. Since he took the order from his president. His target never left his eyes.

No, his target never left the Hotel itself.

He just enjoyed himself to the brim. He was quite envious of his target. Handsome boyfriend, cool friends, unlimited money, and non stop pampering.

Even a dead would be envious of someone like this, not to say him.

But he did his duty without any rest. But suddenly, he felt an ominous feeling was rising all over his body.

He couldn't explain it, nor could he put his finger on it. Being one of the 7 Tier-3 Vampires under King Ezra, it was his instincts that were yelling something bad was going to happen.

But what would that be? He didn't know.